Cannabis Oil Dosing Tutorial: Tacking Method

Motoco and Mo - thank you so much. I have found the path that I need to take and the two of you are the best trail guides possible. I'm doing my homework - I'm gonna beat this sucker and I can't thank you enough for your compassion and service to others.

"Dry and tack with one twist?" You know I'm a flat toothpick guy but I bet that would be a great tacking method for those who are sensitive to THC such as fghtsmallcell, which has been mia. :love:

I certainly seem to get along with my day better in a "happy place" frame of mind. I don't think anyone that follows along here will deny your a compassionate man! Your dedication alone to the repetitiveness is quite amazing in my book. I know I don't speak up much but that's just me. Since your talking about giving the user choice I will say this..

I personally and strongly advise anybody that uses cannabis for better health/lifestyle to at least give tacking a try to see what you could be missing. It typically takes three days for it to regulate throughout your body and give you the full idea of how it will make you feel. For that reason try it for a week. What's a week if it could change your life!? I had an incredible tolerance to smoking/vaping and edibles but I can say that tacking without a doubt makes you feel good. If you pay attention, you just might notice a bunch of other things as well! Yes, for some it can be a learning curve dialing in the exact feeling your looking for, but don't we strain shop now anyway. Some get lucky and/or research properly and get great strains right off the bat. Mini rant over... :Namaste:

Smokes, you're a story book in yourself Brother. Your an example that someone can be so deep into depression, anxiety, sleep deprivation (and that is just the tip of the 'snowball' you have been through) how life threatening and in my opinion another serious 'killer' around the world. It brings attention to how serious and important our autoimmune system is and what chemical imbalance-DNA misinformation can bring our health in a downward spin. You bring up a very important point when using the concentrate; listening, identifying the changes in your body, learning to retrain your brain and its thought process (in many cases the oil has or is fixing disorders before you realize it). Whew, that brain of ours can be our best friend or our worst enemy. This is where the concentrate becomes your 'sole-mate'. Your best daily natural supplement in the world (my opinion). Brother, you are advancing so quickly now you will amaze yourself in short order. Your ailments have been the hardest to treat for Mo and I. Why? Its more than taking the oil Brother (once you learn to understand to take it correctly, which is the easy part). Its taking the time to teach people that they have to work on their thought process and get rid of the negatives that your brain has learned because of the state of your health and get back to positive thoughts that get us back into leading a productive life again. It all starts with learning how to get back to a REM sleep and build your autoimmune backup. Believe it or not many cannot get to the next step. Exactly why so many of our Vets suffer and cannot make the turn to change their life around. They are just given a bag full of poison and basically told to go sit in the corner. These Vets need Physiologist to get to the core-root issues which take a lot of time and personnel man hours to help these people which they simply cannot provide for the masses of military personnel who have served our country. Many do not make it because of suicide. Oh no, not because they were weak individuals they simply didn't get the proper help. I would advise everyone to watch the movie 'Cake' with Jennifer Aniston. A very moving and awaking story of what PTSD/Severe Anxiety/Painkillers can do. Nothing in the world I have ran across can help these issues like the concentrated oil. And as you mention Smokes, just give it a chance and it will set you free. You just have to work on yourself as well. Your turning the corner now, you GOT it Brother! You should be very proud of yourself Smokes, you reached out and found a hand to grab onto. Many want to they just haven't found an option that can truly help them. Mo and I are very proud of you Smokes. We have helped many that say they want to but were just not ready because of their drug dependency. What's next, a news reporter? lol. You can start helping a lot of people comrade, there are millions who are suffering in the same way.
fsc is doing what a lot of people do when they learn the oil especially after taking care of her husband basically sent home to hospice. Doing that, growing, making the concentrate and taking care of the household. She is one busy lady with a lot on her plate and is healing herself also. Basically turning into another Mo and I, lol. Life comes knocking back on the door. She is an amazing woman! No matter how hard it gets, like Cannafan! One doesn't quit when it's for real. True Grit if you will.

