2L Hempy Coco Coir

The buds are dried and now in the curing stage.

The Firestorm #4 and Pineapple Express was under 1000w, and the C99 was under 600w. The nugs from 1K watter are much denser. Just amazing.

Dry weight:

:love: 2x Pineapple Express: 14g (7g per plant)
:love: 2x Firestorm #4 (Green Pheno): 40g (20g per plant)
:love: 1x C99: 14g per plant

Nice frikkin yields! and those were in the 2L Hempy Pots?
Jandre put the bottle issue in perfect light, now I understand, Thanks!! I'm going to try this on some of the next clones I drop.
I learn so much here that I like to contribute(hopefully without overtaking the thread) as much as possible. To those of you looking to upgrade your pics without investing $1,000's - I'd recommend looking into the Nikon P7000 or the Cannon G12. Both have amazingly powerful features for like $300 or less. I take all my pics with a P7000 with no extra parts(amazing macros), but there is a macro lens add-on available if you wanna go hard. I've never taken a photo class, but I can take some sweet shots with this thing, and I still have no idea how to use like 75% of the features!!
I don't wanna hijack this space with my personal issues, but I'm getting close to my first harvest, and I would love some advice on how to proceed with flushing and when to chop. I'd really appreciate if any of you guys could check out my journal(link in my sig) and give your 2¢.
Twelve12, you don't stop for a minute, huh? I can't go a couple days without falling behind the curve! You got some damn big shoes to fill, man- you mind if I walk around in your slippers a bit while you're at work?lol
Hey 12, for real, your budz are **cking damn good looking. YOu are doing one hell of a job.

@ bobulak It will eventually be local. for now I keep the prices so low on my site that shipping is not an issue as long as you are in the US. I would love to have you using my nutes! :)
Im thinkin of using bpn on my next grow. Wish it was sold locally. Nice plants btw :thumb:

We all do, and he's been working on it. Give it a few, he'll get there. We're the foundation of the customer base with a few other forums. As soon as he gets things in order, we should start seeing BPN on the shelves. For now, we support him in the same way he supports us, through kindness and patience. Together we will help BPN become STRONG!

We all do, and he's been working on it. Give it a few, he'll get there. We're the foundation of the customer base with a few other forums. As soon as he gets things in order, we should start seeing BPN on the shelves. For now, we support him in the same way he supports us, through kindness and patience. Together we will help BPN become STRONG!


The 3 part +bloom booster worked out to just about 100 bucks including tax and shipping for me. That seemed pretty cheap compared to what I'd pay for this amount of advanced nutrients at my hydro store and I think it only took like a week to get here. I guess It would be nice to be able to pick it up at the store but I have a feeling it would cost more. Obviously they have to make a profit so it's going to get a mark up. A good price point on a top quality product(based on what I've seen here) is ideal and we already have that right now with a direct line to the man himself. :thumb:

That's from a consumers point of view though. I guess shelf space is the obvious progression for BPN and I hope that happens because he seems like a cool guy and all...I just hope I will still be able to get BPN products for what they cost now because it seems pretty reasonable. Yeah...I'm just stoned and rambling at this point.
There will ALWAYS be deep discounts for 420magazine members. This is where it is all beginning and I don't think I will be able to build my company on my budget without yall's help. These grow journals are priceless and I will always be thankful for them.
These grow journals are priceless and I will always be thankful for them.

Word. I seriously admire your marketing. Free nute's for journal promotion and sponsoring the contests...fucking genius my friend. It's invaluable again as a consumer and there is simply no better advertising then seeing products in action. I imagine people are reluctant to try a new unheard of (no offense) nute too. So this way people get a taste, see that it's awesome, thus becoming regular customers all while generating buzz for BPN. GENIUS! :high-five:

I want to come work for you when you're all corporate and stuff. This man is going places.
Anyone I employ will be required to take random piss tests. If the test does not come back positive for cannabis, they will have to take mandatory bong hits in the break room.

If we test positive, can we still get the breakroom bong hits??? :)
Anyone I employ will be required to take random piss tests. If the test does not come back positive for cannabis, they will have to take mandatory bong hits in the break room.

LOL! I love it!

If ever I move back to the south, I'll look you up my friend! It'd be an honor and a pleasure! I am a B2B telemarketer by trade, so getting new local carriers on board in the 'Legal' states would be a snap! hehehe hint-hint!
SmokzAlot I guess you can say I'm a nugpornographer.

jandre2k3 Thanks. Those were from the regular 1L-2L bottle. The results from 2L DWC Hempy will be ready in late Apirl.

SauronBlue Haha no problem as long as I don't get people coming here selling Gucci bags. We'll be over your journal shortly. Those that have not seen SauronBlue's journal it is quite impressive, also a 2L grower. Check it out!

Yes we do lots here. I have a team.

bobulak you will get yours!

Blue Planet Nutrients all thanks to you for the nutes. I noticed two things after using your products. Also I noticed after using your nute the burn clean into white ash that sticks together into a ball. Makes ashing the bowl very easily, just tip it over and it rolls out. We cal it "Ghost in the shell" like life just got sucked out and what remains are the skeleton, very white. I'll have a pic of it next time. To me, don't have to cure long and still burn nice.
Right now I'm trying to figure out what to do on this situation.

I'm forced to shut down one of my grow site. My ex showed up today and say they can smell it from outside. Keep in mind that we do not get along and I have not seen this person for a really long time. This person had hurt me emotionally and financially when we were together. I do my best to keep things civil. Not sure what was the real reason this person came back in my zone, but they said visiting someone in town thought to drop by for old time sake.

