Automation engineer with a green thumb


420 Member
Hello 420 friends! I like to grow plants that get assisted throughout their journey via technology as well as innovate different ways that will help optimize plant cycles. I originally created a start up company to introduce a universal DIY controller that would assist all types of grows including soil and soil-less solutions to the plant growing market, but unfortunately we never achieved proper funding for it. Now i create things that will help my room plants as well as the plants in a greenhouse far away;) to grow tall as well as slave a way at an online blog.

Thank you all for reading the short brief i hope everyone has a blessed day:Namaste:

Here is a pic of my climate controlled germinating seed tray

Welcome friend, always cool to see new things people build themselves. I’m one to DIY everything I have the chance to, and quite honestly will dive into nearly everything including wiring into my electrical fuse panel :lot-o-toke: many hats on this head and one offto you sir. Automation is one of the things I want to do eventually once my room is running perpetually. There’s a few members on here already doing soo with arduinos and whatnot that maybe can give you some ideas or you some to them as well. And welcome to the forums!
Welcome friend, always cool to see new things people build themselves. I’m one to DIY everything I have the chance to, and quite honestly will dive into nearly everything including wiring into my electrical fuse panel :lot-o-toke: many hats on this head and one offto you sir. Automation is one of the things I want to do eventually once my room is running perpetually. There’s a few members on here already doing soo with arduinos and whatnot that maybe can give you some ideas or you some to them as well. And welcome to the forums!
For sure! I am currently using arduinos and RPi for various projects. The next one will be a monitoring/dosing pump system anyone can build for a pennies to what companies are selling for. Here is a preview of one of the dosing pumps made with a servo motor and some 3D printed parts


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Oh how I wish my brain were bigger. Ahh well can't have everything. Welcome we are glad you are here! I love DIY, looking forward to your input! CHeers mate, gl to your grow! :yahoo:
I too am in Engineering (civil) although I mostly work on infrastructure projects so not a ton of mechanical experience to bring over...but if i ever need to build a road through my garden I've got that covered!
I started as a carpenter (over 30 yrs ago) went back to school in my late 20s and studied engineering for a few years but never finished it lol decided a few years after graduating with my diploma, when I could afford to go back and finish, that I wasn’t a desk jockey and would sooner put my experience and education to work managing crews in the field and being a trouble shooter lol
For sure! I am currently using arduinos and RPi for various projects. The next one will be a monitoring/dosing pump system anyone can build for a pennies to what companies are selling for. Here is a preview of one of the dosing pumps made with a servo motor and some 3D printed parts

Very cool for sure, I’ve personally not messed with arduinos due to the coding side of it, the physical aspect of setting up is a simple task to me but coding, never my strong suit lol. I like your dosing pump though, most only use 2 wheels, I like the idea of 3 for quicker dosing. Your pcb board does look like it could use some support in the center though ;) looking forward to seeing more though. I wish I could remember which member has a thread going with his arduino setup, it was over 100 pages last time I read thru it. It was a pretty complex setup and he built his own soil sensors with different types of nails, really wish I could remember where it was now, either it’s too early in the morning or too much :blunt: already:rofl:
Very cool for sure, I’ve personally not messed with arduinos due to the coding side of it, the physical aspect of setting up is a simple task to me but coding, never my strong suit lol. I like your dosing pump though, most only use 2 wheels, I like the idea of 3 for quicker dosing. Your pcb board does look like it could use some support in the center though ;) looking forward to seeing more though. I wish I could remember which member has a thread going with his arduino setup, it was over 100 pages last time I read thru it. It was a pretty complex setup and he built his own soil sensors with different types of nails, really wish I could remember where it was now, either it’s too early in the morning or too much :blunt: already:rofl:

Ya im planning on making everything as simple as possible for obvious reasons :hookah: and hopefully journal my way through it on the blog. Thanks for all your input il do some digging
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