Crown Royal veg state


420 Member
Hi all, looking for info on how long is the veg state, what temp, ph level and humidity in veg state? Thanks for any Info as I'm a amateur.
Hi all, looking for info on how long is the veg state, what temp, ph level and humidity in veg state? Thanks for any Info as I'm a amateur.

As for how long the veg state is, assuming it's a photo and not an auto, it's as long as you want to make it, assuming you can control the light cycles. They will stay in veg under 18+ hours of light per day. Once you change the light schedule to 12/12, it will trigger the flowering cycle. During the first few weeks of flower, called "the stretch", you can expect the plant to double or even triple (with Sativas!) in size. So, you need to switch to 12/12 considering how big they will get during stretch so you don't outgrow your space.

Autos will typically start flowering in 30 days, or so, regardless of light cycles.

If you can keep your temps in the 70's, you'll be doing good. Mid-to-high 70's during day and mid-60's to low 70's at night. I believe the "ideal" temp during veg is 70*-74*F with a drop of around 10 degrees at night. However, when you're using CO2, you want higher temps so, with CO2, it would be something like mid-80's during the day and mid-70's at night.

For RH, you want clones & seedlings in high humidity (70%-80%) and then reduce down to 50%-70% during Veg, and down again to 40%-50% during flower.

PH depends on medium. The range is lower for hydro (optimal 5.8) than for soil (optimal 6.5) and this chart will help:


I hope that helps!


The Crown I grew indoors didn't stretch a lot even though it was Sativa dominant (supposed to be Indica dominant according to them). One I currently have outside is 6 feet tall though and she is just starting to put out pistils, so we shall see on that one (though she is also leaning more Sativa by the leaves and the way she is growing). Neither of the two I have grown like heavy nutrients as tips would burn before other plant(s) I was growing with them that were more Indica dominant (in soil but was feeding nutrients every 2nd or 3rd watering depending on what they were telling me).

The indoor one harvested last Sept.:

outdoor one this year:

The Crown I grew indoors didn't stretch a lot even though it was Sativa dominant (supposed to be Indica dominant according to them). One I currently have outside is 6 feet tall though and she is just starting to put out pistils, so we shall see on that one (though she is also leaning more Sativa by the leaves and the way she is growing). Neither of the two I have grown like heavy nutrients as tips would burn before other plant(s) I was growing with them that were more Indica dominant (in soil but was feeding nutrients every 2nd or 3rd watering depending on what they were telling me).

The indoor one harvested last Sept.:

outdoor one this year:


Beautiful plants, Brother! :welldone:
The outdoor plant is going to be a monster! Please feel free to update with pics of that girl on my current journal. I'd love to see her as she progresses! I bet you get close to 20 z's off of her!
Beautiful plants, Brother! :welldone:
The outdoor plant is going to be a monster! Please feel free to update with pics of that girl on my current journal. I'd love to see her as she progresses! I bet you get close to 20 z's off of her!

Thanks, time will tell :rofl: as Mother Nature has to be nice towards the end of Flower and predicting the weather a bit tough ;) That pic from about a week ago.
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