First Indoor Grow


Howdy do mate

How are they growing? Are you happy with them?
Hope all's well.

In a while, crocodile
Squiggles mate the plants are doing really well i think. There hasnt been too much to report in on over the past week its been steady smooth sailing, Im still seeing the big yellow blue dream pack on weight + many other things.
Just on WEEK 9 day 2 as we speak.... For some reason i still feel its too early. any advice would be nice

took a couple photos to share tonight, In 2 days time i will be cutting down one of the blue dreams. Just to get a gauge on the difference between a week or two. if I'm way to early or not( It seems like the only real/BEST way to learn is to try it yourself)
Having said that, Im going to try and be strict on the others and go by the tricomes

Also starting to realize i didnt do the best of jobs "scroging" my 4 plants here it all started from how i positioned them too close together in the tray i should of taken advantage of the whole dam tray, Im learning Cannabis plants are super hardy and almost benefit more from being bent out of shape .
I think in future grows Im not going to be scared to bend/sacrafice middle rods to really make room for that light to penetrate deeper down the plant. Im almost 100% sure it would help with yield.


OG kUsh

Red Diesel

Here are the Bluedreams. I plan to pull the one on the front left first if anything. it seems by far the most advanced in terms of density and crystals


Blue dream also starting to notice abit of purple on the leaf that has been appearing Suppper later from midweek 8



I hope you all are well

There is a load of incorrect information out there on growing and nutrients, left over from the days when growing good cannabis was cloaked in mythology and hero-worship. The whole thing about cutting nitrogen and sending phosphorus through roof in flower is also bogus, but many of the nutrient companies (sponsors here included) still promote it.

Hard to sell bloom enhancers if you follow the science!
Totally . Just wondering if keeping in the dark for 24/48 hours falls under the same sorta mythology. As im almost at the stage and almost cant wait the 24/48hours of keeping it sitting there haha @Listersmeghead
I hope you don’t mind if I discuss this some more in your thread Lizard.

Good morning Shed, long time listener first time caller here.

Dude in the hydroponics shop told me it was of most importance. Are you 100%?
I welcome the discussion my friend, I hope your doing well
The only way to really tell is to try it.
I've just done a little experiment myself, I had two girl scout autos, I flushed one and fed the other until the end. They've been dried and jarred so my results are pretty much in.
The plant that I fed to the end finished with fatter and more bulbous buds than the flushed plant. They've both been in jars now going on 3/4weeks , both stink and taste great.
I'm sold on feeding right up to the end.

The darkness thing is supposed to encourage oil/resin production.
Some people have experimented and found that 36 hours is the sweet spot I believe. 420 member emilya has alot of info on it.
There hasnt been too much to report in on over the past week
Okay...but then there's this:
+ many other things.
Just wondering if keeping in the dark for 24/48 hours falls under the same sorta mythology.
You will find just as many growers say it didn't make any difference as those who say it did. I've yet to see anyone post any scientific research on it, but I can't see where it would hurt if you believe it works. Didn't do anything for mine when I tried it.
Today is a big day in my first grow.
Please dont hate too much I've cut down my favourite plant today potentially 1ish week early of the bluedreams.

Its life span was 48days in VEGE and
then 9weeks of flower day 3 .

It may be too early but its my most developed plant by far! and we are fast running out of our own supply and are resorting to rationing! haha. + this is a great chance to get an idea on what happens if you think your harvesting a week/2 early.

