Charlie's Lifesaving Stealth 2010


New Member
Hi everybody, after a long hiatus, i'm starting up another grow.

Strain: Mystery
Indica/Sativa: Indica
Veg/Flower: Veg 18/6
In/Outdoor: Indoor
Age: 14 days
Soil/Hydro: Soil
Mix: 75% potting, 25% perlite
Light: CFL
Watts: (1)42
Temp: 82*F

Because of security issues, this will be a stealth grow inside a floor speaker.
Dimensions are 24" tall x 14" wide x 9" deep.
My buddie and I found this bagseed growing all by itself in his front mulch bed. Nitetime temps in my area are dipping into the 30's. I knew it would die in a matter of days if left where it was. I asked if I could dig it up and keep it and my buddie said sure. So I grabbed a clean beer cup, transplanted it and brought 'eem home. Enough backstory, on to the pics.


Ok, I cleaned up the inside a bit. I put up some plain white printer paper and a small piece of foil to help with light reflection. I also added a water bottle with a sugar/yeast mix to get the CO2 and humidity levels up a little. The temperature is high because there is no fan installed yet, i need to figure something out in that area but 82 isnt too bad so I have some time. I'm excited about this grow. I feel good about saving this little plant from frozen death.
Nothing new to report really today so no pics. The 3rd set of leaves are about to open up. Lights go off at 1am till 7am. Tomorrow morning is watering time. The plant is loving the warm environment and is not showing any problems. I have a feeling that this soil mix is a little bland so I might just mix up a 1/4 strength of nutes and see how that goes.
When you see a plant like that growing, I would have saved it as well..

I down for the ride...
Is that Olivia Munn? If so, im in.
So awesome to find a plant and save it - im tuned in. Who knows what could become of this unknown fallen seed...

Thanks for the support everybody.:welcome:
I didn't even think about the hot chick on the mag being in the shot, but maybe thats why the plant is doing so well. lol Fed 1/4 strength nutes today, lets see how the little one responds to it.
On to the pics...





I think this should become a new trend around here. Pictures of your plants with pictures of hot chicks! 2 good things come together to form one awesome thing!

Plant looks good man! :peace:
reps back at ya!

OP I like your style, rep to you as well.
Hey, I hope all you guys had good holidays. Sometimes I don't even realize how much this lil plant has grown. Temps coasted up to 89 yesterday, I need to fing a quiet exhaust fan so i can add another light without starting a fire. Tomorrow its time for another feed and then I get to start thinking about transplant and lst, wootz!!

Your orphan is growing up nicely, you are a good man to have taken her (fingers crossed) in.
I hope you can find a nice quiet exhaust fan to help keep this grow going.
Unfortunately this is not the time of year to go fan shopping, cause everybody has their space heaters out instead (stupid fall & winter).
Good luck.
I agree, it's awesome just to be growing anything at all. Looking forward to sticking with your thread CharlieMopps :cheesygrinsmiley:
Hi CharlieMopps

Is this grow still alive?

If so, please update us with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

If you need any help with posting photos, please read the photo gallery tutorial:
Photo Gallery Guide - How to Resize, Upload & Post Photos

I am moving this to abandoned journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world!

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine!
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