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Being a creature of habit (or as some of my friends would say...very anal) lead to my most recent "the high I'll never forget".....I have a metal tray that I've used for over 35 years to roll my joints. Other than wiping the tray with my hand or a old credit card to gather the "tiny bits" of weed, it's never been cleaned. A few days ago I grabbed the current card to wipe the tray and then thought.why not clean the tray using a razor blade and get all the tiny little "bumps" off the surface of the tray. So I grabbed an old box cutter blade and gently scraped the surface of the tray, when done I had a small pile of a dark brown "dust" about a 1/2 gram........I placed the "dust' in a pipe and hit it with a Bic, the dust congealed into a lump of what looked like semi burnt hashish. The next hit of the Bic and pull on the pipe, resulted in a smooth intake of smoke and about 10 seconds later the realization...."DAMN!!..what was that??" I managed to stretch the hits out for two more days, getting the most intense highs I've ever experienced. As best I can figure out the dust was just raw THC and pollen which had accumulated on the bottom of the tray over 35 years of rolling joints. There's no real point to this story I just wanted to tell someone.
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