It was very exciting a few of our chickens knew somthing was up and had to come over for a better look
heres a few pictures. I would be blown away if i can manage 2 ounces per plant dried weight

It was the pride of the garden




Not too Impressed with the naked neck eyeing off the plant. Such a good guard dog haha

Just kidding it was just a distraction for this Sneaky little girl to get a bite



ANyway Hope everyones doing good whatever stage of the grow your on, its a journey and a half
Also. Knowing when and how much to water has been my biggest problem throughout the whole grow constantly second guessing myself weather i wait another night etc etc

I would water how @Emilya suggested around the outsides of the pot to force the roots to seek the water out. in some of these photos it looks like the roots did find the edge of the pot. Also little small roots throughout the enitre pot as u can see in one of the photos. Hopefully its looking fairly normal

Also one more question. is it possible to reuse this soil? it was very expensive and looks amazing still

(note these photos are of the soil upsidedown)

Really nice grow and journal. I would not mind to make a bed in the middle of all those plants. Will sleep like a baby. Lol
Hey Lizard! I hadn't seen your journal yet. I'm all caught up. What an awesome journal and stunning plants! I am also about to embark on my first indoor grow. I have learned some good things reading through your journey. Thanks for sharing all the updates and helping us all learn. Blessings!
i am really having trouble trusting myself
That something I struggle with a lot.

Did you have a reason for just feeding water for the last 1-3 weeks?

If the idea is to make your harvest taste better, that's an old myth. I'd feed until harvest so your plants have the nutrients they need to finish the job they started.
the whole flushing thing has been de-mythologized.

it is not a practice than lends any advantage. it's been shown that the cure has more effect on the quality. flushing may actually prove detrimental.

I love reading wisdom like this. That myth is still being perpetuated throughout the industry. I believe that one of my failings last year was not providing enough nutrients to the end. It resulted in lackluster buds.

It seems like the only real/BEST way to learn is to try it yourself

I absolutely agree. I love running my own little experiments. I feel like it makes me a better gardener. Gives me perspective on the why and how of various methods.

Having said that, Im going to try and be strict on the others and go by the tricomes
And this is where accepting wisdom and what is now common practice for determining the ideal time to harvest for a specific outcome (getting high). Harvesting earlier or later changes the chemical composition of the flower is what I have come to understand. I am not well versed in it yet, but it's something I want to try. Like you said, try it yourself.
Also one more question. is it possible to reuse this soil? it was very expensive and looks amazing still
Absolutely! I'm currently reading "True Living Organics" by The Rev. Great resource recommended by a few folks! I believe he was on his 6th year of refusing a soil at the time of writing the book.
Congrats on the harvest LM, even if it was a little early. Ya gotta do whatcha gotta do!

As Baked said, I think reusing that soil is a great idea. Might need a little amending for next time (the soil-only folks can detail that), but definitely don't toss it,
Yea thats good to know. it seems like fantastic stuff would of been a shame to only get 1 use. ill have to look into amendments
Update: HARVEST. 7more plants to go!

Couldnt really of timed it much better the personal supply had all but run dry
the bluedream has been drying for 7 days and i think its at the really nice point now.
Ive Also added to the harvest and chopped 1 red diesel and 1 more bluedream

Even though this bluedream was picked at week 9 as an experiment, it still seems to hit pretty hard! So many really nice heads
ill be looking at taking an OG kush tonight/tomorrow it looks to be the most chronic of the bunch its quite disgusting.(have to wait for the pictures)

The first Blue dream yielded 104grams fully dried/trimmed!( and its not even near the biggest) which is amazing and almost confirms im going to be hitting my target off 2.5oz per plant! farrkiin amazing. Exciting times

This is plant 1 PRE FLOWER










The big bluedream(day 1)+ reddiesel(day4) on the dry



Hope everyones doing well. thx for the ride
The harvest period/drying is still well underway and coming closer to an end, 5 plants have now offically been weighed and jarred, leaving 3 left (2 drying and 1 still in the tent not quite finnished yet)

fun fact: We have hit our target GOAL of 20 ounces, its unbelievable. With 3 plants left, everything we manage to get now is just gravy!

They have been averaging about 8-10days to dry and its been a slow process!

Here is some of the OG KUSH that i trimmed up today on day10 of its dry! I think its my best plant so far. it was also 107grams of dried weight


OGKUSH dry day1.jpg






Here is the stash building up nicely


Hope everyones having success
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