Ebb 'N' Grow Try

Just a heads up bud, I'll be sure to give plenty of feedback and helpful advice when needed. Do you have a recent update by any chance? I'm totally interested in hydro so I try to follow them so I know what to look for when I do go to try it.

Also, if you update on a regular basis you are sure to gather a following. :thumb:
This is a pic a week ago Ill take more when the lights are on
I need to drain my 55 gallon reservoir any ideas gotta change it to bloom nutes
Siphon pump, submersible pump, dump it down a floor drain...lol. just all depends on the mess you want to make. Or you can just suck on a hose to create a vacuum then it will take care of itself once flow is established. I know that would be last resort but thought I would throw it out there. The girls are looking fantastic. So I can assume lights are going to be flipped here shortly huh?
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