2nd Attempt At A 1st Grow

I’ll tag along for this! Always fun to learn and see what works for you. Keep it simple and don’t over think things. Enjoy the ride! Plant looks happy and healthy. Temps and RH are a pain indeed but once dialed in, your plants will thank you!! Get that air transfer going strong and you should notice a difference in temps.
Day 14, I started giving her some nutrients yesterday and she seems to be enjoying the new diet, however- the soil is still relatively damp once you get down about 4 inches. I have been giving her small drinks daily to keep the topsoil moist. On another note, i started some LST today, to see if I can get some side branching happening. Other than that, life is good in the tent, and I finally got the rh under control with the lights and fan on. Now i just need to go out tonight or tomorrow and get a dehumidifier for lights out (rh jumps to 75% after lights out because the fans also run on ghe timer until it starts to stink in there). Aside from that I can't think, think of much more to update for now so I'll leave you with a pic from day 13, and will upload a pic from today in a little bit.

Hi Flambino.
You were lucky enough to have Emilya jump in at the beginning to offer you some solid advice but I fail to see where you are applying the most important part. I understand that this is the internet and you can't believe everything you read but if you take anything into consideration please for the good of your grow take her advice on watering.
You made a good decision for a beginner to start with soil instead of coco. Coco has more learning curve to it and soil is well.... just a bit easier IMO. Some Coco growers will disagree but it's all in the perspective of your own abilities and free time you have available to offer these plants.
Since your plant is still small and your roots are still sitting in the upper regions of the new bigger pot you have not yet seen the repercussions of daily watering and paying too much attention to the top few inches of the soil. If you continue to do this you will soon run into big problems. You need to fully saturate the pot when watering or feeding. Then days, and days later when the pot is absolutely dry and when you lift it up it feels light as a feather then you can water and/or feed again. As the roots grow and further fill the grow area you will notice the pot will dry out faster and faster between your waterings / feedings. A rootbound plant can drink all it's water in less than 24 hours. A small plant in a big pot will take days... Forget about the top few inches of your soil. That is a bogus process and means nothing to your root system. It's the bottom portion of the pot that matters. If you keep watering in small amounts daily you will not encourage any lower root growth. If you had stuck with Coco that does need to be watered at least once per day. Soil is totally different. I have 5 flowering plants in 10 gallon pots and currently they are only requiring a watering or feeding once every 6-7 days or so.

Here is a little post I made the other day to encourage new growers to get over their fears of letting a plant dry out. Take a read if you have the time. Within it there is also a link to a fantastic post by Emilya on watering that you should also read. Watering - how dry?

Looking forward to watching your new grow become a success.
Cheers and happy growing.
Hi Flambino.
You were lucky enough to have Emilya jump in at the beginning to offer you some solid advice but I fail to see where you are applying the most important part. I understand that this is the internet and you can't believe everything you read but if you take anything into consideration please for the good of your grow take her advice on watering.
You made a good decision for a beginner to start with soil instead of coco. Coco has more learning curve to it and soil is well.... just a bit easier IMO. Some Coco growers will disagree but it's all in the perspective of your own abilities and free time you have available to offer these plants.
Since your plant is still small and your roots are still sitting in the upper regions of the new bigger pot you have not yet seen the repercussions of daily watering and paying too much attention to the top few inches of the soil. If you continue to do this you will soon run into big problems. You need to fully saturate the pot when watering or feeding. Then days, and days later when the pot is absolutely dry and when you lift it up it feels light as a feather then you can water and/or feed again. As the roots grow and further fill the grow area you will notice the pot will dry out faster and faster between your waterings / feedings. A rootbound plant can drink all it's water in less than 24 hours. A small plant in a big pot will take days... Forget about the top few inches of your soil. That is a bogus process and means nothing to your root system. It's the bottom portion of the pot that matters. If you keep watering in small amounts daily you will not encourage any lower root growth. If you had stuck with Coco that does need to be watered at least once per day. Soil is totally different. I have 5 flowering plants in 10 gallon pots and currently they are only requiring a watering or feeding once every 6-7 days or so.

