What not to do


New Member
A couple of my plants had some wooly aphids eat at so i fought back with some insecticide. used the recipe from the homemade pest control thread, a mixture or soap and oil. so i went out to my plants to spray em down, got there around noon and gave em a good spray down in hopes of getting these buggers gone. well its been a hot couple of days and it turns out that spraying in the midday will totally burn the crap out of the leaves.

so i ended up with about 7 plants being burned pretty badly. most of the bottom leaves have fallen off. the silver lining though, the plants are still healthy for the most part and the new growth in nice and green. with another 2 monthes of veg they should rebound nicely.
That's pretty tough... and no... never spray your plants in the sun... especially with an oil based product... but I wonder how much of the damage can be attributed to the aphids. I recently had a bad case, and they'll do incredible damage. I kind of feel that a physical burn caused by the sun and the spray would be more evenly distributed.

My 2 cents... and so sorry to see it. Best of luck on the rebound.

thanks for the luck, could always do with some extra. the aphids werent do too much damage, just yellowing some leaves and causing slow growth. i hit em with some nutes and the plants didnt even care about the aphids. yeah but with that spray, it was like overnight that they got burned. its weird though i sprayed some seedlings too and they didnt even notice it.
ya simple mistake, never ever spray during day, always within one hour of sunset. That is when i foliage feed my plants every other day.
My babies are just now recovering. The burned leaves have dried and fallen off. The plants are recovering fine... the took some time to make some new leaves, but are coming back quickly.

Hope yours are doing better too!


Ouch! Hopefully the shock wasn't too bad.
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