Yellowing of leaves


Well-Known Member
I cant find any info or pics that may explain this yellowing of the leaves.
Does anyone have any idea.
Thanks Emilya, it is planted into a native bush area, so I feel that the roots have grown into an area in the soil that the plant didn't like, as not all the tips have yellowed, I am foliar feeding around one to two times a fortnight with a liquid blood and bone but very sparingly as the soil is constantly wet. And the majority of the time I use rainwater.
Is there anything that I can try to reverse the affect or should I just leave it be , with no more feeding.
Thanks Emilya, it is planted into a native bush area, so I feel that the roots have grown into an area in the soil that the plant didn't like, as not all the tips have yellowed, I am foliar feeding around one to two times a fortnight with a liquid blood and bone but very sparingly as the soil is constantly wet. And the majority of the time I use rainwater.
Is there anything that I can try to reverse the affect or should I just leave it be , with no more feeding.
Well, I would suspect that the soil pH in that area is not exactly conducive to growing pot and that it needs to be amended in some way, but we don't know what to do until a slurry test is done on that soil to see where it is at. I would experiment with an Iron supplement along with some pH adjusted water, like calmag+, which actually has 1% iron in it.... and I would shoot for pH 6.3 water pH to see what effect it had on the plants. This situation is a real puzzler and is going to take some work. A big part of the problem is the overwatering in the area, and that soil really needs to dry out so as to allow any iron that is in the soil to be available to the plant. Some clay type soils are going to be very lacking in this element, and you may just have to admit that this area is just too wet and too lacking in the iron needed to grow this weed. Manure might help a bit along with letting the area dry out and using pH adjusted water, but the major problem is all the wetness.
I think you know your shit and I thank you for that as you have ascertained the problem too much H2o. Unfortunately in this area rainfall is high and the soil would mostly be organic peat.
Which is why " don't put your eggs all in one basket".
Thanks again.


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This sort of deficiency is extremely common in outdoor grows during wet seasons. You can fix this for future grows with raised beds and attempts to fix the soil aeration... you can create natural planters of good draining soil and perlite in that area, again with the idea to let the plants dry out... but unfortunately, as long as it keeps raining, this grow is in trouble.
This sort of deficiency is extremely common in outdoor grows during wet seasons. You can fix this for future grows with raised beds and attempts to fix the soil aeration... you can create natural planters of good draining soil and perlite in that area, again with the idea to let the plants dry out... but unfortunately, as long as it keeps raining, this grow is in trouble.
Oh you crack me up Emilya

These are the raised beds for next year, by then I should have the soil a lot better.
Love it! That's the way to beat mother nature at this game! So you were already thinking in this direction! Good on you mate, you are going to figure this out!
Geez Emilya I have never had such a hard grow as this season.
What's up with this one
Doesn't make sense ,though, it's a clone from the one at the top photo, that has iron deficiency fuck up, yes its been hot but nothing extreme. Possible it may be a strain that is not so heat tolerant. And this is a plant that's in the same environment.
that looks like heat/light stress! what happened??
I thought heat stress too, or it got to wet feet during the last rains.
My hopes for a bit of smoke this season are diminishing rapidly. I planted in containers so I would have better control of the environment. I will try putting this in a shaded area for today. I Although it had been a cool night it is still like it was yesterday, will the leaves stay like that permanently.
I thought heat stress too, or it got to wet feet during the last rains.
My hopes for a bit of smoke this season are diminishing rapidly. I planted in containers so I would have better control of the environment. I will try putting this in a shaded area for today. I Although it had been a cool night it is still like it was yesterday, will the leaves stay like that permanently.
no clue really... not even sure it is heat related damage... it also could still be related to all the water. Didn't realize you are in planters that could maybe be shielded from the rain... any thoughts of putting some kind of tinfoil or plastic cover on the containers to keep out the deluge?
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