425 Giving Cake & Dough Another Go Summer 2020

Hello friends on a fine Thursday! Had to do some reorganization of the plants and lights today, get the taller ones in the back, and shorter in the front. Raised the lights and directed them a little. Still stretching a bit. The WW has done more stretching than anyone, the WC is second and the other two are not stretching too much, hopefully they do, would like them another foot taller! Anyways, the flowers are starting to Show, along we go!

Survived the long weekend, and ready for a new week:)! Here is our Monday morning glamour shots!

We are stacking and packing but still stretching a little too!

We are stacking and packing but still stretching a little too! Cheers, have a great week!


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Welcome to another Monday Update!

Well, this update comes with a request for advice...I have not seen this type of issue show up in my garden before, and as far as I can tell, it’s a calcium deficiency.

Having never battled this before, I’m looking for some suggestions.

Do you think it is calcium def?

I have started adding calmag as of yesterday when I saw this issue and did some research, but hoping you have a technique that worked well to get the plants showing this back on track.

All in all, things are going well, and buds are bulking. Stretch is done and there are towers of bud everywhere.

As long as I can conquer the little issue I’m having, this is going to be a great run!


Thank you all:)!
Welcome to Friday! We have started treating the hedge with some extra calmag, and gone to full strength nutrients...hopefully it does the job! Besides that, things are streaming along quite well!

have a great weekend!
Hey 420 friends, time for a photo update! Things have been going pretty well, and growing along nicely!
There really is an amazing difference between the sativa dominant plants, and the indica dominant ones. Better than 18” difference in height in all but one of the 4 sativas. The wedding cake buds are finally starting to bulk up more than just in the hair department. When given a squeeze the centers have really become solid. The Indicas on the other hand, have been rock solid for weeks. The smells are fruity and sweet when the filter fans are running. When they are between cycles the smell is so heavy its almost intoxicating. Must get carbon filter replacements after this grow! I’m so happy with the 315 CMH lights, will add a 630 before starting the next one. I hope to, between these grows, expand the space I use by 5 feet to effectively double my square footage. I want to move back to Hydro again for my fall to winter grow, and the winter to spring grow as well. I like trying new styles, and I imagine once I find the one that works best for me, I’ll stick with it. Here are the photos I was mentioning earlier:)


And the Indicas!

I hope you all had a great week, and have a great weekend!

So much development and girth change in the last week or so:)! The two indicas have colas so thick and solid they make their stems look weak and small! Both of them are purpling up pretty aggressively, but their trichromes are only about half cloudy, not quite ready yet. The sativas are all a bit more cloudy than their indica counterparts. I have a mix of pictures but you will get the point, we are getting close!!

Thank you for being here at taking a peak at the progress!

Have a great week, see ya soon!
Fantastic, Jesse! Those flowers look like a dream come true you must be very happy.
Close now. Home straight. Galloping to a photo finish. Hee haw!
Hi DD, nice to see you! Thanks for swinging in today!
Ok, well, just a little earlier than I though, we are THERE!!! Last week there were a sparse few amber trichs, and not as much cloudiness as I need to symbolize the chop! This fine Wendesday morning I brough the trichroscope and computer back out to the shop grow space, and each one after the next, they kept showing as much amber and cloud as I like!!! Check these out!
White Widow
WW amber.jpg

Wedding Cake
Wedding Cake Amber.jpg

Sherbadough Amber.jpg

Dosidos F2
Dosiso amber and purple.jpg

So anywhere between 20-40% amber is where I like to cut and hang. So, I did! Chopped 6 plants that are just stacked with colas. Over the last week or so I have been removing leaves and cleaning up the plants so that when its time to trim, there is less material that I have dealt with in the past. We are chopped, hung in the dark, humidity at 55%, and temp between 65-70 with really good air movement. For the first few days to a week, I hang the whole plant from the stem in the grow room. Reason is with all the fans on, the plants literally hang and swing and spin, helping to get nice even airflow through the plant to keep the threat of mold at a minimum. I forgot to bring my camera back out after I chopped an hung, so I will post pictures and updates on dry weight, curing status, and final smoke reports. I have clones of the Dosidos F2 and the Sherbadough that will be the stars of my next grow, but we have a nice sized remodel on the space to get there!

Thank you for coming by today, have a great day!

Hello and welcome to Sunday, and the final post in this journal! So things turned out pretty well, but I truly learned 2 things this run....when choosing strains, do not adventure too far from what you know will be a good strain from a reputable seed distributor. I purchased the White Widow and Wedding Cake seeds from a less known seed bank, can’t seem to find the damn name now, and ultimately, they are not what I expected. They will make some great hash, and are better than what I grew out last grow, but they just won’t cut the fat. The 2 white widows are drastically different, like not even close to each other...I understand a couple phenos, but this was literally different strains, no question about it. One of them smelled like week, the other like dirty hay. That plant went into the edibles pile, lol. The second lesson you ask? I have used night vision security cameras to keep tabs on my grows for quite a while. With a bit of experimentation I have confirmed that in almost every case where I had the cameras within a few feet of the grow, those plants would develop hermie flowers. So, I turned the IR portion of the camera functions off, and now...no more hermies!

Smoke report-the archive strains are incredible, both are super compact and stinky, took on some purple, and as they have been curing, have developed a smell that fills the house and points a guilty finger at the smoker, like saying “yes! I just smoked that killer weed you smell:)

The white widow and wedding cake are just some regular decent smoke. That being said, I swear the get you high like a straight sativa, so once again, I strongly question the genetics of the seeds I got. Remember, a few of those beans didn’t even germinate!

Totals-Archive strains 300 grams of dried cured fire from 2 plants, and another hundred grams is lowers for cooking and hash. White widow and wedding cake-320 grams of usable decent smoke from 3 plants, 200 for cooking and stuff, and one whole giant plant waiting for something, but not sure what.
Thank you to those who took a peak at this journal, keep your eyes peeled for the next one, the remodeled grow space is almost done, testing the ebb and flow system today, and taking clones to fill in in the next week or so.
Cheers 420 world!


This is the Sherbadough from Archive Portland, Fire for sure.
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