Carcass' $150 Low Budget Grow 2019

A very late congrats on your beautiful Blueberry Hill harvest and congrats on you GSC seed drop! :party::cheer:
I tried an acronym of that title but it wasn't anything memorable nor catchy.
CDBACBCFSOTBW ...yeah, it doesn't exactly roll off the tongue, but we'll figure something out!
I think you'll like the promix
Yeah, I like it- I used it for a year or so, but then couldn't get any so I went with FFOF.
I'm not a big fan of FFOF, but I have to admit, my plant did alright in it.
But back to ProMix for the next few grows...actually, quite a few grows, since I bought a big ol' bale of it
this time...
A very late congrats on your beautiful Blueberry Hill
Thank You, candy!
congrats on you GSC seed drop!
The first one already sprouted- unfortunately, it sprouted upside down...I turned it over, but the tip of the taproot was dried up a little, so I don't think I'm going to see that one again...

The SoCal seed fairy is a wise man...he sent two seeds, because he figured I might kill the first one..
and he figured right... :oops:
I dropped the second one in to soak at 9:00 this morning, and it's already got a little tail poking out, so it'll go into the dirt this evening sometime...
Yes...that one letter is definitely the problem ... :rofl:
The SoCal seed fairy is a wise man...he sent two seeds, because he figured I might kill the first one..
and he figured right... :oops:
I dropped the second one in to soak at 9:00 this morning, and it's already got a little tail poking out
Your going to beat that jinx yet Carcass and a big :hug: to that SoCal seed fairy.
Your going to beat that jinx yet Carcass
Thanks for the vote of confidence, Nev!'s what I'm looking at right now- I don't like what's going on here....

This is the second GSC seed, which I planted a little deeper than the first one.
The first one came up root first, and didn't survive being turned over...
If this one still looks the same this evening, I'll carefully dig around in there to see If I can set her straight...

On the plus side, I haven't killed this one... :)
...yet :oops:
Ahhh, but the weirdness continues....although now it's looking more promising...
I did cover that root with some soil after I saw this:

WTF 2 GSC.jpg
, I'd go on a rescue mission, but delicately.
I probably don't have to now...unless that root is from the one I thought was dead....I don't think it is, though.
Things like a damn snake. The cannabis version of the Loch Ness Monster.
Ha! It does look like she had a little trouble figuring out which way is "up" :hmmmm:
:laughtwo: What a goofy germinator Carcass.

Looks like she may have it figured out and will be one of those special ones for your books.
So I’m going to be celebrating in preparation for the birthday party.
I hope she makes it, even though she won't be centered in the cup. :Rasta:
Centering is overrated! I'd mound more dirt just over the root and leave the top uncovered.
Plus, if you're going to LST her (and we're all assuming it's a her) it's probably better that it not be centered. I think that's what it's asking for. Ask Shed to send you a rock, though. It has to be a certain size and shape to work properly I'm told. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Seems like it's always something....I gave the cotyledons 24 hours to open, and they're not doing it, so it's time for an membrane, they're just not opening- and they won't stay open if I spread them apart, so I need to figure some way to hold them open till they stay that way on their own...

Sounds like a disaster waiting to happen, doesn't it? :hmmmm:
wont open.jpg

What a goofy germinator Carcass.
That she is! Definitely took the long way around!
I hope she makes it, even though she won't be centered in the cup.
If I don't bust off a cotyledon trying to open them up, she should do fine... :straightface:
I'd mound more dirt just over the root and leave the top uncovered.
That's what I did... hopefully, we don't see that root again...
Plus, if you're going to LST her (and we're all assuming it's a her) it's probably better that it not be centered.
Thanks, Azimuth- I'll be doing a quadline with her, so, if I remember, I'll center her in the big pot at transplant.
I actually forgot to center the Gorilla Glue awhile back, she was about 2" off center...doesn't really hurt anything, just looks kinda dorky... :)
Ask Shed to send you a rock, though.
I'd probably drop it on her... :oops:
Seems like it's always something....I gave the cotyledons 24 hours to open, and they're not doing it, so it's time for an membrane, they're just not opening- and they won't stay open if I spread them apart, so I need to figure some way to hold them open till they stay that way on their own...

Sounds like a disaster waiting to happen, doesn't it? :hmmmm:
My Mango Sherbert started life with her root similarly growing out of the soil before being re-planted the right way up, and then when she broke soil again, her membrane was trapping her cotyledons. Once I freed those I had to 'open' them manually and used a piece of stalk across them to keep them open, I actually had to do this for about 3 days until she got underway as a mutant for several weeks before turning into the full budded girl she is now. So if nothing else, perhaps jury rig up something to open out her cotyledons if she won't do it herself. Other than that she looks good!
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