Dark Devil Auto: A Community Grow Record

The smoke was excellent. Its had a very strong lemon scent, almost like lemon pledge and it tasted of floral and lemon with earthy undertone.

Would you (or anyone) know if there is a phenotype that has a real lemon fragrance/taste? Pledge smells okay for furniture polish, lol. But if I go to the grocery store and it's one of the two or three days per year when the lemons are decent-sized, don't feel like they have a ½"-thick rind, don't feel like they've gone off, and aren't priced at like a DOLLAR each, well... I'm like a kid at Christmas who just opened his present and discovered... IDK, whatever it is that kids hope to find these days, lol. A hot brunette with few morals, I suppose, or some kind of video game.

Don't get me wrong - I wouldn't turn down a bud that smelled like furniture polish (and right now I wouldn't turn down one that smelled like a three-day old corpse :rolleyes3 ). But I'd like to find something that smells like the fruit of the lemon tree.

I'm slowly coming around to the concept of growing something that might turn purple. Although I'll probably have to remind myself not to hit it with phosphorous and calcium if it happens ;) .
Would you (or anyone) know if there is a phenotype that has a real lemon fragrance/taste? Pledge smells okay for furniture polish, lol. But if I go to the grocery store and it's one of the two or three days per year when the lemons are decent-sized, don't feel like they have a ½"-thick rind, don't feel like they've gone off, and aren't priced at like a DOLLAR each, well... I'm like a kid at Christmas who just opened his present and discovered... IDK, whatever it is that kids hope to find these days, lol. A hot brunette with few morals, I suppose, or some kind of video game.

Don't get me wrong - I wouldn't turn down a bud that smelled like furniture polish (and right now I wouldn't turn down one that smelled like a three-day old corpse :rolleyes3 ). But I'd like to find something that smells like the fruit of the lemon tree.

I'm slowly coming around to the concept of growing something that might turn purple. Although I'll probably have to remind myself not to hit it with phosphorous and calcium if it happens ;) .

If you're growing in soil, mix in the lemon rinds ;)
Would you (or anyone) know if there is a phenotype that has a real lemon fragrance/taste? Pledge smells okay for furniture polish, lol. But if I go to the grocery store and it's one of the two or three days per year when the lemons are decent-sized, don't feel like they have a ½"-thick rind, don't feel like they've gone off, and aren't priced at like a DOLLAR each, well... I'm like a kid at Christmas who just opened his present and discovered... IDK, whatever it is that kids hope to find these days, lol. A hot brunette with few morals, I suppose, or some kind of video game.

Don't get me wrong - I wouldn't turn down a bud that smelled like furniture polish (and right now I wouldn't turn down one that smelled like a three-day old corpse :rolleyes3 ). But I'd like to find something that smells like the fruit of the lemon tree.

I'm slowly coming around to the concept of growing something that might turn purple. Although I'll probably have to remind myself not to hit it with phosphorous and calcium if it happens ;) .

Barney's Farm Amnesia Lemon. I've grown it a couple of times. Very lemon like.
Barney's Farm Amnesia Lemon. I've grown it a couple of times. Very lemon like.

Hey, I have one of those seeds somewhere. I forgot all about it for a while, and then I decided to do an auto-flower (only) grow. I'll have to see if I can germinate and grow it next year. Thanks!

BtW, how was the grow? I mean... Was it slow-growing or a plant on speed, lol? Tall and skinny, big and bushy, short and bushy? Internode spacing short, average, or sativa (extreme)? Tight buds or airy? And what's the buzz like in effect, duration, and potency?

Sorry for all the questions. It's not every day someone mentions that they've grown a strain that I have a seed of.

Wherever it's at, there's a Liberty Haze and Critical Kush with it. Might be an interesting combination, lol. An all Barney's Farm grow. And someone gave me a BF seed a while back, too. Blue Cheese, I think.

Anyway, thanks. Are you still growing Dark Devil Auto? Seems like you've got a few seeds (lmao)...

I keep forgetting to ask, how is DDA for general pain-relief? "Average," above average, below average, or not at all? My brother has spinal stenosis, shoulders that go out of place even easier than mine do, significant nerve damage in his hands (try painting all day when you can't feel the brush handle in your hand :rolleyes3 ), and chest/back pain. And a good friend has some pretty severe issues in his hands/wrists. I think it's mostly carpal tunnel syndrome but there's probably more to it - where the ball sticks up in the wrist, his is... looks real weird (as if it was placed in the wrong location, kind of?) in one and the other he can kind of move by manipulating his wrist with the other hand (creepy). Has a lot of pain, of course, but it's affecting his activities, too. He mentioned the other day that some days if he had to... err... crap, he probably couldn't wipe himself afterwards. Which was way too much information for me (and, I suppose, all of you :icon_roll) but does illustrate his current level of pain/restriction/frustration.
Looks like it might be an all Mephisto season. I'll get the 4x4 up and running in another two weeks and drop the Stilton Specials. I expect the MBAP to be ready for harvest around Christmas. I'll do a quick turn around on that tent and drop four more, as yet undetermined. The kicker...? I hope to reverse and produce S1 seeds with each crop this season. If I didn't know better I'd think there was a plan afoot. ;)
Would you (or anyone) know if there is a phenotype that has a real lemon fragrance/taste? Pledge smells okay for furniture polish, lol. But if I go to the grocery store and it's one of the two or three days per year when the lemons are decent-sized, don't feel like they have a ½"-thick rind, don't feel like they've gone off, and aren't priced at like a DOLLAR each, well... I'm like a kid at Christmas who just opened his present and discovered... IDK, whatever it is that kids hope to find these days, lol. A hot brunette with few morals, I suppose, or some kind of video game.

