Why does my bud cause my lip to tingle really bad?

What type of nutes or chemicals were used ? Did you flush your plants before harvest ?

The only chemicals I used were ph up and ph down. For nutrients I used camg+ and Fox Farms Happy Frog. I did flush at the end although Im not sure I did the greatest job.

That sounds like the normal irritation caused by smoking. Have you tried a temperature controlled vape or decarboxylating the herb and consuming it in a medible?

Happy Growing:volcano-smiley:

No the only thing I smoke out of is blunts, bongs, joints, and pipes. You think that's a normal feeling? I've never felt that before in my life, neither has my brother when I asked him
I have never felt that it could be residual nutes in your ladies. Always a 7 to 10 day flush for me because i only run hydro. My mother are in soil (FFOF OCEAN FOREST ) but all the clones i take go into DWC buckets. And low nute usage during each stage of growth. Never ever go by bottle recommend always start low and work your way up. 1/4 strength to start then the highest I'll go is 3/4 of recommendation from companies. I use General hydro product so.... typical Americans

Sent from my SM-J320P using 420
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