Fluxing 4 x Night Queen - 2 Indoors/2 Outdoors For Comparison - Spring/Summer 2015

Re: Fluxing 4 x Night Queen - 2 Indoors/2 Outdoors For Comparison - Spring/Summer 201

nice to see the sun for once , been shit her in N Ireland for ages

hope your good mate

Keeping busy and feeling tired seems to be the order of the day at the moment. Working out in the sun is certainly draining.
Re: Fluxing 4 x Night Queen - 2 Indoors/2 Outdoors For Comparison - Spring/Summer 201

Here are the latest pictures.

The 2 indoor girls

The 2 outdoor girls

As you will see, the 2 indoor girls have tighter nodal spacing from having far more light even if it is not as bright as the sun. They have all reached the pot ends and I will be consulting with Prof Flux about what to do here. I did notice on Babygirl's grow that it looks like she has topped the ends and is sending each new tip in separate directions around the rim.
Re: Fluxing 4 x Night Queen - 2 Indoors/2 Outdoors For Comparison - Spring/Summer 201

Both sets of plants are looking great and it's amazing to see the difference in growth patterns between indoor and outdoor.... good on you for trying a side by side comparison :)
Re: Fluxing 4 x Night Queen - 2 Indoors/2 Outdoors For Comparison - Spring/Summer 201

It's actually raining here at the moment but only lightly which isn't bad as I'm down to my last water-butt of water from 3 water-butts. As all my girls are now organic, I only use rain water except when I make compost tea with tap water which is bubbled for 24 hours.

As for R&R, the gardens indoors and out are keeping me well busy so not much of that at the moment, but I'm not complaining as I'm a bit of a fidget anyway :cheesygrinsmiley:.
Re: Fluxing 4 x Night Queen - 2 Indoors/2 Outdoors For Comparison - Spring/Summer 201

Boooo.... I forgot about the bad weather working its way up from the South today. Still, it sounds like the rain will be welcome in your outside garden this next couple of days.... by the sounds of it you're in for a drenching! Off to RAF Cosford to see the last Vulcan bomber flying in its last year on Sunday, so hoping the weather improves for then.... have a great weekend :)
Re: Fluxing 4 x Night Queen - 2 Indoors/2 Outdoors For Comparison - Spring/Summer 201

Nice one farmer , out doors is hard work mate where we live , cant trust the weather at all , your fluxing is great , i am watching your every move :)
i wonder what the largest cannabis leaf ever was recorded as i think i could be up there with the Jurassic park leaves of mine pmsl !!!:)

good job matey

Re: Fluxing 4 x Night Queen - 2 Indoors/2 Outdoors For Comparison - Spring/Summer 201

It's been 10 days since the last update so here we are:

The 2 outdoors girls


The 2 indoor girls


It already seems apparent that the indoor girls are doing so much better than the outdoor ones. 24 hours LED v Quite a bit of sun but not enough.

The indoor girl on the right looks like a plate of spaghetti on the left of it but there are so many arms to fit into the 78 litre(15 gal) pot space.
Re: Fluxing 4 x Night Queen - 2 Indoors/2 Outdoors For Comparison - Spring/Summer 201

Everything's looking great with your girls MF.... had to laugh at your comparison to a plate of spaghetti :blalol::blalol::blalol:

I think I will need a London Underground style map to keep track of the arms :cheesygrinsmiley:. Maybe I could paint them.
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