AngryBird's Perpetual Organic Garden, T8 Lights, Homemade Food

Thank you guys :love:
as the movie line( was it Scarlet O'Hara?) said Tomorrow is another day!!!
But soil is 7-7.5 PH and my water is 8 PH and that is my main concern.. thinking about metals too..
Well thank you, but it makes me more sad... since I was thinking of the solo cups and
the soil together with the PH.
I thought it would be ok since soil had high PH as i was... I don't know..
Just I feel I can't order seeds just yet I don't have the experience or the money to do that.
I just feel such a loooooooooooooooooooser at the moment....

Birdie, you are not a loser!! You had some bad luck with the seeds...and they may still pop up and surprise you. You brighten everyone's day, and your plants will one day love you for it!!
I love you guys !!! :love: :love:

I have bounced back ..sort of.. hunted down some soil and stuff. I know it is something wrong with the soil I chose.
I also ordered some coco pellets for rooting possible clones (later) and germinaating seeds.(later) and some orchid mix for the soil that will hopefully work with me, and the way I work in my gardening ways.
Now it is only HOW to get seeds... due to MANY technical details... I have no COD or pay pal or credit card options to my country... ONLY to send them cash.....risky.... expensive ... I loose a lot of money that way...
bank transfer..cost me about 45 Euros to do.... to expensive...
I don't know how to order yet...

My babies are growing and looking good I can't upload pics for some reason.. have tried all day.

:thanks: for cheering me up :)
Hey, Bro! I think you'll need to edit/delete that post before you get slapped by the mod's. What you're offering is generous, but not allowed here. ;)

K, done thanks mate. But I can talk business in the PMs right?
Well thank you, but it makes me more sad... since I was thinking of the solo cups and
the soil together with the PH.
I thought it would be ok since soil had high PH as i was... I don't know..
Just I feel I can't order seeds just yet I don't have the experience or the money to do that.
I just feel such a loooooooooooooooooooser at the moment....

Great Journal AngryBird ...
Get that sentiment outta your head right now! You are NOT a loser!
You are learning new things everyday, have fun doing it. A few seeds that don't germinate is a constant in growing anything, sometimes the planets don't align. More seeds are available, we will get you some if needed. You are doing great, and your crowd in here seems to know what they are doing too. Enjoy us and the plant growth process, it is still magical to me that a tiny little seed ends up giving me so much safe pleasure.

OK ... my first advice offered on 420Magazine ... and it has nothing to do with horticulture!


Negative thoughts banished? Maybe a mental redirect might assist. OK, my first post offering horticultural advice. No pressure among a group of obviously successful growers! Just my two cents.

I read you placed your seedling directly into the final large container, and that will be OK and will work. But ...

Have you considered slowly increasing pot size, from cube to cup to quart to gallon and then final container? My parents taught us to grow roots, not leaves or fruits. What they meant was to visualize and tend to the plants foundation. Like a house, a strong foundation maximizes the potential final growth and produce of any plant. If you graduate container sizes, the roots are much easier to visualize at each transplanting, permitting you to have direct visual knowledge concerning the health and quantity of roots. Experience is the best teacher and will usually allow you to determine if any actions are required to increase root health. In my experience, if you can grow a big healthy root ball, the plant above the soil line is most likely to also be healthy and robust. OK, I'm not so good at explaining hand and eye experiences, but I'm trying to help and give back! If you can, give up-potting a try, it gives more feedback than planting the seedling directly into a big container. Of course direct transplant to final container works, and don't disturb your little gal now that she is comfortable. Just a thought for future seedlings or cuttings, sorry, clones.

Hello AB we are just popping in to see how things are going for you and your girls. Your doing great!!!! Heck, we tried poping 4 seeds and only one took so your doing just fine :) it's not always the growers fault things don't go the way we wanted them to. Your babies will grow up to be some fine ladies. With all the great people here guiding if needed it's perfect for us extream newbies ( my wife and I)
PM me about your seed problem AngryBird. Thanks
you have PM :thanks:

Hey, Bro! I think you'll need to edit/delete that post before you get slapped by the mod's. What you're offering is generous, but not allowed here. ;)

K, done thanks mate. But I can talk business in the PMs right?

Here's a link to the Forum rules:

Forum Guidelines - Please Read Before Posting

My recommendation would be, if you're both comfortable, exchange email addresses by PM and communicate offline.
Thank you for stepping in as I was busy being sad (feeling sorry for myself) :thanks:

Great Journal AngryBird ...
Get that sentiment outta your head right now! You are NOT a loser!
You are learning new things everyday, have fun doing it. A few seeds that don't germinate is a constant in growing anything, sometimes the planets don't align. More seeds are available, we will get you some if needed. You are doing great, and your crowd in here seems to know what they are doing too. Enjoy us and the plant growth process, it is still magical to me that a tiny little seed ends up giving me so much safe pleasure.

OK ... my first advice offered on 420Magazine ... and it has nothing to do with horticulture!