Don't get me wrong - I wouldn't turn down a bud that smelled like furniture polish (and right now I wouldn't turn down one that smelled like a three-day old corpse :rolleyes3 ). But I'd like to find something that smells like the fruit of the lemon tree.

I'm slowly coming around to the concept of growing something that might turn purple. Although I'll probably have to remind myself not to hit it with phosphorous and calcium if it happens ;) .

Hey! I usually just lurk and don't say anything, but i think it's time that i start talking . i have grown outdoor frisian duck this year and has a very lemony smell. But i think that someone already mentioned here on 420 that the lemon smell evaporates quickly after harvest if you dry it in room temp and that it doesn't if you low and slo dry it in a fridge and that's what i did. After 5 days the smell is the same lemony as it was on the plant:D
Hey! I usually just lurk and don't say anything

I'll say, lol, you've gone a year and eight months without posting. And your first post is in response to one of mine (and you're not posting because I've p!ssed you off ;) ) - I feel honored!

but i think it's time that i start talking

Time, time, and past time. Past time, pastime, pass da thyme. Uh... <COUGH>

i have grown outdoor frisian duck this year and has a very lemony smell.

That's the... hmm... The odd duck, right? Dutch Passion strain, cross of Frisian Dew and Ducksfoot? Webbed, three-finger leaves? Purple buds, maybe? I didn't know it had a lemon fragrance. How is the bud?

But i think that someone already mentioned here on 420 that the lemon smell evaporates quickly after harvest if you dry it in room temp and that it doesn't if you low and slo dry it in a fridge and that's what i did. After 5 days the smell is the same lemony as it was on the plant

Hmm... Did I read that in SweetSue's Low and Slow thread? I got a mind like a steel... sieve, I tell ya.
That wouldn't surprise me. There's always a ton of info in her many threads
I'll say, lol, you've gone a year and eight months without posting. And your first post is in response to one of mine (and you're not posting because I've p!ssed you off ;) ) - I feel honored!

Time, time, and past time. Past time, pastime, pass da thyme. Uh... <COUGH>

That's the... hmm... The odd duck, right? Dutch Passion strain, cross of Frisian Dew and Ducksfoot? Webbed, three-finger leaves? Purple buds, maybe? I didn't know it had a lemon fragrance. How is the bud?

Hmm... Did I read that in SweetSue's Low and Slow thread? I got a mind like a steel... sieve, I tell ya.

Had to start somewhere :D yup, that's right, Dutch Passions stealthy plant, webbed leaves and purple buds. The buds are not really rock hard but still quite dense, they have a lot of leaves so trimming is not really easy, but the high surprised me, i expected less potent flowers since it is a 'stealthy' plant..all in all it's real easy to grow and train, mine turned out pretty big :D
and yes, it was Sue .
Hello fellow farmers;

Earlier this summer I acquired 5 Dark Devil seeds, and last week I finely got them planted and germinated. I must say you folks have my interest peaked after reading all the posts. It took me a few days but finely finished reading through these many pages. Looking forward to getting these done in the next few months. One of my winter projects you might say..

Thanks to everyone for all the useful information about this strain.. A picture of my seedlings..
:thumb: I also was enticed by this thread, thank you Sue. It did take a while to read:reading420magazine:.

I definitely need to get some more DDA seeds, my first try only had one survivor due to pesky rodents. It was a troubled grow, to many new variables. I would like better results so I will try again.:Namaste:

Here's 6 Dark Devils just beaming ground need to up pot them like now as not to put them into shock!!!!!
It's been about a week since I posted a pic with my five newly sprouted DDA's. This is what they looked like yesterday. I also transplanted them to some larger containers. It just seems like these are growing rather rapidly.. Maybe it's just me... Anyway, this is one week from the last pic..
Had to start somewhere :D yup, that's right, Dutch Passions stealthy plant, webbed leaves and purple buds. The buds are not really rock hard but still quite dense, they have a lot of leaves so trimming is not really easy, but the high surprised me, i expected less potent flowers since it is a 'stealthy' plant..all in all it's real easy to grow and train, mine turned out pretty big :D
and yes, it was Sue .

