Dro420's Outdoor Coco Candida CD-1 Grow Journal 2019


Active Member
Hey 420!
First Grow Journal coming up!
This is actually one started last year and nearing completion so i'm going try and recall what I can of it.

Strain Details:
Strain: Candida CD-1 (Medical Marijuana Genetics)
see link below for more info
Phenotype: Sativa (The strain is actually 50-50 Sativa/indica but produces one of the two)
CBD/THC Levels: 10-20% CBD & 0.5%-1% THC
Breeder suggested flower time: 9 Weeks
Other notes: Feminised seed

Grow Details:

I'm going to break this up as best I can - it began indoors and then went outdoor/indoor then completely migrated to outdoor
Week 0
Seed planted into Jiffy Pot (peat moss pellets)
Week 1
Seed sprouted and placed under small CFL
Notes: Next time I will be using my ViparSpectra LED for this stage (and veg)
Week 2
Seedling transplanted to 2L Pot with Coco/Perlite blend
Notes: The seedling really were going slow here (I didn't allow enough growth before transfer to a larger pot)
Week 3-4

Soil Medium: Coco with Perlite
Pot size: 2L
Nutrients: Bloom (brand) A/B Grow Nutrients
Additives: PH Down (Ph 6.2-6.5)
Grow Style: Indoor in 1mx1mx2m Grow Tent
Grow Tent Setup: Carbon Filter, Extraction fan, HPS Light (batwing) with magnetic ballast
Light: 600w HPS
Lighting schedule: 18/6
Notes: Trying to veg under a HPS light is not ideal (especially one with a magnetic ballast), coupled with being in a large pot and not using any nutrients in coco, it was no wonder this was taking ages to get some growth traction.
Week 5-6
After some growth I was able to transfer to a 30L Pot.
As temperatures began to rise I made use of the sun and moved Candice outside once the sun was up and then returned her to her house when it set. This allowed me to maintain the 18/6 lighting schedule without the electricity cost nor the hassle that high temps were causing.
The sun began to promote growth.
Week 7
I was able to begin LST on the girl
I also began topping her around this time - I'll admit i'm a little hazy on when I did this (or a little sativary? lol)
But I did top her quite a few times - maybe 4-6 times and FIMMED her once too.
Throughout the grow I continued to LST
(note the white in the back leaf - whitefly)

Week 8
I replaced the 600w HPS in favor of a ViparSpectra PAR-series 700w (350w true draw).
This was primarily due to heat becoming a problem.
I also rigged up a Portable Aircon to try and mitigate heat.
Notes: LED during growth phase was noticeably better - I know it is well established LED during growth is better then HPS but still good to verify for yourself.
Week 9
At this point it was becoming obvious that it would end up being too costly to keep them indoor and I decided to move them outside permanently.
Having already been moved outside during the days removed the need to acclimate them as much.
Week 10 - 14
Weeks 10-14 I don't have any pictures, J was too busy battling...Whitefly! My god what a bastard they were!
Basically I wanted to attack them from a natural/organic angle and had eco-oil and organic soap/insecticide which I ended up applying every 3 days for 3 weeks! That nearly broke me I swear...cause it didn't get rid of them.
It was only by chatting with someone and realising that there was a massive tree next to my girl that was full of them!
I did what I could though and put up a shade (see next pic) and yellow sticky traps this helped alot but didn't solve the problem.

Week 15
It seemed that Candice was getting thirsty and I had to water her daily at this point, so I decided to treat her with a new and better home, a 85L Pot.
Perhaps a mistake, perhaps not, I used a different brand of coco that was held more water which I had put on the bottom of the pot and covered the top with making it very difficult to determine how moist the inner (non-water-holding coco) was.
When transferring to the new pot I also used some Uwaroo to promote rooting.
At this point I also began a new nutrient regimen adding Monocyclic Acid (PSI), BAC Pro-Activ and BAC Rotalumits.
I also began flushing it each 3 weeks with 3/4 volume of pot and then using BAC Weekly Scirup on the final 1/5 of water being flushed.

Notes: The combination of additives and new pot really helped growth.
Week 16-17
New nutrient schedule continued and white fly seemed to have reduced in numbers although still present.
Week 1 of Flower
Flowering finally begins...Fucking-woo! haha
To honour her transition I built her a new shade and took her away from the whitefly tree.
Nutrients: As my initial brand of grow nutrients ran out I changed to a new brand at which time I wasn't using an EC meter so i can't really comment on the strength change
I also did a flush around this point (using BAC Weekly Scirup as described earlier)

Notes: Although under shade I still moved her out to get additional morning sun when it seemed like a good idea

Week 2-3 Flower
I began to add Potash into the mix (BAC F1 Extreme) and slowly increased while dropping the AB Nutrients slightly
Week 4 - Flower
Upon watering I noticed some more winged beasts...this time fungus gnats. I was promptly onto it and using GNatural and diatomaceous earth they were disposed of!
Week 5 - Flower


On a particularly hot day the black screen shown in the prev pic really heated up and burnt the candices hairs.

