Deep Water Culture w/Clones - CFL's & LED's - Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media

Re: Deep Water Culture w/Clones, CFL's & LED's, Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media

Day 77- Completion of Week #3 of Flowering


Hello All well here we are completion of week 3 & these girls are going gang busters!! I got my over fert issues under control!!! I was so busy worry about everyone else I was neglecting to calibrate my TDS meter. Very jackass on my part as I know better & will calibrate it now every week no matter what!! I was running 250ppm higher the I though so no wonder these girls were going "jesus!, dad!!!!" I will do one more foliar feed this week to use up prepared spray, I did none this last week at all. Week #4 of flowering is suppose to be when you stop foliar anyway or risk "BUD MOLD", yuk!!

Reservoir Water is RO'ed & H2O2 @ 5ml/gal 24hrs prior to use
15gal prepare H2O
10ml Dutch Master Gold Range Zone
15ml Nutilife SM-90
1oz Botanicare Silca Blast
3oz Botanicare Sweet Carbo Berry
2oz Dutch Master Gold Range Add.27 Flower
2oz Dutch Master Gold Range Nutrient A Flower
2oz Dutch Master Gold Range Nutrient B Flower
1tbsp General Hydroponics Liquid PH Down

Final PPM for both Res 1530 & final PH for both 5.5

I then misted plants after res change with Plain RO'ed H2O

Some of these pics were done with lights ready to come on in 1 minute & some where done when 1/2 the lights came on. Ya another Trick I think i stumbled onto is having 1/2 the lights come on 15min earlier then other half, which inturn I do the same on lights out to simulate sunrise & sunset!!

I also took some pics with a measuring tape in them to give you a size perception of the grow!! And of my little girls in the coco, so technically I have never lost a plant!!!:bong::bongrip::reading420magazine::rollit:

Without further ado!!


HOG in Res#2 before lights on

Top Cola HOG in Res #2 before lights on

Top Cola Pruple Kush Res #1 before lights on

Looking through HOG in Res #2 @ Sunrise

HOG top In Res #2 @ Sunrise

Purple Kush Res #1 @ Sunrise

Purple Kush Res #1 @ Sunrise

Purple Kush Res #1 @ Sunrise

HOG Cola Res #1 @ Sunrise

Hawaiian in Res #2 @ Sunrise

Hawaiian in Res #2 @ Sunrise

Both Res @ Sunrise from Hawaiian Res #2 End

Res #1 @ Sunrise

Res #2 from Hog end @ Sunrise

My two Little sickies Tall one is Hawaiian & short one is a HOG, aren't they cute, aw! Using same prepared res water w/nutes from res changes to water all week with!!

Res #1 kinda can see Purple Kush in back

Res #1 better pic of Purple Kush in back, 26" @ this time!!

Res #2 HOG in the Back Cola is a little taller the where light reflector rim heigth is 36" & HOG is approx. 38-39"

Res #2 HOG better pic to see heigth

I am pretty proud of myself for getting through the bullshit & getting to the point I am!! I never thought I could get plants this big after all my problems & I have to credit geting my water properly sterilized & Dutch Master Gold Range Products the proof is in the pudding my friends!! Happy Grows ~H~
Re: Deep Water Culture w/Clones, CFL's & LED's, Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media

Found the best quote for the "organics" thing I ever read or could write myself about it!

" This is my main concern. I'm not even comfortable with some of the stuff in the FF line. Lots of reading ahead for me.

As my friends though, I ask that you keep an eye on me,lol...I don't want to become a granola bearded mountain dwelling weirdo,......

"Yea, You must align your chi before entering the grow area. Once I'm there, I feed them a pinch of mouse poop, 3 strands of deer hair, some elk sperm (bitch to get) and then I blow sifted ash across all the fan leaves."

