Feral's Journal Of Insanity & Some Growing

Yeah, for sure bud. I'm not that hard up for seeds. Although I meant what I said... they sound like interesting crosses. That sour white jack has been on my mind for a while now.
Yeah, for sure bud. I'm not that hard up for seeds. Although I meant what I said... they sound like interesting crosses. That sour white jack has been on my mind for a while now.

Yeah man I have a few others I could hit with the jabbas stash but them 2 are the ones I think would make the best crosses with, will be very interesting crosses for sure :) I know you are not hard up for seeds but if you ever wanted to give some a go just DM me on there bro :passitleft:

Unfortunately I lost the daddy I found in the sour white jacks, he just wouldn't reveg, ive only got a very small amount of seeds left from that cross so I need to use all of them to find another male and female combo to make f2's, right now I don't have any time or space to run them so probably wont get back to it till later in the year, I'm actually more focused on the last round and current round of crosses :thumb:
Perfectly understandable bud. I hope you document the process. Would be awesome man. :thumb:
As always mate your smashing it.
Wish my phone would load your pics quicker cause it takes forever.
With the X’s you have now you should never need to make a seed purchase again.

Thanks bro ;) wish I could get on here more but my internet is still absolutely fucked, taken me 2 hours to access this page :( fucking Telstra, was supposed to be fixed weeks ago, still no house phone either, now the app is fucking up too :rofl: cant win bro :rofl: yeah I shouldn't ever need to buy a seed again but I still have so many other strains to collect :rofl: until I'm 100% happy with the weed I'm smoking I will keep looking ;)

Ok I’m subbing up on here too

Welcome bro, good to see you over here ;) I should get back to it once internet is back up and running, till then most of it is gonna be on IG ;) :passitleft:

...and wouldn't you know it the internet dropped out again before I could press post :rofl:
Telstra needs to change their name to Fucking Telstra because that's what everyone calls them.
Please pardon the intrusion. :thanks:

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I wanted to throw a question out there for all to answer. I'm looking for a quiet exhaust fan that can move at least 150 cfm. I'm pretty sure the one I've got has a bad bearing. I've got it running about 60% and it's still loud. Thanks in advance!
@DobeWan I think we did lose him, I don't have Instagram either, but if you google his username (ferala9x Instagram) it will pop right up and you can take a peak at what he's been up too.. His m2 unknown sativa is looking out of this world right now ... And his few outdoor girls are awe-inspiring also
I have to say, I too am unhappy with the sweeping change to 420.com. It's officially a PIA to use. which is why I'm on here so infrequently. It's too bad too, I enjoyed being here, now it's like, "ugh I need to update my journal." know what I'm sayin...
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