420Girl's First Grow - Northern Lights - 2017

So back to my grow :)

I have no idea what day it is because Jolie has been growing since last October, bless her. My tent seems to have heated up lately and humidity has dropped and I don't know why, so she's showing signs of heat stress. Oddly, she has both taco shells and the claw. And nute burn as well. Poor thing! I've just given her plain water today and I still need to repot her into Astrid's old pot. I'll upload pics when I can but at the moment my internet is as slow as dial-up.

I've jarred most of Angelina but I decided to give the paper bag drying a go so have been drying her two biggest buds in there, and will jar them tomorrow. Oh and I'll weigh them and get back to you ;)

I might give the vaping another go tonight :D Astrid still stinks of hay though! Angelina smells nicer but the hay smell is beginning to take hold as she dries.
Yeah I'm not gonna waste any more of my harvest. I would have thought I'd feel something despite not having cured for very long. In fact I felt more the first time than I do on the 4th time.

I'm using a Flowermate V5.0S

Anytime I have smoked uncured and "green" harvest I find it very racy and speedy.... Like hand grenades on my thought patterns.... This feeling I hate, but I am definitely very high....

As stated above... roll a joint... If it is lose put a monetary bill around it and roll it again to tighten..
Hey guys,

I finally have some photos of Jolie for you. She's looking a little sickly though, which is a shame because she's done INCREDIBLY well until now, and to think she spent the winter on my window sill! Seems she's more resistant to cold than heat.

She's been showing both nutrient burn and perhaps a nitrogen deficiency so I've adjusted the Canna Coco a little and fed her in the hopes she might perk up. I want her to be a happy girl.

Just vaped again. Long, slow inhales and hottest setting. Nothing.

WTF! I am immune to weed or something?? I wanna try some of Angelina even though she's not cured yet.

Try a big bong hit, may just work
Hey guys,

I finally have some photos of Jolie for you. She's looking a little sickly though, which is a shame because she's done INCREDIBLY well until now, and to think she spent the winter on my window sill! Seems she's more resistant to cold than heat.

She's been showing both nutrient burn and perhaps a nitrogen deficiency so I've adjusted the Canna Coco a little and fed her in the hopes she might perk up. I want her to be a happy girl.


Fortunately I usually don't have problems with my plants. They just grow and turn out fine. The down side is that if I ever do have problems I still have no clue how to fix them and I am in my 3rd year growing with about 25 plants harvested. I may be wrong but something that popped out at me is that the pot Jolie is in looks very small. I might be totally wrong and I am no expert as I said I just grow. On a very positive note I have so enjoyed this journal. The people weighing in to help are awesome.
Hey Ladi, I'm so glad you've enjoyed my journal! Of course, it wouldn't be what it is without all the lovely folks following it :) And yes, I'm in agreement with both of you that I need to repot. She's finally got too big for her boots, hehe. I've just been so busy lately I just haven't had the time which sucks. I also need to find a way of disposing of the remains of Astrid but since the stem is basically dry and brittle, it would probably be fine to just stick it in the bin.

On a separate note, I'm still very worried about the smell. I've had visitors tell me the smells hits them as they walk in to my house despite my door being shut and having less plants growing! I'm pretty paranoid and frankly I think it's nothing short of a miracle my neighbours haven't pulled me up on it. I'd previously been too scared to open my window to let smell out/fresh air in in case people smelled it outside but I've now decided that that's probably better than letting the smell get pungent in my room and emanate to other parts of the house. Once the smell leaves my window it would dissipate into the atmosphere pretty quickly I would think, so probably better that way. And as the wind blows it around, if you even got the faintest whiff of it you probably wouldn't be able to tell where it came from.


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