:welcome: from the shadows shnitzal. :hug: We love it when we entice someone to speak. :laughtwo: So good to know you're getting benefit from the threads we play in. Are you growing DDA?

My two cents: I hear Lemon Haze is a wonderfully lemony fragrance.

:thumb: I also was enticed by this thread, thank you Sue. It did take a while to read:reading420magazine:.

I definitely need to get some more DDA seeds, my first try only had one survivor due to pesky rodents. It was a troubled grow, to many new variables. I would like better results so I will try again.:Namaste:

I feel a desperate yearning to have a couple of my own growing. I love nothing more than deep purple buds drying in the fridge.

Incidentally, last if my DDAs, the sativa-leaning one, had a pronounced lemon scent. You might get lucky TS.


Here’s 6 Dark Devils just beaming ground need to up pot them like now as not to put them into shock!!!!!

I do hope you got them repotted LTS. Any pictures to share? :battingeyelashes:

It's been about a week since I posted a pic with my five newly sprouted DDA's. This is what they looked like yesterday. I also transplanted them to some larger containers. It just seems like these are growing rather rapidly.. Maybe it's just me... Anyway, this is one week from the last pic..

They look great for a week's growth. :high-five:

A hearty :420: welcome to you too UncleGreen :passitleft: Your first dance with DDA and you went with five. There's no turning back now. Lol! You're about to be amazed at how enticingly beautiful one chemovar can be. I can't believe it's been so long since my last seed hit the soil. That'll change here soon. I'll be starting back with two, one soil and one hempy. I'm trying to see if I really prefer one over the other.

Actually thats 10 days Pennywise. I snapped that picture yesterday afternoon. (Sunday). I think I will top a couple of them and compare the difference as they grow..

I wait until the fourth or fifth node and top them once only. I did a side-by-side my last two, but I don't recall any great increase in yield, just more plant overall on the topped one. That's my garden though, and it doesn't always do what we think it will. Lol!

Good to have another DDA family to watch develop. Thanks for sharing them with us. :green_heart:
My two cents: I hear Lemon Haze is a wonderfully lemony fragrance.

Your two cents is usually worth at least a dollar, IMHO.

I feel a desperate yearning to have a couple of my own growing. I love nothing more than deep purple buds drying in the fridge.

I threw a couple DDA S₁ seeds into the pool, but managed to forget about them afterwards. Had them in a couple Styrofoam coffee cups (out of Solo cups, lol). The selfing process apparently didn't kill all the hybrid vigor, because when I remembered to check on them, I had two tiny green seedlings in the cups of water, fully emerged from their seed cases and displaying green cotyledons. I would have gone ahead and planted them, since they appeared to still be alive, were it not for the fact that each cup had some blackish (mold?) spots on their inner walls. Somewhat frightening is the fact that they were parked on a shelf just below the ceiling of my grow area - so I must assume that there are mold spores in the environment. I only did a "moderate" cleaning prior to setting up in there (IOW, no chlorine bleach this time), and I'm worried that it'll come back to bite me before harvest(s).

Incidentally, last if my DDAs, the sativa-leaning one, had a pronounced lemon scent. You might get lucky TS.

Nice, and thanks. Was that a Sweet Seeds original or one of the "single-parent" seeds?

I actually now find myself with more auto-flowering strains than I had initially planned on. Ironically, a year or so ago, I was not overly interested in growing autos - now I'm trying to decide how many different auto-flowering strains I can shoehorn in there at once :rolleyes3 . Maybe, if I'm still around at the time <KNOCKS WOOD>, I'll be able to rewire/upgrade the house in 2020 and then set up more than one grow space in 2021. Probably not, though; I don't seem to do well with long-term plans (you know, farther off into the murky mists of time than... five minutes, lol?). But a man can hope, dream, or at least hope to dream ;) .

Speaking of the latter, things have been a little out of kilter locally, so I cannot tell if the medication is regulating my sleep better, yet, or not. But it may be doing something positive to my mood and general emotional state. Kind of hard to tell, lol, because it's probably a case of trying to empty the ocean with a spoon. Not that the spoon isn't a large industrial model or anything ;) - but it's a fairly large ocean.

I'll be starting back with two, one soil and one hempy. I'm trying to see if I really prefer one over the other.

I'll be interested in the answer to that one. Specifically, whether it's merely decided on things such as yield, or if other factors come into consideration. None of my business of course, lol, just curious.

I wait until the fourth or fifth node and top them once only. I did a side-by-side my last two, but I don't recall any great increase in yield, just more plant overall on the topped one. That's my garden though, and it doesn't always do what we think it will. Lol!

On the one that wasn't topped, did you still do training to increase branching (IOW, tie the main growing tip down below the tips of the secondaries in order to redistribute the auxins from the primary to the secondaries)?
I finally got round to popping my dda.
She's in coco under cobs at 27days old

I'll try to keep you lot updated but I'm pretty rubbish at maintaining journals :)
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