Cheers and keep up the fight Brother!
Day one of a new life -

My story - diagnosed with prostate cancer in September 2013 - cancer had already metastasized from prostate to a lymph node so surgery was not an option - there were no mets to bones or any other organs. Entered a clinical trial at a cancer institute in October, 2013 - treatment thus far consists of a lupron shot every 3 months and an oral casodex tablet each day - this has worked well to reduce my PSA from over 50 at diagnosis to just 0.1 where it stayed until March of this year and now it has started a slow rise again.

I originally tried taking oil in capsules and then added suppositories, working my way to the one gram a day that so many recommend. Only problem is that there was little to no evidence that the oil was doing anything to help - although when I underwent new scans in October 2014 it had not spread any - still no mets to bones or other organs and the one lymph node that had been enlarged and cancerous did appear as "unremarkable" in the scan so maybe the oil was helping but it was not curing.

I stumbled upon this forum about six weeks ago - have read the entire thread (yes, all 80 pages) twice now and finally came to the conclusion that I needed to try the tacking method and the blend of oils that Motoco recommends. I have now started that journey.

At present I do not have a daytime oil available so my dosing schedule is a bit different than those with both a daytime and a nighttime oil. My present (beginning) dosage is as follows:

Noon: 2 dots (1/4 grain)
2:00pm: 2 dots
4:00pm: 2 dots
6:00pm: 2 dots
8:00pm: 2 dots

I told Motoco that I was a morning person so he recommended waiting until noon since I'm presently working with just the high-indica night oil - what I failed to mention is that I'm REALLY a morning person - I get up at 4:00 am - so I've bumped the whole schedule ahead one hour and begin dosing at 11:00 am rather than at noon.

Tacked my first two dots 45 minutes ago - good tacks (not great but I'll get there Mo) and so far so good - relaxed but not flying. We'll see how it goes as the day progresses.

I know many of you have already taken this journey and I'm honored to join you. Motoco and Mo are nothing short of saints in my book.

Hi Hendo,

Day 1 of my new life! Gotta love that outlook Hendo! By the way, shortly I'll be sending you all the links so you can start your new hobby. For me making concentrate is like meditating. The smells are contagious. Seriously thinking about making a his/hers natural 'smell good' :)

I forgot to mention and goes to John also. Take a 'selfie', if you wear glasses off with them. In one years time take another selfie. Print them out and compare. Shock yourself! Who said you have to look older with age? The power of the concentrated oil :) Seeing is believing sometimes.

Great start Hendo! Oh yea, I thought Buffalo Bill Cody passed away some time ago! Awesome Brother! And in God's country to boot! A reminder, if you take the oil incorrectly it will ring your doorbell in 2 hours, but you may not want to answer the door. Be safe!

Best to you and family!
Hi Folks,
I am treating prostate cancer late stage, last PSA was 51. To date, I have refused other Medical treatments.

Motoco and Mo have made it possible to start my journey of curing myself. Without their help I would still be searching the web and getting more confused by the day. I was about to give up and they pointed the way step by step. It couldn't have gone any smoother. I purchased everything I needed and wasted nothing on what was not needed.

After Motoco sent me a list of what to purchase for my equipment, the strains I needed to make my oil and Mo showed me how to 'tack' properly.

I got started dosing April 6, 2015.

For the first week a daytime dose of a dot about 1/8 grain of rice at 11am and 2pm then at evening a dose of Indica at bedtime. I was unable to locate a 90-95% pure Indica for night time oil before I started dosing. So I used a vapor pen for the first week. I have since located the Indica flowers and will extract it tonight.

Now that I have gotten the hang of everything I will be starting to increase my dosage.

Starting the second week (April 13, 2015) I have increased my dose to ½ grain dots and using the following schedule:

1st dose; after breakfast tack 2 dots (back to back) thoroughly.
2nd dose; 2 hours after breakfast 2 dots thoroughly.
3nd tack; after lunch tack 2 dots thoroughly.-
4rd tack; 2 hours after lunch, tack 2 dots thoroughly.
5th tack; 1-2 hours before bed, tack 1-2 dots of Indica thoroughly.

I am doing better than I could of imagined. I feel great. It is hard to believe you can be healing serious aliments and feel so good and healthy.

After reviewing the oil tutorial and Skyping with Motoco and Mo my Son and I easily made the oil and it turned out perfect pulling 4 grams per ounce of quality oil.