We lived together before we did have a small grow. So they know the smell. I continue to deny deny deny and say it was probably coming from a bag of dro I just got. To me the ex is making it up (calling bluffs) to make me spill the truth. Why I think that? Because my odor control is brand new and working great. Also they want something to use against me.

For some reason I don't think the ex bought that they knew how much I love growing. Anyway, I feel that this person will use this to get back at me because I don't let this person back into my life. Drama is what I don't like, not even on TV just waste of time.

I'm forced to shut down the operation and have to find another place to start the perpetual all over again. Not sure how much time I have before they calls the police to check out the house. Maybe they will maybe they won't. Cannot get rid of everything that fast. My plan is to be gone by the end of March if I decided to keep on growing but in a new location. Will have to rent since I can't buy a second house atm. That if I can find one that the owner will not come by during my stay for any reason. This will blow my cover. Also not looking into apartments they tent to come in anytime for maintenance work.

Looks like life threw me a hard ball and I'm not even into sports. Time to make a few swings.

Just in case you don't hear from me at lease a week it means I just got thrown into unjust law system and is behind bars. Might be in hospital depends if I get my ass kick by the cops while they raid the place, to them I'm a criminal, who knows.

It is very upsetting I just got everything going nicely and now have to start from scratch. Making the transition is challenging, starting over is not.

What would you do?
Sorry to hear about your predicament sounds like you have the best plan, shut down the operation, move on and build a new operation. Even if there is no odor and your ex calls your bluff and goes to the feds they might not raid you due to needing more evidence but they sure as hell will be watching your every move, like you said your a criminal to the system and these feds are hungry to be noticed.

Alternately you could harvest the lot, shut down 60% of the operation and continue to grow legal plants and see if anyone comes bashing your door down. Al tho this is a shit situation to be in you have been blessed with a warning and my advice to you is act on it, cut your losses, move on and build better.

Maybe its coincidence your ex was in the area, maybe she seeks revenge i don't know your situation so i am unable to comment on that, but i do know that 80% of bust come from ex friends/relationships that grass because they want you to suffer, i should imagine 15% is odor and 5% is actual police work...yeah there rubbish at there job!

Good Luck my friend and hope all goes well, make sure you return!!
Right now I'm trying to figure out what to do on this situation.

I'm forced to shut down one of my grow site. My ex showed up today and say they can smell it from outside. Keep in mind that we do not get along and I have not seen this person for a really long time. This person had hurt me emotionally and financially when we were together. I do my best to keep things civil. Not sure what was the real reason this person came back in my zone, but they said visiting someone in town thought to drop by for old time sake.

We lived together before we did have a small grow. So they know the smell. I continue to deny deny deny and say it was probably coming from a bag of dro I just got. To me the ex is making it up (calling bluffs) to make me spill the truth. Why I think that? Because my odor control is brand new and working great. Also they want something to use against me.

For some reason I don't think the ex bought that they knew how much I love growing. Anyway, I feel that this person will use this to get back at me because I don't let this person back into my life. Drama is what I don't like, not even on TV just waste of time.

I'm forced to shut down the operation and have to find another place to start the perpetual all over again. Not sure how much time I have before they calls the police to check out the house. Maybe they will maybe they won't. Cannot get rid of everything that fast. My plan is to be gone by the end of March if I decided to keep on growing but in a new location. Will have to rent since I can't buy a second house atm. That if I can find one that the owner will not come by during my stay for any reason. This will blow my cover. Also not looking into apartments they tent to come in anytime for maintenance work.

Looks like life threw me a hard ball and I'm not even into sports. Time to make a few swings.

Just in case you don't hear from me at lease a week it means I just got thrown into unjust law system and is behind bars. Might be in hospital depends if I get my ass kick by the cops while they raid the place, to them I'm a criminal, who knows.

It is very upsetting I just got everything going nicely and now have to start from scratch. Making the transition is challenging, starting over is not.

What would you do?

All this time I thought you were in a compassionate state. If you are in a state that is not legal to cultivate?? Bubye goes the grow-op. I wouldn't risk it and would not trust the ex to keep her drama from your door. Maybe move to a new state? One of the good 16? Get your recommendation, and register, and you're good as far as the state is concerned. Lay off the grow until you can sell the house, get a new rent home, in a compassionate state, then just pack and move one night. Only drawback to renting, especially from a realtor or management company, is that you never know when they will sell the place out from under you, or pop by for a visit, or to show the house. Bit of a sticky situation. I'm so sorry you have to go through this. If you're that passionate about growing and cultivating, the idea of packing it to a good state isn't an issue.
Wow, that sucks! I'd hate to not have you updates to look forward to, but if you think she's that destructive, it might be better to avoid the risk. Your odor control wont mean anything if some crazy ex gives an anonymous call. Is there any way you can convince her that you've had a scare, and given it up? Maybe a lot of busts in the area, or a friend got busted, now you're too scared to take a chance?
I'm hoping this will turn out like the last family visit. It's like every season you have this cliff-hanger finale! I tell ya, it's the whole package here @ The T12 Show®.
But seriously, I hope this blows over. I can't honestly say I pray too much, but you'll be in my thoughts!
file a restraining order against her, any 'accusations and such' after would be looked at as harassment. if that's an option you are willing to use. (really playing with fire tho)
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