Breaking Brix: Buck's DIYs

Thanks, it sucks, off today and it's raining lol. Hope weather is better in you direction, happy 4th

I don't 97 and 75% humidity better? I'd rather have a cloudy, rainy day. We're entering the brutal season.

LOl yeah those BOG strains look real good. I'm interested in all the same ones y'all have tossed out.

I think I could pretty much run Dynasty, IHG, BOG and Bodhi and never do anything else. Really want to upgrade to a 4x4 so I can at least run 2-3 strains at a time. This one plant, one strain stuff is driving me nuts. I NEED moar moar moar. lol
And it's super cool that a subset of the Brix crew is running these strains from BOG, Dynasty, Bodhi and IHG.

We can see how this stuff does on Insta and in other grow journals but it's always nice to see the strains grown in high brix.
I'm going to build a new veg light, as soon as I get the room added on, later this year. Currently I'm using a clw ss550 with controller. I just adjusted my light for veg, had it turned down for seedlings. Red-50, white-50, blue-99. This a great fixture, best veg spectrum I've tried. Will cover 5x5 or 6x6 in veg, 4x3 in flower.

I'm going to get some of the 5000k sun boards, shiggs has some running in 4K temps. For the price, best board out there, and they are set up with 36v fV, very easy to match with drivers. I believe these would be cheapest on electricity to run 18hrs a day.

Those Cree's are great too, check on the 5000k. Or maybe 1 6500k and 1 4000k, mix em up. You won't need much reds. Those citi blue cobs look pretty cool too, and the price is good. There's so much quality stuff out now, it's hard to make a decision lol

Thanks for the input.

So 4K vs 5K. I read, and this might have been misunderstood, that vegging under 5K produces small leaves vs 3.5 or 4.

Is 5K a 'slower' veg?

Electricity is cheap where I am <.1, space is the cost.

I have 2 or 3 BOG strains, I know I have blue moon rocks and bogglegum. First run w/ bogglegum got me two healthy males...ha.
I've never heard of the small leaves before. Could even use a 4K and 65k, 65k puts out high Lm/watt at low drive, 1050ma. I have a few of the Cree's need to put em together.

I got lucky on the bog sour strawberry, I started one seed, had it tested and it was female. 4 Cherry vanillas and 1 female. The blue moon rocks looks great, and the sour bubble too.
I just checked, I have 20+ of Bogglegum and Blue moon rocks and one other package of 5 that is unmarked but came from there. Since I am setting up a small veg area, I might try another pair of the bogglegum again-those plants were compact enough to veg in my space.

Having never smoked BOG stuff, but heard stories I really want to jar some....
Just checked the flower tent. This grow is same as last, but I have 2 cali og's added. Last grow was disappointing, the buds didn't really swell. Had a lot of ph problems along with the mites. This grow is more promising, I see a difference every day, they are very dense and really swelling up. The cali's are doing good too, I only vegged for couple weeks, went straight to flower. Here's few more pics.

Going to start flush this weekend, there's a couple that has some sort of deficiency, but it's too late in the game to try to correct.
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