First Random Indoor Grow

Very nice Subbing for the ride . Didn't see any mention of this but are they still in the tote bin or are they in square buckets , cant tell ? . If they are in the tote are they staying or going to buckets ? Thought just crossed my mind of doing some autos in a bigger tote . Could use the one rez for multiple plants .
Actually there are two totes with 4 spots in each...Next time I think I will cut that down to 2 plants per tote due to the space. These plants really grew short and stubby from the git go, I started them under just the CFLs and they were kept really close to the plants, when I added the LEDs I had to move the lights up quite a bit to keep the top leafs from burning. On the downside the plants followed the light and got taller faster, I was trying to keep them shorter... LOL
I will probably keep them in the totes depending on the male verses female count, 2 nice girls per tote would be Good but I do have the 5 gal buckets ready just in case! :)
Day #45...Woke up to this....still hope for the other one maybe! :)
The other big one looks like its going to be a girlie! :)

I needed to make room, I just hate that it was this way! LOL
Looking good man , i to am doing my first grow with randoms in dwc feel free to take a peek if you like i will surely follow along im not sure how much help a fellow first timer could be but you seem to be doing great bro good luck.............if you havent i suggest you read up on beneficial bacteria in your dwc res , man i swear by a live rootzone from watching how my plant as a whole from root to flower devolopment since i began to use a compost tea in my dwc res so now i wont grow a plant without it as my soil plants are very healthy and have wonderful roots so far as well.
Yeah man , cool I am too I just relentlessly read grow journals and various threads on here man I love it lol , if your bored clink my the link in my sig and see what the beneficial bacteria life did for my plants. I got in to it once I was hit with the brown slime aka root rot after much reading and it realized without either a sterile system or some kind of good microbial life it's sorta of a hit or miss so have it some don't but it's will eventually happen but someone after me please correct me if I am wrong but this is just what I have experienced and read and this is my first actual grow but I have quite a few plants and spaces that honestly I pop seeds clone and basically experiment out of boredom and the anxiety of the wait makes make want to things hobby related to help cure my curiosity but yeah man basically what I am saying is having a live root zone in my short experience is the shit lol.
Just wanted to post the latest couple of pics...
This is the before pics....

And this is the boy that is getting cut out tonight...My cat loves to eat the fresh leafs for some strange reason. We call it kitty salad! LOL
Day #57 and still growing....Down to the final 2 girls which was the number I was shooting for the begin with.
I had to go out of town for a few days and this is what I came back too, just needed to add a little water and adjust the PH down just a tad from 6.1 back to the 5.7/5.8 range...
Thanks! I noticed that if the PH gets much higher than 6 the growth seems to slow, as soon as I adjust it back down to the 5.7 range the plants seems to respond really fast. After just a hour or 2 you can actually see the leafs reaching more towards the light...or maybe its just me thinking that! LOL but they do seem to do a little better with a little lower PH...
Day #59...continuing to keep the same routine and the 2 girls are looking pretty good...

A little visitor to the garden...
Day #66
Just watching the 2 girls grow and flower....
Still on the same grow routine, will be flushing the res here in the next day or two and adding more FF nuits to the solution...
Only other change, I added a couple of more 23w 2700k CFLs to the mix for the flowers, they seem to like it! ;)
Maybe a future Nug of the Month??? :)
Day #75....Woke to find this....

Needless to say, down to only one plant now and she is still doing good so far!
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