This was the last week I used any Potash and then I began using THC Eksit to enhance the bud swelling

Week 6 - Flower

And then distaster strikes! I found spider mite and whitefly. Alot of them.
I was presented with quite the predicament being this late in flower.
Deciding that somethings can't be avoided I went and got Kryptomite and MAC Mite spray and got to each leaf on the plant.
Nutrients: I dropped the AB Nutrients and added Frooting powder (also known as Shooting powder I believe)


Flower - Week 7 Onwards
Continued on Next Post

...and breath haha.
I will go back and edit what I have inevitably forgotten but here is a start :)


  • week 6 flower.JPG
    week 6 flower.JPG
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Thanks for the welcome :ciao:
I look forward to seeing your progress with it - it is a pretty good strain.

Grow Journal Continued

Week 7 - Flower

And here we are up to current.


Here are the trichomes for today

A quick question...does darkening of the leaf tips during late flower indicate anything in this case?
I realise if it was a deficiency of some sort I wouldn't be able to correct it in time but still would be interesting to know

I'll keep the updates coming :)
A question about trichomes...
On a high cbd, minimal thc plant will there be much ambering of trichomes?
As I understand it, the amber trichomes are the result of THC degrading into CBN. So with a strain that is 1% THC there wouldn't be much ambering happening.

Any thoughts?
Looking at the MMGenetics website - Nightingale strain can range from 1:20 (thc:cbd) in the Indica phenotype to 1:1 with the sativa pheno.
Maxing out at 10% thc and 20% cbd.

I'll continue to monitor it regardless.
Also did I read correctly that when a plant is ready to be harvested it will stop drinking as much water?
Also did I read correctly that when a plant is ready to be harvested it will stop drinking as much water?

I'm not sure. I can check the run off in a few weeks, since my current grow isn't ready for harvest yet. From aggressive veg through harvest I give my plants 500ml twice per day. That's enough to get 10% run off from my coco/perlite substrate.
I'm not sure. I can check the run off in a few weeks, since my current grow isn't ready for harvest yet. From aggressive veg through harvest I give my plants 500ml twice per day. That's enough to get 10% run off from my coco/perlite substrate.
That's interesting - I have been giving mine 30L every 1-2 days but mine is in a 85L pot and was vegged for ages so I guess it shouldn't be too surprising ha.

@HiDro420 - am growing cbdream which is 6% : 6%, they amber up.
Thanks Bluter for weighing in.

Here's the trichomes now at day 56:
(There are some amber ones haha)
That's interesting - I have been giving mine 30L every 1-2 days but mine is in a 85L pot and was vegged for ages so I guess it shouldn't be too surprising ha.

I grow in 11 liter (3.8 gal) caged grow bags, and the plants only grow about 24" tall during my grows. Each plant is pruned so that I get 8 colas. I have four of these in a 60cm X 120cm (2' X 4') tent. Small containers, plants, and tent explain why mine don't drink as much as your monsters.
I had a look at your grow and you have a very clean/impressive operation :thumb:
Also props on your Nutrient calculator you made, I did a quick one for myself but I think I might adopt your style :Namaste:
Okay so the last few days have been eventful:
• 2 snapped branches
• Entire plant falling over
• buds leaning on black screen causing bruising

But it has weathered it like a champ with minimal damage from these things.
To support it I have made what resembles a rope climb for a spider .
Basically I needed to support the branches while containing it within the plant - its doing the job

I'm preparing for harvest next week.
I've read the flushing vs not flushing debate deciding I will this time.
Basically i'm willing to trade off potential yield gains for the potential removal of excess nutrients.
When I can do a side by side I will try flushing and not.

I am also going to wash as per Doc Buds method.

And here's a pic to leave you with
Well like any good story this chapter has new twist...

If confirmation that the Kryptomite is now safely off the leafs...this is it.

And for some humor lol:

They are pretty wide spread and i'm not up to washing the whole plant right at this moment.

Now I guess the question is:
a) How much damage will they do before harvest (1 - 7 days away)
b) How quickly will they do that damage.

I feel fairly confident that if I let them go, chop in a few days and then do a wash (maybe using the Hydogen Peroxide (can anyone confirm this to be needed?)) it should evade any significant damage

Any thoughts anyone?
ACK! Ehh those are gross, how fast are they eating? I know nothing about bugs...I hope those little beasts don't hurt your crop, those plants look beautiful! Good luck to you @HiDro420 sending anti bug vibes your way!
Yeh they are gross - they look like young spider mites to me.

If so, basically they suck the juices from the leaf and stop the plant from transpiring and fuck up water regulation diminishing the plants health.

I just don't know how quickly that might take place.

Thanks for kind words:)
And much appreciation for the vibes:Namaste:
Ah your totally right!

Just read up on aphids quickly and it is interesting that they leave behind honeydew which can attract a type of fungus called sooty mold that can turn leafs black (mine definitely have some blackening - I was thinking the cold weather was bringing it out...well i'm now hoping that is it lol)

I'm thinking i'll chop it asap now to avoid any complications.

And hopefully a wash in hydrogen peroxide then lemon and baking soda will remove any remnants of them :blunt:
And the harvest has begun :yummy:

Here are some before and after pics of what washing buds does:

Vibrancy is really the only description that comes to mind :)

Looking at the buckets it makes sense:

And here is some after a wet trim

Fyi - I chopped these ones before an hour before the sun came up and will keep these seperated to note any differences with ones chopped during sun up (the plant draws up starches and sugars from roots at sun up)

Realistically its going to be impractical to harvest all of it before the sun is up and also wash it all too - it's suggested to wash it as soon after. Chopping it as possible (ideally within the hour).

It took me 2 hours to just do about 1/10 of the plant lol
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