Danny Terpintine Says Hello :)

York Genetics

Well-Known Member
Hey, super glad to be here!

For those who don't know me, I'm Danny Terpintine!

I've been growing for just under 14 years now, making seeds for 13 years. I've been a licensed med patient (helps me with chronic paaiinnnn!) for my entire grow career - fun fact, I actually got licensed to grow before the legal smoking age in my city! I had the privilege and honor to help and be mentored by the head grower at one of the oldest dispensaries in a major city when I was 16/17. (Started growing at 15 on my own, didn't know anyone. Heck I might have visited this forum at that time but I don't remember my user lol.) Oh, I've also written a grow book.

I love pheno hunting and making seeds. And I place a huge emphasis on medicinal value through terpenes.

A little late to the party, I know 420mag has been one of the most og forums out here! Love to meet more of the community! :)

Feel free to say hi or chat, I'm open to talking about anything canna, pain, related. 🙂✌️
Hey buddy, welcome to 420magazine.com

You growing at the moment, do you just grow to breed or do you grow for personal/commercial as well?

What’s your flavour? Organic/Synthetic, Soil/Hydro

Where in the world are ya?

What’s your favourite type of dog?


That’s enough to get the ball rolling! Me I’m Nick, grow hydro (coco peat) in Thailand. Labradors.

Welcome, sure they’ll be a bunch of other people dropping by to say hi,

Nick & Co (Co’s my wife)
Hey Nick and Co!👋 Nice to meet you!

What’s your favourite type of dog?

Really? REALLYY?!!! aha just kidding. I got 3 doggo, a Yorkie (he's my oldest), Pomeranian, and a Chihuahua.
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Yes sir I am growing and breeding at the moment! :) Just personal at the moment. I'm in severe 24-7pain so yeah I just look for really potent cultivars. (I did do a small public seed launch a year or two ago, but I'm working on new lines at the moment before I do any real releases. I really want to put in some meaningful work!)

North America - Canada. Oh wow, you're growing in Thailand, super cool! They're legal there now right?

I spent that last 10 years dabbling in all kinds of DWC systems, $200 home-made systems, all the way up to 12-14k CCH20 systems. Before that I did a lot of pro-mix and salts. After that I did some coco. Now I'm running living organics.... wish I would have gotten into organics wayyy earlier!
Hey Nick and Co!👋 Nice to meet you!

Really? REALLYY?!!! aha just kidding. I got 3 doggo, a Yorkie (he's my oldest), Pomeranian, and a Chihuahua.
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Yes sir I am growing and breeding at the moment! :) Just personal at the moment. I'm in severe 24-7pain so yeah I just look for really potent cultivars. (I did do a small public seed launch a year or two ago, but I'm working on new lines at the moment before I do any real releases. I really want to put in some meaningful work!)

North America - Canada. Oh wow, you're growing in Thailand, super cool! They're legal there now right?

I spent that last 10 years dabbling in all kinds of DWC systems, $200 home-made systems, all the way up to 12-14k CCH20 systems. Before that I did a lot of pro-mix and salts. After that I did some coco. Now I'm running living organics.... wish I would have gotten into organics wayyy earlier!
Cool - there’s a bunch of serious organics guys around, @Gee64 @Azimuth are two that spring to mind heard the “why wasn’t doing organic already?” a few times, normally while they try and cajole me into trying it more seriously!

Spin up a journal or just check out some of the many running at the moment. Oh pics. Or it never happened 🤣

Oh we have a Labrador and allegedly a Chihuahua, same colours as yours. Ours is a pest. My chocolate Lab is dozy as but full of love. Plenty dog lovers here @Bill284 - his dogs basically run his grows 🤣

awhh soo cute! Yeah my Chihuahua is like an energizer bunny battery... he never gets tired! I grew up with a golden lab, they're super lazy but super loving! Food... they might just love food more than you ROFL!

Would be cool to see your breading program , unless u want it kept a secret which i can understand ✌️

99% of my work is documented. :) I just made a grow journal here you can follow along. I'll prob share some of my old work there too. :)
Welcome to 420 Magazine @York Genetics

Have any images of pass grows you work like to share?
How big of a grow area do you have?
I know you mentioned you started a grow journal, but there is other info also.

Here's some helpful info.

Welcome New Members - Please Read Before Posting

Here is some information if you would like to start a a grow journal How to Make a Grow Journal

If you want to see want other growers are doing, here's that link. This is where you place your journal.

Journals in Progress

Current and Ongoing

And, after you have over 50 posts you can vote and enter our contest to win free grow stuff from our sponsors.

420 Contests
Win Cool 420 Prizes

Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

Welcome to the mag :welcome: Very interesting intro I'll be trying some breeding next year 🤞 interested to see what you got going on.

I'll be sure to pop over :passitleft:
Oooh you made me work for it 😂 your link in your Sig didn't work 😂

here's yours
Oh we have a Labrador and allegedly a Chihuahua, same colours as yours. Ours is a pest. My chocolate Lab is dozy as but full of love. Plenty dog lovers here @Bill284 - his dogs basically run his grows 🤣
Just back from the groomer actually, when I started typing yesterday.
Then life broke out.
Been pretty hectic.
Couldn't get them to sit still for a pic.
Hopefully today.
Good morning Amigo. :ciao:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Ups and downs. Thanks brother!
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How you're doing well too! 🙏✌️
Seen a few valleys in my day. 😅
Always look forward to that hill on the side.
LIG buddy. :thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
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