Here is a little post I made the other day to encourage new growers to get over their fears of letting a plant dry out. Take a read if you have the time. Within it there is also a link to a fantastic post by Emilya on watering that you should also read. Watering - how dry?

Looking forward to watching your new grow become a success.
Cheers and happy growing.
Thanks for stopping in Lizard... I guess I got stuck on knuckle watering. For what its worth, every other day I have been probing the soil with my fingers (at the edge of the pot-away from the roots), and i can now get about 2/3 to the bottom before I start to feel wet soil. The upper soil is just slightly moist. I'm hoping to soon match it all up, so that I can just water the whole pot thoroughly, and leave it for several days until fully dry.
Hey everyone, sorry for not posting any updates for a bit.. its been a crazy week of 14 hour days at work...
Nonetheless, here we are at day 21.
Before I post any pictures, first I would like to thank @Emilya very much for her advice. On monday night, the pot had finally dried out all the way to the bottom, so I gave her a good drink, and it would seem that I have sorted out my wer/dry cycle. With that said, I got in my new fans, and rh controller... the rh controller is working well, however my inline booster fan for the intake vent, was DOA so i sent it back, and a replacement should be here tomorrow. For the time being, I have been managing temps with the light at full power by opening a window in my walk in closet, and letting nature do its thing- i just need to make sure to check the temperature forecast before I go to work every morning so I don't get surprised by plummeting temps outside while I'm not home to close the window.
I started doing some LST over the weekend, so as you will see in the pics, there is a lot of new growth.
1st pic is the first day of LST @day 17
2nd pic is day 18
3rd pic is day 20
4th pic is day 20 after the new fan and rh controller was added, forgive the mess of cords, this weekend I will be re installing everything more permanently, and will be routing wires properly.
I'll get and upload todays pic shortly


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Day 23, and I found some pistils, possibly getting ready to start flower soon? It seems like the plant is still really small to start flowering, but given the issues I had with rh and temps fluctuating way out of range, mabey she is stunted. Or mabey I am just being to critical of my first grow. Either way, this is why I started with a single plant, to see what my set up was lacking, and get everything else I may need- so lets just see what she wants to do this coming week.


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I can definately get the ph down some more... as for nutes, I was waiting for the 3rd node to start feeding her. I have a bottle of solo-tek grow by growtek, as well as possibly some cal mag, but not sure, because the growtek already has both calcium and magnesium in it. By the way, thanks for stopping by to help. As an after thought, the growtek i have is for veg stage, but the hydro store i got it from also carries the bloom formula for flowering which i was going to get in a week or two
If your useing coco it doesnt have nitrus from start sorry thought it didnt i uses soil sterial so has nothing to feed at all i start chems at 1/4 strength and slowly bring up to full its a try and see what works for you every grow is diffrent in some wsy its knowing what your babys are telling you that will come to you but just keep going thats the key dont give up because something doesnt work lots of great people here will help you i learnt the old school way teach your self no internet lol at least your not giving up you will get there
Day 27, not too much to really report on, aside from the fact that I got my inline fan finally. Once it was hooked up, it did exactly as i had hoped, and within 10-15 mins my temperature problems went away. The only problem ( once you get to know me better, you will come to expect that no good news report can come without bad news as well), is that i have a bit of a positive pressure problem now.... BUT... i have a variable speed controller on the way and will be here before the weekend. Until then, the room smells like premature bud. Not a bad problem to have I guess.
Here is a pic that I took last night, right after I gave this girl a good tie down to hold her secure through pre flower. She looked a little angry last night before lights out, but aside from some minor down curled leaves, she had bounced back by the time I got home from work tonight.


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The buds are stating to fatten up now...and there are flowers everywhere! I know that popcorn nugs are inevitable, but I tied the branches a bit to try and get more light towards the bottom. I also removed 4 large "umbrella" leaves from the main cola.


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