Canadian Growers Group & Friends

Man I don't even watch the news. It doesn't change the fact the bill doesn't make any sense.
You won't even be able to google news now because google would need to pay a link tax.
Link tax doesn't make sense man. That's all I'm pointing out. Plus it only favors the media giants (bell, rogers, cbc, ...)
And I mean if it starts with news corporations, what's to say it doesn't extend to other shit later on.

It's pretty much an internet breaking law. The internet works by linking to content man. lol
Not to mention the news stations were posting their own stories on facebook so wtf... why should facebook need to pay them. They have a lack of understanding because refferals were driving trafic to their site. They're going to realize so quickly that they were better off before. Anyway clearly the wrong people to have this discussion with.
If you think I'm being political you're wrong but I don't think this is something that should've been allowed to happen.

The second GT 3.0 is not foxtailing as bad as the first plant. Have dropped the photo period to 10/14 and hope it help some however it is still very hot here in the mid 30's.....oh well.
Man I don't even watch the news. It doesn't change the fact the bill doesn't make any sense.
You won't even be able to google news now because google would need to pay a link tax.
Link tax doesn't make sense man. That's all I'm pointing out. Plus it only favors the media giants (bell, rogers, cbc, ...)
And I mean if it starts with news corporations, what's to say it doesn't extend to other shit later on.

It's pretty much an internet breaking law. The internet works by linking to content man. lol
Not to mention the news stations were posting their own stories on facebook so wtf... why should facebook need to pay them. They have a lack of understanding because refferals were driving trafic to their site. They're going to realize so quickly that they were better off before. Anyway clearly the wrong people to have this discussion with.
If you think I'm being political you're wrong but I don't think this is something that should've been allowed to happen.
I 100% Agree with you Regrowth and it has already started in other areas its a form of social conditioning.. If you control the media you control the people. I apologize if my remarks came across harsh wasn't directing them towards anyone specifically. I just see people all the time in forums getting into verbal bashing fights over politics, to do with ..Bills being passed or voting or elections. Just want to keep this Canadian thread that's been going for 3 years joyful informative and all things cannabis related.
Man I don't even watch the news. It doesn't change the fact the bill doesn't make any sense.
You won't even be able to google news now because google would need to pay a link tax.
Link tax doesn't make sense man. That's all I'm pointing out. Plus it only favors the media giants (bell, rogers, cbc, ...)
And I mean if it starts with news corporations, what's to say it doesn't extend to other shit later on.

It's pretty much an internet breaking law. The internet works by linking to content man. lol
Not to mention the news stations were posting their own stories on facebook so wtf... why should facebook need to pay them. They have a lack of understanding because refferals were driving trafic to their site. They're going to realize so quickly that they were better off before. Anyway clearly the wrong people to have this discussion with.
If you think I'm being political you're wrong but I don't think this is something that should've been allowed to happen.
Goggle has been negotiating with the feds. Facebook has decided to drop the news and hence loose out on that income which by the way is a huge amount of money and that money goes south of the 49th. Fuck face book.
Lmao ...Here we go again with the stupid political news talk on our Cannabis thread... All news channels are for the weak minded sheeple in life to be brainwashed to conform to an agenda that's in the best interest of the political party they are supporting not the publics best interests... All Presidents and Prime ministers are puppets lead by their political parties agendas.. Best way to keep power in any country divide the people and have them turn on each another... Hmm sound familiar U.S. and Canada ... In north America we live in a media bubble to the rest of the world which gives us a narrow minded view on the world.. Good example most North American's still think we live in a free world!

WE DO LIVE IN A FREE WORLD... IM IN CANADA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS does help if you have good deal of cash assets etc.
The press is getting a bit much for me lately, I do check up on the old crotch grabber and wonder if he will do time. The pardon thing is something else also! Mildew season is starting, Lilac is the signal plant for me. Not the same as cannabis mildew but seems like they all get going at the same time.
One man's shit hole country, another man's paradise. :rofl:
WE DO LIVE IN A FREE WORLD... IM IN CANADA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS does help if you have good deal of cash assets etc.
Oh ok fine DeltaDubie we live in a free world here in Canada lol .. Funny though how everyone is given a SIN number shortly after birth in order to work to make money to function in this world and if you don't have one its hard to get a job with health benefits or to travel anywhere... Oh that's another one we need a passport to even travel anywhere... Also how's the 4 plant count law doing for ya, sure we can grow plenty with 4 plants but if we were truly free we could grow fields.. Oh are you paying your taxes cause none of us are free from that? lol... Cash assets will only get you so far! ..Fortunately I have plenty of those and even gold bars stashed away if I can still find them? haha ... If we truly lived in a free world we could do and say whatever we want with no repercussions and to be honest I wouldn't want to live in a free world cause most of us wouldn't last very long with no laws... Like Odjob said one mans shit hole is another man's paradise .. So who cares who's free or not, We all are on this earth together, lets make the best of it where ever we live and grow some amazing weed before this world of a shit house goes up in flames! hahaha... Lmao just kidding your right the world is free!.. Its the people that are in it, that are not!😉
Oh ok fine DeltaDubie we live in a free world here in Canada lol .. Funny though how everyone is given a SIN number shortly after birth in order to work to make money to function in this world and if you don't have one its hard to get a job with health benefits or to travel anywhere... Oh that's another one we need a passport to even travel anywhere... Also how's the 4 plant count law doing for ya, sure we can grow plenty with 4 plants but if we were truly free we could grow fields.. Oh are you paying your taxes cause none of us are free from that? lol... Cash assets will only get you so far! ..Fortunately I have plenty of those and even gold bars stashed away if I can still find them? haha ... If we truly lived in a free world we could do and say whatever we want with no repercussions and to be honest I wouldn't want to live in a free world cause most of us wouldn't last very long with no laws... Like Odjob said one mans shit hole is another man's paradise .. So who cares who's free or not, We all are on this earth together, lets make the best of it where ever we live and grow some amazing weed before this world of a shit house goes up in flames! hahaha... Lmao just kidding your right the world is free!.. Its the people that are in it, that are not!😉