With buds the side of fire extinguishers,lmao

Yea,...regardless how big the buds EVER get, don't let me become that guy...." :rofl:

This exactly how I feel!; I mean my god this is one of the reasons we grow ourselves because we care what goes into our body!! But I still state & believe "Straight Organics" & Hydro, especially DWC, do not mix!! And if this is what I have to do to make them mix screw it!!! It ain't worth it!! This is suppose to be a hobby, a peaceful, reflective activity, that allows one to become a little more connected to the earth, so I go about my merry way!! And say damn the torpedoes, full steam ahead!! One mans opinion, Happy Grows ~H~
Re: Deep Water Culture w/Clones, CFL's & LED's, Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media


Well it is day #4 into week 4 of flowering & I just want you to know these pics are total crap & do not even come close to showing the amount of trychs on the leaves! This is of 2 Purple Kush in Res #1




Dutch Master Gold Range Products are just the best you can get!!

Now K~ this part is just for you!!!
I took these pics tonight after the first ones, the roots glissen because I keep the water tubes clear but they plug regularly due to this mucky shit you see on the outside of the hoses which is,,, That's right Hygrozyme, crap & it is use to be a lot worse!! This was one use, after having DM Zone clear my Res & produce in 2 weeks snow white pillow of roots!!! Then muck!!! By the by the root mass now touches the bottom of the net cups & fills the res completely; reason why I am going to bigger res on next grow like Sky Rocket, he also uses DM Zone, ect.


Now with that being said, I understand you are doing all to save your plants! But I wish you would listen to me my friend!! Good luck, though!! Happy Grows ~H~
Re: Deep Water Culture w/Clones, CFL's & LED's, Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media

H, I'm definately listening, but like you said, doing all I can to save the plant at this point and have just added it to the one hempy. You're still my idol! :adore:

Luckily, the other plants seem to be doing well, so far, so if I lose one, it won't be the end of the world. At this point, I need more room! :grinjoint:
Re: Deep Water Culture w/Clones, CFL's & LED's, Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media

Hey man, checking out your grow. I have had bad luck myself with DWC. I messed with it for a very long time. I eventually figured out what made it all come together. First, your resv is not light tight. Ya it is blue but it still lets light in. You need to wrap it in light proof plastic or paint it with something light proof. And are your nutes stealth hydro brand? Get your self some general hydroponic flora series and follow their feeding schedule and you will be shocked at the plant growth. DWC needs simplicity other wise it is just over taken by root. I was using all different additives and they would just bring problems. Finally I switched to the simple Locus Formula and my plants exploded with fuzzy white growth.

And H202 does remove mold but is better used as preventative maintenance. Using it frequently at lower doses is key. Also your store bought H202 is diluted and depending on you contaminate level may do little help. Look into some 35% Food grade H202. It is a staple when using DWC. Peace dude! :grinjoint:

And what are your resv temp like?
Re: Deep Water Culture w/Clones, CFL's & LED's, Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media

Hey man, checking out your grow. I have had bad luck myself with DWC. I messed with it for a very long time. I eventually figured out what made it all come together. First, your resv is not light tight. Ya it is blue but it still lets light in. You need to wrap it in light proof plastic or paint it with something light proof. And are your nutes stealth hydro brand? Get your self some general hydroponic flora series and follow their feeding schedule and you will be shocked at the plant growth. DWC needs simplicity other wise it is just over taken by root. I was using all different additives and they would just bring problems. Finally I switched to the simple Locus Formula and my plants exploded with fuzzy white growth.

And H202 does remove mold but is better used as preventative maintenance. Using it frequently at lower doses is key. Also your store bought H202 is diluted and depending on you contaminate level may do little help. Look into some 35% Food grade H202. It is a staple when using DWC. Peace dude! :grinjoint:

And what are your resv temp like?

