A Numpty's First DWC: Autoflower Grow, Almost A Complete Fluck Up

So..The 2 later plants are seemingly coming along. Looking at them under a loupe I can see clear trichomes.


Flowers look small but since IDKWTFIATA assume they could be ok...


Just flushed them for 24 hrs with GHE Flora Klean and added neuts - but possibly a bit to much....

The older plant that wasn't flowering has not progressed into full flower as far as I can tell so it is back in a single tent but this time under a 600w HPS light turned down to 250 (lowest the ballast will go) and on a 12/12 light schedule again...

Suddenly got several inches growth on colas - some few cms from lights so put another scrog in and bent them out the way a bit.

Lot of yellowing on leaves.

Had humidity challenges last few days but just stuck a dehumidifier in the tent and that's doing a job plus changed the extraction fan from a Solar Palau TD Silent 250/100 to a 350/125.



I ate it but I think on reflection it might have just been a yellow leaf. It was 3mm long like a folded leaf.

i chopped off a small branch with a couple of popcorns on, dried it a couple of days and vaped it.

Certainly got me high....so if that is a taste of better things to come...


This is where we are at now.

Some colas seem to have a lot of brown pistils and others none. Two different plants mind you !

I am a week away from harvest ?
Just an update for anyone interested, because I hate coming to journals that just stop with no end result documented.

My wife's dad died a few months ago and i was growing some MM for her (and me after a 20 year break) because she had been trying CBD oil etc for her Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and seemed ok with the idea of growing our own. "I am looking forward to it" she told me once my first grow was in flower.

Anyhow, we had an argument over her brother and sister (who is a convicted fraudster - against my wife and her mother and ex husband) dragging their feet over the estate, having my wife drive 4 hours there and back to the dads house to clean and clear it whilst they did almost nothing and live 1/3 the distance.

I get a knock on the door and a call from the police telling em to come to the door. I open it and my wife is there with 2 police and she wants to move everything of hers out of our house. i shut my grow room door before opening the front door but there was plenty of smell in the house as i was not remotely expecting any of this especially as it was a weekend.

Police move the wife out and treat me like a wife beater, i explain how worried i am about my wife's behaviour etc etc and all the while the copper is looking up the stairs. Later confirmed by my wife you could smell weed. Police didn't go upstairs but after they left I had to take down all my plants. hung up crop that was ready enough to harvest and binned/trashed 8 other plants.

I didn't know if I would get a visit in the next few days or week - they were probably not going to come and raid me over the weekend etc because resources, likely scale of my operation etc etc ...

Anyhow I managed to dry and am curing my Easybud Auto 2 plant harvest and I got about 5 or so ozs dried weight but its not especially well trimmed. Smokes nice.

I continue to try work things out with my wife but for the moment as we also got an eviction notice, shes gone got a flat, has her sisters claws in her and saying she didn't want me to grow grass, i was spending too much money (shes spent 3 times what I on growing kit spent on rent etc and other costs doing her panic runaway act) etc adding that to her list of complaints I do with I had harvested some a week or so earlier and got her to smoke some with me as it would have helped her get a perspective.

So now ....I prob have maximum of three months in m/our house before I will get evicted so I might as well try grow and harvest some autos in that three months... Suffice to say vaping some cannabis is helping me through this nightmare. Wife and I have been happy, she is reacting badly to all the stress she is under and I am hopeful after a bit more time she will come round while I hold the fort.

Having to put up with (her and her sisters) typical ignorant bullshit about being stoned etc and me growing as some excuse for her behaviour. My wife stupidly also told her sister (estranged for 7 years) I was growing and she had asked for some ....but hey we all deal with this sort of wilful ignorance and duplicity over MM and other things in life.

So..there we go...Sometimes shit just happens ..
Thanks for all your help.

I am hopeful my mrs will snap out of this.

We argue very little and i think it is all the stress and strain of whats happened to her over last 3 months that has made her snap.

I learnt to grow my own...with your help and as i say above I am kicking myself I didnt just let her try some before it was at or nearer its peak as I am sure it would have helped.
hey @BirdieNumNum nice journal and very informative information. also, sry to hear about the incident you had
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