Negative thoughts banished? Maybe a mental redirect might assist. OK, my first post offering horticultural advice. No pressure among a group of obviously successful growers! Just my two cents.

I read you placed your seedling directly into the final large container, and that will be OK and will work. But ...

Have you considered slowly increasing pot size, from cube to cup to quart to gallon and then final container? My parents taught us to grow roots, not leaves or fruits. What they meant was to visualize and tend to the plants foundation. Like a house, a strong foundation maximizes the potential final growth and produce of any plant. If you graduate container sizes, the roots are much easier to visualize at each transplanting, permitting you to have direct visual knowledge concerning the health and quantity of roots. Experience is the best teacher and will usually allow you to determine if any actions are required to increase root health. In my experience, if you can grow a big healthy root ball, the plant above the soil line is most likely to also be healthy and robust. OK, I'm not so good at explaining hand and eye experiences, but I'm trying to help and give back! If you can, give up-potting a try, it gives more feedback than planting the seedling directly into a big container. Of course direct transplant to final container works, and don't disturb your little gal now that she is comfortable. Just a thought for future seedlings or cuttings, sorry, clones.


Hi Keith and thank you, I have the Deep Cheese in final pot.. and the Pineapple Chunk in a small container.

I had your thought about re potting.. but after all I have read in many FAQs and answers to questions all over the internet ...and not mentioning 20 or so books on the subject. it is all confusing and I sense double messages..

1. re-potting= more stress= slower growth
and what you just stated..
2.big pot at once= confusing for plant to " feel at home"

And also, autos do not like being re potted

which makes me believe that in general.. some other strains feel the same.
And Keith.. must have been ABSOLUTELY wonderful growing up in your parents greenhouse ( if not then.. looking back now)
I understand what you say and you explain it absolutely :thanks: super good
Hello AB we are just popping in to see how things are going for you and your girls. Your doing great!!!! Heck, we tried poping 4 seeds and only one took so your doing just fine :) it's not always the growers fault things don't go the way we wanted them to. Your babies will grow up to be some fine ladies. With all the great people here guiding if needed it's perfect for us extream newbies ( my wife and I)

I am so blessed for having all of you cheering me up. it is just.. you know you have done something wrong..when you see a tap place the seed in soil..and then...nooooooooooothing...

I do believe in cosmic and spirits.. so.. maybe that seed wasn't for me?? I could not feel that for all seeds.. I mean there are 5 no shows..
So the mistake is 90 % mine.. and it hits hard when I have done so much homework and studying and knowing the plans I grow..They are not for "pleasure" It is for helping a friend with cancer and for my husband... double BAD feeling.
And actually I was going to make myself some creme and capsules ( having some ideas I want to try out)
:thanks: for being here
HEADS UP 8/8-2016

Babies are growing and we altered things in or grow space yesterday.

Changed the lights position paced them better and shielded the lights with a screen above.
The Deep Cheese was actually dug down a bit.. it was stretching too much, and even though I supported the stem with soil..I was afraid it was going to break.

I have come to a conclusion Some strains must have their "season" like they don't want to start any time of the year...
In the spring and in the fall is good for most.. have you noticed any of that?

This is Pineapple Chunk 9 days old:

Deep Cheese 7 days old :

Looking good AB great job!!!!!! They will be some awesome ladies in no time. So many fantastic people here on this site that will help every way they can, it's like having pros watching over your room giving solid advice on what to do next. Things will come round in do time, yea we know all to well the waiting game you have along with us :) but, it's worth it I believe.

Blessed Buds to you our friend!!
I haven't noticed that, but I'm an inside grow. I started seedling 3 weeks ago, the start of the hot part of summer, and they are doing very well. Now, if I planted those outside is another story!! I can't keep anything green in the summer where I live......too damn hot!!
Looking forward to the cooler weather in a few months * for me and the plants!:sleep:
Looking good AB great job!!!!!! They will be some awesome ladies in no time. So many fantastic people here on this site that will help every way they can, it's like having pros watching over your room giving solid advice on what to do next. Things will come round in do time, yea we know all to well the waiting game you have along with us :) but, it's worth it I believe.

Blessed Buds to you our friend!!
I am so looking forward to see them grow.. I noticed the Pineapple Chunk has started the grow towards 2nd node :theband:

I haven't noticed that, but I'm an inside grow. I started seedling 3 weeks ago, the start of the hot part of summer, and they are doing very well. Now, if I planted those outside is another story!! I can't keep anything green in the summer where I live......too damn hot!!
Looking forward to the cooler weather in a few months * for me and the plants!:sleep:
Yeah w have sauna weather too where I live..
Don't even trip AB your in good hands here, well not here cuz I am a 1st timer as well but here as in these forums LOL

Everyone on here I have met have been very helpful and nice. I doubt there is much ppl like you or I could do to one of our babbies that couldn't be turned around and back on track within a few posts from our friends


That being said I can TOTALLY get those panic/stress/oh crap! late night searches as I may have slowed a few of your seaches clogging up the webz at 4 am doing them myself

Have fun
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