This is why I am going to the 14gal & now thinking I might go to 18gal like Sky Rocket, & yes it is darker(no light) color & yes I have ID'ed the light leak issue & new res with have tight fitting grommets, which I have access to. Also these sterilite containers have those holes in the handle were I have air lines coming in & no grommet. But appriciate the heads up! As for H2O2 I do use it as a preventive & not an regular additve, only to shock & sterilize res change water. Yes it is a staple in DWC though. I have heard a little about Locus Formula, but I will do a little research on it!! Buit I am having no issues @ this time, my problems are all solved!! Just bitching about "Zyme of the Week" & how it makes it look like shit + plugs lines, pumps, ect.!! Happy Grows ~H~
Re: Deep Water Culture w/Clones, CFL's & LED's, Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media

H, I'm definately listening, but like you said, doing all I can to save the plant at this point and have just added it to the one hempy. You're still my idol! :adore:

Luckily, the other plants seem to be doing well, so far, so if I lose one, it won't be the end of the world. At this point, I need more room! :grinjoint:

I see it is still wilted, I tell you K~ it is wilting. I know everyone has an opinion but have I ever given you wrong info or told you something about a product that was wrong? I.E.- "Zone is a flush & Sanitizer", "Clearex is just like Hydrogen Peroxide", you know better then that!!! I know people have good intentions here but I firmly believe The Road To Hell Is Paved With Good Intentions!!!!

Hope your plants are better & you are now starting to get how sick those plants were when you got them!! Happy Grows ~H~
Re: Deep Water Culture w/Clones, CFL's & LED's, Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media

I see it is still wilted, I tell you K~ it is wilting. I know everyone has an opinion but have I ever given you wrong info or told you something about a product that was wrong? I.E.- "Zone is a flush & Sanitizer", "Clearex is just like Hydrogen Peroxide", you know better then that!!! I know people have good intentions here but I firmly believe The Road To Hell Is Paved With Good Intentions!!!!

I agree, but since I just ordered the Clearex and the DMGZ isn't here yet either, I had to make with what I had on-hand. The fact that I ordered BOTH the DMGZ & Clearex should tell you I trust & value your opinion. I just don't think the girl would last another 4-5 days without doing something.
Re: Deep Water Culture w/Clones, CFL's & LED's, Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media

I agree, but since I just ordered the Clearex and the DMGZ isn't here yet either, I had to make with what I had on-hand. The fact that I ordered BOTH the DMGZ & Clearex should tell you I trust & value your opinion. I just don't think the girl would last another 4-5 days without doing something.

I would start googling, Nitrogen Toxicity cannabis, wilting cannabis & check quite a few threads & see if there is a real fix out there. I agree you have to do something but "Benny Bac" for N Toxicity & nute lock? Not sure that is going to work! Hope it comes back & I think you will have to flush a few times with a good flushing agent or weak nute solution. I know you trust me, I just do not think you have gotten a good anwser here to your issue. Obviously when the 2 get there you will see things will improve!! No, worries I still love ya baby! ~H~
Re: Deep Water Culture w/Clones, CFL's & LED's, Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media

I agree, but since I just ordered the Clearex and the DMGZ isn't here yet either, I had to make with what I had on-hand. The fact that I ordered BOTH the DMGZ & Clearex should tell you I trust & value your opinion. I just don't think the girl would last another 4-5 days without doing something.
The hydrozyme is not going to hurt anything.Especially in a hempy where there are no pumps.Hydorzyme works best with people using organic nutes in there hydro as killing bacteria defeats the purpose for going organic.If you have clean system using synthetics or plant base organic I would not use hydrozyme as it will accumalate but it flushes very easy and rinses off with just water.All I can say is my plant was pretty much setting in a bucket of poop with all kinds of slime build up and hydrozyme cleared it up and roots exploded with growth.But its not a big deal I have only just started hydro last year so I may be wrong but one would need to understand it use before using it.
Re: Deep Water Culture w/Clones, CFL's & LED's, Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media


Well it is day #4 into week 4 of flowering & I just want you to know these pics are total crap & do not even come close to showing the amount of trychs on the leaves! This is of 2 Purple Kush in Res #1




Dutch Master Gold Range Products are just the best you can get!!

