DankWolf's 1st - Multi-Strain In Soil - Fall 2015

Evening good folks of the 420kind!

More proof of being a rookie..

Noticed preflowers starting to show on 4week veg afghan kush. First thought was "Uh Ohh, whatd i do wrong?!"

I was advised prior to even starting, that preflowers will begin showing 9-14days after the flip to 12/12. So i ran with that and didnt bother reading into preflower.
- Bagseed 1 didnt show until day 9..didnt clearly show pistils until day 13.
- Bagseed 3, at 9weeks in veg, just now starting to show (only looked once i seen kush preflower)
...so i went reading last night and sure shit, preflowers start forming around week 4 of veg, once plant has reached sexual maturity, node 5ish.

Going to assume now, bagseed never showed/waited till week 9 because their essentially clones. (both accidental behead shortly after first node grew out).

Now to the question: safe to top now? Or give it a few days to let mature a bit more?

Off-topic question: giving rep to someone, how do i add my own bit of text? Because im using phone, with desktop site(not mobile), whenever i tap the +rep it doesnt give me any options to write anything.
DankWolf, they're working on the mobile app on Monday. 420 insinuated there were many concerns with it right now.
DankWolf, they're working on the mobile app on Monday. 420 insinuated there were many concerns with it right now.

I read that, but i dont use the app. I use the desktop site via chrome on the fone.

@applegate, i dont imagine getting tired of any part of this whole process. Enjoyable in many ways:cheer:
Ello and welcome gentlemen :byebye:

Yessir, 10 days past, and she hermied on me.
Was a big battle with myself, but ive decided to keep it. Both for experience and for free seeds which i can then use to experiment with. Crazy ideas in my head, better to experiment with free seeds opposed to ...
No idea what a pheno top is..?

Its not even an auto. Regular ol photoperiod, week4 of veg, plan on another 3-4weeks before flip.
Just kinda playing around, experimenting.

(hoping to maybe give those lower branches a boost before i top it and lst)
Oh no, I know all about hermies dude and that sucks! I was advised to spray the nuts down with water and take as many as you can off... If you have the spare time, it s actually worth it! You ll still get some seeds but you should get better/bigger buds by sending energy back to the buds and not to seed production. Just an iderrr.:thumb:
Its a lovely trip im on, left..right..up..my mind changes so frequently:laughtwo:

End of day 23 in flower, poor annie got the knife. It was suffering badly from lack of nutes, cal/mag and/or nitrogen. Was barely growing bud, if any. As much as i wanted to see it to the end, ive been failing to consider my water bill.

10Bucks/ week to water myself,child,houseplants and mj's. Annie was drinking almost 1.5gal every other day. Enough is enough! Not wasting anymore precious aqua:phew:

Annie served its purpose well feeding me loads of valuable info i can hopfully apply to the following grows.

Easiest gnat get ridder I have found is Broke Ass's recipe... a cap full of peroxide, a spray bottle full of water and one drop of dawn.... spray the plants leaves top and bottom well and drench the top of the soil... do it daily for up to 3 days... I have never had to do it more than twice... Fox Farms is notorious for having gnats and I get them in the ProMix too.... it really does work extremely well and I have tried several things... none worked better....:circle-of-love:

Dennise shared this on Dr Bobs journal.. And reminded me i never shared my experience. Thank you Dennise!:Namaste:

gnats came from a cheaper organic mix, purchased before mj started. Was for houseplants. Pretty sure my hyposis miles predatory mites also came from here, but could have been from fox farm.

I initially thought the mites were root aphids and for 2 weeks tried ending them. Stooopid!:laughtwo: i attribute the lack of major gnat problem directly to what i was trying to kill.

Started with homebrew pepper spray with garlic. WOW! Whole place reeked of garlic and heat, all day! Was worried for roots, but did no damage..roots or bugs..(not noticable)


Then i started a round of sm-90. Sprayed leaves and soil once every 3days for for a total of 5sprays. This Seemed to slow the gnat population a tiny bit, but after a few sprays they didnt seem to care.

In between sprays of sm-90 i was dust the soil top with cinnamon, cayenne and garlic slices. This visibly helped keep the gnats away but needed repeated every other day. This wasnt helping with what i still thought to be root aphids.

This is where i started using hydrogen peroxide 3% solution undiluted. Only used in pots of dying sage and mostly dead thyme. This was doing this trick for sure. Nearly erradicated both populations of gnats and mites. In days..

Was only 2 or 3 and i did some final searching on my root aphid problem to be 100% sure. After many many hours spent reading since it all began, i finally found someone expressing the say sightings and ..discontent calling them root aphids.

I Sliced potatoes and dropped on top of soil, if root aphid, expect to see alot covering the bottom of potatoe in 4-12hrs. i seen none

Looked again with fone camera 8x zoom, all wobble n shakey, Did not see 2 'tail pipes' that root aphids have.

..and figured something was helping me fight off the 2-300 eggs that gnats lay.. The most i seen was 25-30gnats/ day, that was a short period of 3 or 4days, majority of 4week period i seen 5 on average per day.

Lesson- dont kill hyposis miles mites.
Use h2o2 MIXED with water and soap as dennise shared.
AND. Dont buy cheap soil thats been stored outside. Ever!

(I did read several times of people getting gnats from fox farm, however, most cases were of outside storage. AND you have as good of chance getting hyposis mites, goodies.)
I lived with the fungus gnats until I got the tent. I was using mosquito dunks, powdered and sprinkled on the surface and watered in. That reduced the population drastically before they went into the tent. At that point I top dressed with some neem meal and eradicated the entire population in two days time, never to be seen again.

I believe it was the double whammy that finally took me over the top to victory. My other take-away from the experience was that a good organic soil mix can accommodate some fungus gnats without it being at all detrimental to the plants. They're just little earthlings in my garden, and I had no personal problem living with them. A bit irritating sometimes, but I can be irritating too, and yet I don't want someone to come along and squash me. Yeah, not your average bear. :laughtwo: You notice though, that even I had a limit.
9:50am, sunrise over the mountains, -13f
Wheres my hottub!?

With bagseed 1 gone. Next up is bagseed 3 planned to enter flower chambers in next few days.
Unsexed afghan kush roughly 2week till flower chamber transfer.
Fem dragons breath, vegging for unknow time..

Enjoy the cold :battingeyelashes:
Life at the edge of the world has its little trade-offs. :laughtwo:
Its dark here by 5 this time of the year. Still mild temps though. This region is blessed with temperatures that trend towards milder than everything around us, in any direction. We're our own little geological freak of nature. :laughtwo:
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