Wolfbuddie 2nd grow WS and ECQ sept 09


Well-Known Member
Widow/Skunk and ECQ 2 seeds of each
germinated 9/20/09 peat pellet and warm distilled water
Indoor Soil grow. 10" pots
Soil 30% Perlite(MG) 30% sphragum peat moss (MG) 40% African violet potting soil. (MG)(for a lower pH)
Lights are CFLs and 4 FT flourescents totaling about 20,000 lumens
seedling closet temp:76 RH 50%
Flowering cabinet temp 68-80 RH 46%-60%

For my second grow, I have decided to germinate 4 seeds. 2 are a Widow/Skunk Hybrid and the other 2 are Q1 from australia which I am calling ECQ for East Coast Q
I started gemination on 20090920 using peat pellets soaked in warm distilled water (with a touch of Hydrogen peroxide added) and allowed excess to drain. I planted the seeds in the peat pellets and place them in a germinating humidiy dome. the first one to break surface was the plant I am calling WS#1 48 hours after planting and then the second one was at about 4 days and that is WS #2. After seven days, I am not sure if the ECQ will sprout or not. I will give them until mid week and if nothing, I will germ 2 more of the ECQ seeds that I have.

Here are the initial pics:

The Humidity Dome

First sprout (after 48 hr germ)

Second sprout (after 4 day germ)

Both plants as of 10 minutes ago

Wish me well fellow growers. I'm praying my first grow was not a fluke. :ciao:
And it begins again!! So good to see. The Q1 will take 5 to 7 days to open. If nothing by next week, then I would suggest trying again. Looking forward to this grow in so many ways.
Well, it took about 10 days, but the ECQs have just started to pop. I was beginning to get worried that they were bad, when I saw the sprouts

Here are ECQ #1 and ECQ #2 yesterday afternoon.

And here is the ECQ #2 popping out of the soil today.

the two WidowSkunk are doing nice as well.

Now it is time to let them grow a little bit and then transplant them into the 10" pots I have waiting. stay tuned. ;)
Well, bad news is best if told right away. I had to go out of town on a business trip and was gone about 5 days, I asked my spouse to water the plants in my absense, which she says she did. However, I came back and the plants were all laying on there side. the peat pellets were completely dry. I watered them and monitored them for a few more days, but the did not come back. below are pictures of them after watering. I used some soil to prop up the stems, but nothing is growing.


So I am abandoning this journal.

I have obtained some foxfarm ocean forest potting soil, so I will be starting a new grow journal soon. thanks everyone that stopped by. :thankyou:
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