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Quick update.not much has changed. this is the NL auto, it's coming along nicely kinda looks like it might be a 2 ft. cola and that's about it.nothing really happening underneath.


this is one of the better AKs I didn't really train at all, but I did pinch a few when they came out of the solo cups.Nothing split but the bottom branches are trying to catch up with the top.

Top is the Lucy, bottom is the diesel it looks like they have both used up their N. I have not been on top of things like I would like to be
and I am definitely expecting problems, I will be more on top of the indoors.

This is the top of the AKS they are an 8-10 week plant,I have to rely on mother nature as to whether or not they will finish . The Northeast can be a MF. I have also had mold problems in the past if anybody could help me out with some preventative maintenance advice.
Also the clones kinda look like the bottom of the plants I took them off of, go figure they all came off the bottom. I didn't get pics when I was there but the diesel is pretty much a write off, the Lucy looks like I might get 50%. I think it's time to put an order in at Herbies.

I don't know what's up with the bottom pic. Kinda like a butt dial. That's my after work hobo style budweiser on the sink.
I don't know the origin of my ak. I got a few clones from a buddy about 4 years ago. I'm going off his word but it deff acts and smells like it. earthy, almost fuel like it does take longer than "store bought" AKs. Do you know if the serious is the six week flower?

I bolted a couple of them a few years ago and ended up with hundreds of seeds. I will get 10 or 20 on an indoor plant (light leaks) which are thrown away and have never had one in an outdoor plant.
There are a couple of versions but Serious is the original, & the only one I wish to grow. Don't know about 6 wks. flower but very good chance you have the Serious version. Few would choose another breeder over Serious for AK. Regs are available but they told me they had "technical problems" as the reason fems haven't been available for awhile. They also have the old Magus Genetics line too....including Warlock. Lately I've been thinking about the "older" strains more & decided to bring some back into my gardens. Looking forward to your revamped indoor set up.:Namaste:
It came from Cali 5 or six years ago.
I just checked out the Warlock, I'm about to put in an order and I think you have helped me with one of my decisions. Also the AK is available now as far as I could see. The website said 7-8 week/ late October strain which is about my time frame so you're probably right.

Definitely have to get some and do a side by side. Not cheap!
So I having an issue, it seems that my soil has run out of N. I don't normally measure stuff out and I think that may be the problem here. I didn't want to go to heavy on anything but I feel like I needed more blood meal in this mix.
I scraped some blood meal into the surface and gave them a little of this and that. I don't buy liquids too often but have a bunch of samples kicking around. I'm hoping this will clear up the problem. After growing with synthetics it seem strange to give them a grow feeding at the start of flower but it seemed like they needed it. They got a 1/2 dose of the roots organic grow, a1/4 dose of the RO HPK, a bloom booster, fish and kelp.
this came off of the SD. It is doing the worst as far as the deficiency goes. All of the clones I took off of her look like this, but...
five of them popped roots
these two are off of lucy. It looks like 100% of hers will sprout.
clone dome. Lucy in front, D in back
NL auto, starting to bulk up. I only get over there every few days and I notice a difference every time lately, smell is getting much stronger
she is also lacking N but I didn't want to use slow release. I did give it the liquid feeding but left out the blood
group shot(little too much yellow for thus time if year)
I agree, by chop time I like them to look almost dead. This seemed a little early to show a deficiency, they are still going to need eight weeks or so. I thought the sea kelp might help with the uptake. I don't normally use bottles but have not had time to brew a tea.
I agree, by chop time I like them to look almost dead. This seemed a little early to show a deficiency, they are still going to need eight weeks or so. I thought the sea kelp might help with the uptake. I don't normally use bottles but have not had time to brew a tea.

Early fan yellowing seems to parallel transition. Outside I use it as sign of being in transition even if no/few pistils are popping up. That's when I hit them with something like bulb food, which is usually around 4-6-4, always some langbeinite (Sul Po Mag), & also start the high phospherous guanos & continue w/ fish fertilizer. Use 2-4-0 fish through better part of bloom, then cut it off asap if plant seems to have enough N. A couple more teas too. Simple but working pretty well. Haha...couple of old organic farts comparing notes.:passitleft:
So 15 out of 15 of the Lucy made it,the roots are coming out of the top of the cubes. I will put them in some starter tonight or tomorrow. 0 out of 15 of the D made it, the day after I took clones the plant took a turn for the worse and I think they were doomed from the start.
Thanks for coming by. I am happy the Lucy made it, that was the last seed I had of that particular strain.
The D is a clone I got from a buddy and I can always trade for more if I decide I like it. It is flowering alot faster than the other photo plants, definitely mostly sativa. I am sceptacle about the genetics but it is getting the diesel smell.
Party time!
I start with the brick
I hydrate for 10-15 mins. Trying to wash it as much as possible
ammendment with all of the goodies
I will let it "cook " for about a month while the clones get ready, I will water in some blackstrap molasses to feed the mycos.
the clones went into one gallon pots in a coco based potting soil.
group shot.
The diesel is starting to look like something.
Lucy is a little behind which I find a little strange. I don't remember the flowering time but I thought it was 7-8 weeks.

Sorry about the crappy pics
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