I am feeling alert and motivated during the day and each day seems like another great day and I now look forward to them. I'm sleeping better than in a long long time . I got my hope back.

One of my major worries with using Concentrated Cannabis Oil was the euphoric "high". I do not enjoy couch-lock and with Motoco and Mo's system I am doing all the recommended doses with none of the euphoria. That has been a very big deal for me.

Thanks to Motoco and Mo, they are the best!


Hi - I'm just learning this to try to help my husband that has gastric stomach cancer with a couple of small mets to liver.

My question if you could please help answer - What do you mean by "(back to back") and "thouroughly"?
Can you please explain that? Thank you!
Hi - I'm just learning this to try to help my husband that has gastric stomach cancer with a couple of small mets to liver.

My question if you could please help answer - What do you mean by "(back to back") and "thouroughly"?
Can you please explain that? Thank you!

Hi whynot, Welcome to 420 Magazine. BA2BB means he is 'tacking' one small dose and then another small dose back to back as small amounts are much easier and safer than a larger amount of oil. Thoroughly; he means take your time and tack it to your gums. If you're planning on making your own oil (advised for quality control) or using this method we can help expedite the process with what you need, strains need (if possible in your area) dosing regimens, and instructions on how to use it. Today we have a heavy schedule but will check in the late afternoon early evening. A good time to knock down those small mets spots. Keep in mind, don't rush out and get just any oil, this has to be planned. Many go out and get different oils and if they are not consistent in potency it can do harm instead of good and people don't even realize it. Plan it correctly for the best results.

:welcome:Welcome WynotMMJ. You've found the right place to save your husband's life! Nothing short. Bless you for your compassion and love of your husband and on your new adventure/hobby. Trust the Motoco's. I did, and things where much better in only a very few days. Remember that attitude is everything. Push your attitude now and it will carry you two soon (act positive today--feel positive tomorrow).:cheer:

Much love and power to you two from us all.:Namaste:

Hi - I'm just learning this to try to help my husband that has gastric stomach cancer with a couple of small mets to liver.

My question if you could please help answer - What do you mean by "(back to back") and "thouroughly"?
Can you please explain that? Thank you!

Whynot - you are definitely in the right place - while Motoco and Mo reign supreme there are also many others here who are ready to help.

:love:T & M forever!...:thanks:


Too much?
Hi - Is there a video on how to dose showing the flattening out the dosage on your finger and then tacking?

My husband and I are in a disagreement on what the correct way this should be done. I guess we are each reading into it differently lol!

Hi - Is there a video on how to dose showing the flattening out the dosage on your finger and then tacking?

My husband and I are in a disagreement on what the correct way this should be done. I guess we are each reading into it differently lol!


Hi wynotMJ,
Check out the How to make concentrated cannabis oil thread, there are lots of posts about tacking the doses.
You can start with this one, which is a newly posted method, if you like:
Cannabis Oil Dosing Tutorial: Tacking Method

Hope that helps!

Thanks, Cannafan! I did see that post, but what we are wondering is the part where you "flatten" the oil out on your finger.

How "flat" should it be? If we are just beginning and the dose is at 1/4 grain rice size do we flatten that whole thing and then just tack 1/2 of that at a time? Did that make sense? :)
Hi Motoco - thank you so much for responding! That makes more sense now "back to back" and "thoroughly"
Unfortunately I found this site too late for strains need :(

I am a criminal right now... just haven't been "caught". Where I live is so backward on this subject that my husband and I are considering moving once he is able to handle it. So we have to try to work with what I got.

I got an indica strain that was made by a guy in Colorado that I was referred to by the people from Here. I asked for something for stomach cancer with small liver mets and he provide what I got. I just sent him an email (just now)asking what the % of THC/CBD and if he could tell me how it was made.

This was before I found you guys :( I found you just a day ago and have been reading "everything" ever since -- was up til 3am ...
After reading and learning all about this here .. Wished I found you first.

I took a HUGE risk in getting what I got, but I'm trying to save a life so to me it was worth it. But I just don't want to push the envelope on that right now. I was terrified and I still find myself looking over my shoulder all the time. I just can't risk doing this again. Not here.
I am so envious of everyone in the "enlightened" states that can just go to the corner store and buy what you want/need lol! Hope you know how lucky you are :)

Anyway, I hope I didn't waste my money...I hope we can work with what I got even though after reading and learning so much about it here I understand that this will not be optimal. But hopefully we can figure out how to make it work for him?

