White Widow 1st Grow

Hey Nastysw....

Your journal is AWESOME!!! I just sorta stumbled upon it by accident but the pics are great as well as the other info! I grow a White Widow cross called White Castle, I also have a seu-up VERY similar to the one in the photos! Kinda cool I thought! I also have two girls about 5 weeks into flower so we're pretty close in stage too...

Keep posting man! You're definatley doing a great job and I look forward to seeing how she turns out!

Thank's very much folks. :thanks:

I just know if it burns one of those beautiful budds you'll tweek, trying to save you some future headaches.
Hope it helps..

Aprentice my bro:
I try to turning it down some of that heat, but the tem. stays around 35 degree Celsius ! It looks like she get it as well, cos I'v got 2 fans, ventilate the air inside and 1 fan kicking out the hot air under the light!

35 degrees is certainly high still, a shame, tho they seem to be coping; some strains will cope better than others, some will have croaked no doubt way before now.

It might be worth looking at some small portable aircon units for future grows, presumably temps will be even higher come the summer months, they have come down in price a lot in recent years. They can be in the room or outside where the air is being blown in from. Just a thought

just curious about that particular strain of ww, at the beginning it says it carries 8.2% THC? The ww i have (it isn't the original strain) advertises much higher...like over 20%.
* Footage: 19
* Day: 83/ (48 Days - Flowering stage)
* Light: 12h HPS/CFL
* Temp: about 30/39C
* Feed: mellow water, nutrient addition x2

















Ok Fellows :cheer:
I finally start feeling the final of this grow, may be 2 more weeks.
Now it's Day: 83 since I plant the seed, and day: 48 into Flowering Cycle - 12/12 . The Plant was transplanted into bigger pot last week and fill up with fresh 5.5/6.0 Ph soil.
I keep use nutrient addition, but I'm wondering when I should stop it, and just give my plant clean water!?

In the thread... What are Trichomes? Trichome 101

They say this: (Read the whole thing very good info.)

Another indication of plant maturity is the color of the pistils, the little hairs that grow from inside the calyxes. Their purpose is to collect male pollen to fertilize the ovum inside the calyx, creating a seed. When no male pollen exists calyxes grow dense without any seeds, resulting in sinsemilla cannabis. Near the end of the flowering phase, pistils change color, entering the window of peak maturity. The ratio of white pistils to red pistils determines the type of effects your plants are likely to produce: a high or stone. In the final few weeks of the flowering phase, the pistils change from bright white to a rusty orange or brown, signifying the end of the plant's life cycle.
That's what I use to judge when to harvest. When most of the pistils (white hairs) turn brown. I start the 2 week flush, (plain water) then harvest.

Found this in the how to grow section.
A critical look at preharvest flushing

Hope it helps.:ganjamon:
Aprentice I didn't had the time to answer right away, but that was the information I looking for! :adore:

I notice some changes, after I transplanted into bigger pot two weeks ago!
First week it kind of stop any development, but it stays fresh and healthy.
The second, which is actually this week, my plant really start to show some serious changes: the buds starts to grow bigger and those bright white little hairs that grow from inside the calyxes to collect male pollen - pistils, keep showing more and more. :yummy:
I even dare to cut and dry one of the little buds from the bottom and test it.
The heater helps me to dry the baby bud for about 5 minutes, and make it at least 40% smaller, I know that's not the right way to dry and taste, but it works when you're excited!
Anyways, I roll one :rollit: and I put a little tobacco - 5/10 %, and :passitleft: to my man, we made a trial....
I didn't feel any harsh taste, or nutrient flavor, it was something like neutral taste + mix with something sweet verdure!
From the beginning it's like you don't feel the smoke, most like fresh hot air get in to your chest, I was ready to say: "I'm not smoking right now" until I realize whats really happening with me...
"I love when I got kick so Hi, as long as the blunt still burn on":trance:

Unfortunately the party was short, one and a half hour elevating, till it get's something like a high point and it's stays there for a few.
Two hours later I was ready to refuel the engines!
At all it most feel effect much more pronounced in Sativas than Indicas.
It was nice, and u know what: I'm happy, I just love my lady...

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