New Member
THANK YOU 420 Community for being so awesome! I've spent months preparing and you guys have been an amazing resource. Now, its time for my first grow journal.
What strain is it? White Widow and Freedom Dream
Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? What percentages? WW - Hybrid(20-25% THC) FD Hybrid(8-12% CBD)
Is it in Veg or Flower stage? Seedling
Indoor or outdoor? Indoor
Soil or Hydro? Soil
If soil... what is in your mix? Promix HP, earthworm castings, bat guano
If soil... What size pot? Peatpods
Size of light? 30w LED, 600w MH, 600wHPS
Is it aircooled? Yes
Temp of Room/cab? 24.5C
RH of Room/cab?
PH of media or res?
Any Pests ? No
How often are you watering?
Type and strength of ferts used? BioCanna organics, as recomended
Sunday March 26th
5 X White Widow (dutchmans seeds) and 10 X Freedom Dream (Overgrow Canada) put in room temp spring water for 14 hours.
Monday March 27th
5 X WW and 10 X FD put in damp paper towel between plates, on a heat mat.
Tuesday March 28th
3 X WW and 6 X FD have cracked and grown small taproots, transferred into peatpods and into a grow dome, under 2 15w LED bulbs and on a heat mat. The remaining seeds are still in towel and plates.
My grow tents arrive tomorrow, so Ill move everything into there once its set up. Ill try to post some pics from my phone. Thanks for reading!
What strain is it? White Widow and Freedom Dream
Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? What percentages? WW - Hybrid(20-25% THC) FD Hybrid(8-12% CBD)
Is it in Veg or Flower stage? Seedling
Indoor or outdoor? Indoor
Soil or Hydro? Soil
If soil... what is in your mix? Promix HP, earthworm castings, bat guano
If soil... What size pot? Peatpods
Size of light? 30w LED, 600w MH, 600wHPS
Is it aircooled? Yes
Temp of Room/cab? 24.5C
RH of Room/cab?
PH of media or res?
Any Pests ? No
How often are you watering?
Type and strength of ferts used? BioCanna organics, as recomended
Sunday March 26th
5 X White Widow (dutchmans seeds) and 10 X Freedom Dream (Overgrow Canada) put in room temp spring water for 14 hours.
Monday March 27th
5 X WW and 10 X FD put in damp paper towel between plates, on a heat mat.
Tuesday March 28th
3 X WW and 6 X FD have cracked and grown small taproots, transferred into peatpods and into a grow dome, under 2 15w LED bulbs and on a heat mat. The remaining seeds are still in towel and plates.
My grow tents arrive tomorrow, so Ill move everything into there once its set up. Ill try to post some pics from my phone. Thanks for reading!