free worlds have laws.... to keep the order... i live in free world of Canada .. just buy houses and cp and make lots
of money to be free..... thats how grand pa did it... free as a bird.. grand pa 's cp bought for pennies a share..
Oh ok fine DeltaDubie we live in a free world here in Canada lol .. Funny though how everyone is given a SIN number shortly after birth in order to work to make money to function in this world and if you don't have one its hard to get a job with health benefits or to travel anywhere... Oh that's another one we need a passport to even travel anywhere... Also how's the 4 plant count law doing for ya, sure we can grow plenty with 4 plants but if we were truly free we could grow fields.. Oh are you paying your taxes cause none of us are free from that? lol... Cash assets will only get you so far! ..Fortunately I have plenty of those and even gold bars stashed away if I can still find them? haha ... If we truly lived in a free world we could do and say whatever we want with no repercussions and to be honest I wouldn't want to live in a free world cause most of us wouldn't last very long with no laws... Like Odjob said one mans shit hole is another man's paradise .. So who cares who's free or not, We all are on this earth together, lets make the best of it where ever we live and grow some amazing weed before this world of a shit house goes up in flames! hahaha... Lmao just kidding your right the world is free!.. Its the people that are in it, that are not!😉
I agree the four plant is a dud, everthing else is arguable. I lived in other places that make Canada seem like paradise. People need to get a grip.
Interesting views!

The real possibility of living in complete freedom is out there in the Canadian wilderness, having one of the biggest land mass makes it ideal for scouting remote areas where to establish a community based on no outside intervention. The reason we have registered identity and follow laws is because we chose to.
If we the people choose all together not to follow and not comply, government wouldn’t exist… or at least it would only exist for those who follow.
I chose to follow certain things, those that make me not stand out… but my mindset is to never live on my knees. The moment the political and social movement starts constricting to death freedom of choice I am ready to move out in to the wild and completely disconnect. Pull my plug 🔌 out of the matrix.
Been working on food seeds, cash crop seeds for trade, natural building and overall doomsday preparation for the day the globalist decide they had enough of the “freedom choice” they gave us.

Keep growing that ganja Canadian friends, they can’t hold all of us down.

Interesting views!

The real possibility of living in complete freedom is out there in the Canadian wilderness, having one of the biggest land mass makes it ideal for scouting remote areas where to establish a community based on no outside intervention. The reason we have registered identity and follow laws is because we chose to.
If we the people choose all together not to follow and not comply, government wouldn’t exist… or at least it would only exist for those who follow.
I chose to follow certain things, those that make me not stand out… but my mindset is to never live on my knees. The moment the political and social movement starts constricting to death freedom of choice I am ready to move out in to the wild and completely disconnect. Pull my plug 🔌 out of the matrix.
Been working on food seeds, cash crop seeds for trade, natural building and overall doomsday preparation for the day the globalist decide they had enough of the “freedom choice” they gave us.

Keep growing that ganja Canadian friends, they can’t hold all of us down.

See exactly you get it! 100% 🙏
Interesting views!

The real possibility of living in complete freedom is out there in the Canadian wilderness, having one of the biggest land mass makes it ideal for scouting remote areas where to establish a community based on no outside intervention. The reason we have registered identity and follow laws is because we chose to.
If we the people choose all together not to follow and not comply, government wouldn’t exist… or at least it would only exist for those who follow.
I chose to follow certain things, those that make me not stand out… but my mindset is to never live on my knees. The moment the political and social movement starts constricting to death freedom of choice I am ready to move out in to the wild and completely disconnect. Pull my plug 🔌 out of the matrix.
Been working on food seeds, cash crop seeds for trade, natural building and overall doomsday preparation for the day the globalist decide they had enough of the “freedom choice” they gave us.

Keep growing that ganja Canadian friends, they can’t hold all of us down.


sure is pretty if your a Bear.. be pretty lonely and harsh place to survive .. not my type of freedom ..

maybe you like those free homeless people that shit and piss all over, and have zero respect..
Interesting views!

The real possibility of living in complete freedom is out there in the Canadian wilderness, having one of the biggest land mass makes it ideal for scouting remote areas where to establish a community based on no outside intervention. The reason we have registered identity and follow laws is because we chose to.
If we the people choose all together not to follow and not comply, government wouldn’t exist… or at least it would only exist for those who follow.
I chose to follow certain things, those that make me not stand out… but my mindset is to never live on my knees. The moment the political and social movement starts constricting to death freedom of choice I am ready to move out in to the wild and completely disconnect. Pull my plug 🔌 out of the matrix.
Been working on food seeds, cash crop seeds for trade, natural building and overall doomsday preparation for the day the globalist decide they had enough of the “freedom choice” they gave us.

Keep growing that ganja Canadian friends, they can’t hold all of us down.

Agreed :passitleft:
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