Now K~ this part is just for you!!!
I took these pics tonight after the first ones, the roots glissen because I keep the water tubes clear but they plug regularly due to this mucky shit you see on the outside of the hoses which is,,, That's right Hygrozyme, crap & it is use to be a lot worse!! This was one use, after having DM Zone clear my Res & produce in 2 weeks snow white pillow of roots!!! Then muck!!! By the by the root mass now touches the bottom of the net cups & fills the res completely; reason why I am going to bigger res on next grow like Sky Rocket, he also uses DM Zone, ect.


Now with that being said, I understand you are doing all to save your plants! But I wish you would listen to me my friend!! Good luck, though!! Happy Grows ~H~
Looking good man...Time to pull the pumps out IMO.After you roots hit the res most people pull the pumps out as it keeps things cooler and cloging becomes an issue and starts throwing ph all over.:bravo:
Re: Deep Water Culture w/Clones, CFL's & LED's, Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media

Oh, I understood how to use it & use it on just how I was told by the Hydro shop owner with 25yrs Hydro experience & for me it made things worse; the only thing that ever did what it said was DM Zone. Never said it would hurt, said it is not going to fix this problem! You are right about one thing it is for organics, but really soil organics. The theory behind using in hydro is out compeats bad bacteria for ruling the tank but as a fix I do not see it! But then again I believe Hydro is unnatural way to grow pot & therefore organics & DWC do not mix in my humble opinion; but as you say different stroke for different folks!! ~H~
Re: Deep Water Culture w/Clones, CFL's & LED's, Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media

Not having temp issues & ya some do pull them, but do you pull the drip ring on a hydrofarm? No & these plants came through hell, and if it aint broke then I aint fixen it! DM products have stabilized my res & I now never have ph issues ~H~
Re: Deep Water Culture w/Clones, CFL's & LED's, Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media

I really do not think it is going to be cured because I think it is irreversable, but that is why I said google it! To see if there is an anwser & I am orignally from Sacramento & have been around the outdoor grow scene since I was 13(in Mendo, And Trinity), late forties now. Been out in the forrest cutting windows in the canopy, running water lines, filling reservoirs & such. But as I've already stated that is soil growing. This is HYDRO in the Midwest & it is a totally new/different monster. :rollit:~H~

PS- the medical had past on the ballot before I left Cali.
Re: Deep Water Culture w/Clones, CFL's & LED's, Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media

FYI...The only solution I've found for curing nitrogen toxicity is to flush with neutral PH water 3x to 5x the size of the container (i.e. for a two gallon container, flush with 6-10 gallons of water)...doing more flushing, but not sure it's nitrogen toxicity. It's definately something, though, that needs to be flushed!
Re: Deep Water Culture w/Clones, CFL's & LED's, Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media

I dont know man...What I do know is flushing is not going to cure his problem with hydrozyme or any other product.And if your succeeding with growing hydro organicaly that kinda says a lot by it self and I take advice from a hydrostore like its a grain of sand.I may only have a few hydro grows but I am a second gen outdoor gardener with pics of 12-14ft plants to prove it.But with an open mind I fallow your technique along with many others and learn from it and I apply it to what best fits my situation.I dont knock it I respect it.Not so much the know it all attitude thow.That wont expand your knowledge to far bra:peace:

Medical Marijuana Patients & Caregivers- the future of & best hope for real Cannabis Reform in Michigan & the whole USA
PS this prop originatated from my home town where weed grows fluently and there are more gardens and experienced growers in the whole united states.LOL there are no gardens in sac.I am talking mendacino humboldt siskiyou/Trinity my friend.

I think I stated Mendo & Trinty since there is no forrest in Sac to cut windows out of the canopy. But born right @ Mercy Hospital on J St, downtown Sacto. As for no gardens in Sacto, well thats just not true!! Although mostly indoors, now I would say(or at least according to my peeps)! As well as in Eldo, Amador, & Placer. Keep up on the politics out there too, funny how Sac Co. don't want dispeseries but the City is taxing it & setting dispensery numbers with mortioriums on new ones!! Cali hasn't changed a bit!! Just gotten more immigrants. Oh ya, by the by is this not my journal?; that's right it is! Happy Grows ~H~
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