I will update this as soon as I get the info from the Colorado guy.

Thank YOU!
:welcome:Welcome WynotMMJ. You've found the right place to save your husband's life! Nothing short. Bless you for your compassion and love of your husband and on your new adventure/hobby. Trust the Motoco's. I did, and things where much better in only a very few days. Remember that attitude is everything. Push your attitude now and it will carry you two soon (act positive today--feel positive tomorrow).:cheer:

Much love and power to you two from us all.:Namaste:


What a wonderful welcome, 94xjjohn - thank you for this... I'm really sticking my neck out to try to save him. Something I would NEVER think I would ever do in my life. It makes me so mad that I have to become a criminal to get "real" medicine for a dying man. :(
Hi Motoco - thank you so much for responding! That makes more sense now "back to back" and "thoroughly"
Unfortunately I found this site too late for strains need :(

I am a criminal right now... just haven't been "caught". Where I live is so backward on this subject that my husband and I are considering moving once he is able to handle it. So we have to try to work with what I got.

I got an indica strain that was made by a guy in Colorado that I was referred to by the people from Here. I asked for something for stomach cancer with small liver mets and he provide what I got. I just sent him an email (just now)asking what the % of THC/CBD and if he could tell me how it was made.

This was before I found you guys :( I found you just a day ago and have been reading "everything" ever since -- was up til 3am ...
After reading and learning all about this here .. Wished I found you first.

I took a HUGE risk in getting what I got, but I'm trying to save a life so to me it was worth it. But I just don't want to push the envelope on that right now. I was terrified and I still find myself looking over my shoulder all the time. I just can't risk doing this again. Not here.
I am so envious of everyone in the "enlightened" states that can just go to the corner store and buy what you want/need lol! Hope you know how lucky you are :)

Anyway, I hope I didn't waste my money...I hope we can work with what I got even though after reading and learning so much about it here I understand that this will not be optimal. But hopefully we can figure out how to make it work for him?

I will update this as soon as I get the info from the Colorado guy.

Thank YOU!

Hi wynotMMJ,

Those in legal states sometimes take things for granite. Mo (wife) and I count our blessings everyday that we have access to what we need. It gets my blood boiling that our government can watch people suffer and do nothing about it because the big money comes from chemo/radiation. Enough, let's get you started with what you have while the mets is still in a small area. Good idea to check with the Company that made your oil to get some specifications. Just to be sure make sure it's been decarboxylated, what was used to make it as you mentioned and the % of potency. Even the name of the strain so I will know if with have a little Sativa in the strain also. Really sorry you had to go through this and feel like a criminal while trying to save your Husband's life. Crazy! TY

Now that you have the oil we will move forward with the strain you have. We will just start the dosing regimen a little later in the morning more around noon time so your husband won't feel like sleeping 24/7, be more motivated to walk and do some things between wake up and starting his dailey dosing regimen. Also a list of all medications will be needed, not right now but please get that info together.
Warmest regards,
Hi wynotMMJ,

Just flatten the shape down to half flat if you will, not all the way. The purpose of this is when you're beginning your application the oil will not come off as easy if you hit your lip, teeth, moustache if one is present. Also it keeps better control of the oil when applying it to your gums instead of part of it catching your saliva and runs down your throat thus getting 'high' approximately in 2 hours after taking the dose. A safety precaution if you will. Also this is why we offer a 'Skype' session as the wife covers all these things instead of searching for specific threads to make the learning curve much easier. Reading information and actual feeling/finesse while watching expedites the learning curve immensely. Improvements/updates can happen at anytime as they're posted. Hope this helps. Yes, while learning split the 1/4 grain of rice and 'tack' half and as soon as you do tack the other half. Hope this helps to clarify. More 'tacking' info in the original thread here; Cannabis Oil Dosing Tutorial: Tacking Method It is confusing to have this thread and the main dosing thread in two locations? Never understood it but this is not the main thread. The other thread has about 80 pages. Best to move to the link I provided as it will save a lot of confusion. Thank you! Out for the count, long day.
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