For My Appreciation!

?! Everything ok? What happened?
Well let's just say 40 minutes out of the dome was a little too much! I believe they have Roots but they couldn't handle full acclamation or however the hell you say it back in the dome they went I hope they perk back up if not I'll have to pop some more seeds good thing permanent marker ain't that old sour g will only be about a week behind them worst case scenario plus I was going to give them extended flower time anyways than what I normally give sour G which was 67 days we going to hit 80. I guess I'll see tomorrow if these clones have perked back up I'm afraid to look in on them right now to ruin my evening I've already got it rent once looking in on them put them back in on the dome. Fuck me running I should only do it 15 minutes outside the dome but I think they'll be okay I've had worse come back. We will see how strong they are if they're as strong as I think they are we good to go. Two more days of stress Management than no more dome!
Can't wait to get home and check my clones I'm going to do them again the same way! I'm just playing I thought they could handle it tonight I'll just take the whole dome off for about 30 minutes and leave them inside the jug so that way they still got humidity but not as much as 99%. I'm going to slowly from today break it down from 99% down to 50 then they should be ready 10% a day
Okay so here's the deal you know how plants are perfect standing straight up and down and they look beautiful as you see the one in this cup which is the clone yesterday when I had them on the mat I want to explain how they looked.

You see the Red Dot and the blue line well the whole top leaned all the way down to the Red Dot. This is how we know these plants are rooted these are today pics... If they wasn't rooted they most definitely would have not have recovered like this and I'm leaving the dome as you see in the picture tomorrow I will move the dome off for 30 minutes again and I'm going to utilize a piece of cardboard so I can spread it across the top and open the dome until it's all the way off for good within the next 5 days.. so like I said you see how the clone is standing straight up and down two days ago itss top was all the way at that red dot sure you understand what I'm saying pretty much folded over like death.. would you like to see now pictures???? All I need to say is the word yes..

Well 24 hours later and all the water in the dome was dried up with the way I left it last night. Plants standing up straight seem to be okay to me. Pictures say it all. I am 4 for 4 for my clones šŸ‘šŸ™ŒšŸ¤  I got humidity down to 77% in there so far when I go up and look I should be able to see where it settles although I did spray them again this time with the tad of potassium silicate in the water









Clones and babies...all looking good!
Yep everything's on point clones is looking spectacular humidity was at 57% this morning spray them with some little more potassium to kill him before I went spray them with some little more potassium to kill it before I went to work. I think tonight I'll be able to take the paper off and see how they do. Couple days after straight out of the dome.
I'd say my clones are rooted! The way they look when I set them on that mat and took them out of the dome they look fucking dead bro their head was touching the dirt.. and if they brought their self back and they're standing up right that tells you right then and there they got roots tonight I think I'll keep the paper all the way off the dome but leave them in the dome for 2 or 3 more days and then be done with it.
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