79 Xmas Bud IBL

Day 12. Here are the pics from today with two of the plants up potted.
the next question is when to transplant it. usually it's when the leaves reach the edge of the cup but these are deformed and probably not a good indication.
Normally yes you'd transplant when you know it's outgrowing the cup by growing over the edges, but it's a mutant. Since it looks fairly dry and not stuck to the cup, maybe slide the little bugger out and have a look at the roots, should be easy enough and will tell you if it's ready for it. Sometimes the plant could just be a pain but the roots will grow like crazy, or even the other way around as well.

Did you wet the medium prior to transplanting into the bigger containers? just curious as it looks really dry what you've planted into. I like to get the medium nice and damp before filling the container for a transplant, I spray and mix in a big tub, then you can allow the plant to rest in it's new moist soil looking for moisture. After 2 or 3 days hit it with a good feeding. Again, that's just how I like to do it.
Normally yes you'd transplant when you know it's outgrowing the cup by growing over the edges, but it's a mutant. Since it looks fairly dry and not stuck to the cup, maybe slide the little bugger out and have a look at the roots, should be easy enough and will tell you if it's ready for it. Sometimes the plant could just be a pain but the roots will grow like crazy, or even the other way around as well.

Did you wet the medium prior to transplanting into the bigger containers? just curious as it looks really dry what you've planted into. I like to get the medium nice and damp before filling the container for a transplant, I spray and mix in a big tub, then you can allow the plant to rest in it's new moist soil looking for moisture. After 2 or 3 days hit it with a good feeding. Again, that's just how I like to do it.
I think thats a good idea to slide it out of the cup to look at the roots, when i get a day off ill do that. I did water everything right before transplanting but i have monkey fans right above it blowing directly down on it and it makes it dry out on top really fast. im going to do a lift test to see how dry they are by weight and water them either tommorow or the next day depending on how light or heavy they are. But they seem to have taken well to the transplant.
Normally yes you'd transplant when you know it's outgrowing the cup by growing over the edges, but it's a mutant. Since it looks fairly dry and not stuck to the cup, maybe slide the little bugger out and have a look at the roots, should be easy enough and will tell you if it's ready for it. Sometimes the plant could just be a pain but the roots will grow like crazy, or even the other way around as well.

Did you wet the medium prior to transplanting into the bigger containers? just curious as it looks really dry what you've planted into. I like to get the medium nice and damp before filling the container for a transplant, I spray and mix in a big tub, then you can allow the plant to rest in it's new moist soil looking for moisture. After 2 or 3 days hit it with a good feeding. Again, that's just how I like to do it.
You were right about them needing to be watered. i lifted the three gallon pots up that had the plants in them and they were actually lighter than my fabric pot that i keep dry to weigh them against to see when they need water. Good thing you said something i was going to let them go till tonight when i got up for work.
You were right about them needing to be watered. i lifted the three gallon pots up that had the plants in them and they were actually lighter than my fabric pot that i keep dry to weigh them against to see when they need water. Good thing you said something i was going to let them go till tonight when i got up for work.
Glad I could be of some assistance lol
Have you had a chance to check the roots on #1? Looks like she's starting to pull back into the race a little.
Had about 5 of those cig one hitters have one now
yeah a friend of mine gave that to me about 20 years ago, it has seen some use since then. It used to look like an actual cig but now a days it's not going to fool anyone. It was nice to have before i started growing to stretch out the bags. I lost one of my other friends one hitters while we were out fishing. it was in a wooden container and for some reason it was spring loaded so when you opened it the one hitter "jumped out" well it did just that right over the side of the boat, and it's been resting at the bottom of pine lake for the past fifteen years or so now.
Happy 420 fuzzy! Hope you have a good day at work. I'm doing the same, and smoking a few too.

Wow, #1 has really started to right itself as well, new growth looks good. The others are pumping along nicely!
Happy 420 fuzzy! Hope you have a good day at work. I'm doing the same, and smoking a few too.

Wow, #1 has really started to right itself as well, new growth looks good. The others are pumping along nicely!
Hey, sorry to hear you gotta work the holiday too. But hope you have a great one when your off work and have some down time to enjoy firing one up! Honestly i think this should be a national holiday with paid time off. :thumb:
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