Feral's Journal Of Insanity & Some Growing

Haha I’ve become use to them, I don’t hate them when they aren’t in my yard, I’ll leave them alone if they’re a distance away from my place but if they’re in my yard, sorry, 1000 snakes aren’t worth the risk of a single bite to my son.

I hear you there hehe, if they aint in my yard they aint my problem ;) I'm only looking out for my boy too, I don't know enough about them to know which ones are poisonous or deadly so I just steer clear of them all, unless its someones pet then I don't really care, its not that I'm scared of them I just don't want my boy getting bit :thumb:

I live in a desert and there's rumor that there are snakes indigenous to the area. I've only ever seen them in the pet store and local zoo. I was at one time an avid hiker I've seen hawks, eagles, plenty of lizards, even big horn sheep (don't see those fuckers everyday!) and never once a snake. There's plenty of snake holes I just never hear the rattles.

I had a couple as pets for a while just some corn snakes love to watch those mice get swallowed. I would dangle the mouse by the tail, flick it's head then dangle it in the tank and BAM!!!!! Charlie would snatch that little fucker right outta my fingers.

Ive seen so many around this area but our property has always been pretty good for snakes, a lot of blue tongue lizards around which keep the snakes at bay ;) Yeah some pet snakes are pretty cool, personally I could never have them while working in my old industry and is probably why I know so little about them, working with pesticides is not a good mix for a snake owner :rofl:
There are only four kinds of snakes that I don't like.
Big ones, little ones, live ones, and dead ones. Lol.


Similar to my mantra about smoking weed.

"I only smoke weed on days that end in Y."
Don't move to Australia then, they all end in e, mondee tuesdee wensdee thursdee fridee satdee sundee..
I'ma Daddy again!!!!!!!!!!!!!


About the only time I won't kill a snake is if I know it's a python and I can VERY safely move it away, doesn't happen often but once or twice I haven't had to resort to violence, but if it's brown or black it's dead.
I've heard those King Browns are pretty gnarly, I was watching some snake show on Nat Geo and they went down south for that segment. Is that the deadliest snake in Australia?

Think sea snakes have the deadliest venom but very shy. Then taipans, king browns, browns, tiger snakes... copper heads, death adders... wouldnt want to try any of them out. Black snakes eat the young of the others. Tiger snakes give birth to live young. No eggs. Only ones that have ever gone me are tiger snakes. Not a fan of them. Evil and worthy of a shovel to the head.
Feral's Journal Of Insanity & Some Growing

Man your very quite latley Feral. Hope that snake didnt bite you on your pecker... you know if that happens your meant to get the closeest hottest women to suck the poison out right? .
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