Fresh Farmer


New Member
Hi everyone,

My story goes like this, about a year ago i had some good MJ i bought for my migraines and it was wonderful, I saved all the seeds that were in there and a year later i remembered that i had them and wanted to try and grow them.

Took what i got, placed them in a pot with soil and just by instinct and enthusiasm i grew 3 little plants.

placed them in three separate cups for further growth and got to a point where i could call them little baby plants, bought a large container and placed them all in the same container ( i think they have enough room) thing is i used soil from outside and when i so they stopped growing i thought maybe the soil is too dense for the roots to grow properly, i replaced them with soil mixed with fibers of coconut for the hope that it will get better.

now i dont have any lamp directed at them but they are on a BIG window with ALOT of sun during the day (I live in a sunny country) i mist them everytime i can.

thing is they stopped growing because of that dense soil thats why i replaced the soil and one of my babies started dying :'( i intend on getting them nutrients but i first need to know if i can save them so it will worth it.

I read ALOT from this forum but i live in a country where i cant get the things you stated in the guides, i monitor Ph and it seems i got to 7 or so.

Please help me.

Thanks in advance,

I would really really really LOVE some input here if anyone can point me to the right direction i would be eternally grateful!
I want to help with my limited experience. Help me understand...

Why can't you buy potting/gardening soil? Is there no place in your country that has better soil, for instance where other plants are growing...?

You should transplant now.
From my own experience with plants in general is to give them time. You shocked the crap out of them by replanting them into dense soil, then replanting them. They'll start to pick back up, just give them a little time.
I don't disagree, Mi.

I doubt that the dense soil is the best grow medium, but I honestly don't know for sure. I would transplant those sprouts to a kown good medium.
First let me say thank you alot for the help.

I can buy new soil and i'm going to do this soon and some nutrients too but currently it is far and i dont have the means to do that, but i will do that hopefully this week.

Do you think that they sun light they are getting is good enough? is 8-10 hours of very bright sun a day enough? or should i try and add a florescent bulb to it and will it help?

What kind of nutrients i should buy to best help my plants in terms of contents, i dont think i can get the brands that are listed in the guides here.

Any more help will be MUCH appreciated.
yeah and maybe give them each their own home. more light is REAL GOOD :) atleast try to get some perlite to mix with your soil that will help loosen up your soil you should be ok. if nothing else try and get some osmocote for nutes easy to find cheap too. then you can go from there. remember that this is your first gro as far as I know so enjoy the learning:cheer:
Thank you for your reply, would think it is wise to replant them after i replanted them two times? or should i give them a little more time to heal so i wont shock the hell out of them.

I will get all of their needs hopefully this week, i hope this will help them enough so they regrow.
yeah give them time! let them bounce back and by the time you get what you need you can go from there TAKE IT SLOW. good luck bro :)when you do replant put them in the final size pot you want to grow in 3 to 5 gallon I recomend or a whole bunch a liters lol
I agree with fish. When you transplant (in a week or so), put them in there own pots. This way if you have a male, you can pull him without pulling roots from the other plants. As for nutes, if you can't get your hands on anything great, put a dead fish under your plants. A lot of farmers stand by dead fish over nutes. I myself am going to try it out once i put my plants in the final pot.
Dead fish? That has to smell good.

I agree with being patient. It is too late to add anything this soil. Why not experiment? Move one or two to new soil now, and wait another week or two for the others.

I think over thinking a grow is a newbie mistake. It is a very hardy plant. It wants to live.

I would create a grow chamber with CFL as soon as you can. Controlling the lighting is critical.
Heh but what about the smell man, this is my house were talking about :D
I will get the nutes ASAP and some more light and new soil (damn i got alot to buy).

Another thing i wanted to ask, i dont have any filter in my growing area, how but will be the smell of the plant when it matures more?
Heh but what about the smell man, this is my house were talking about :D
I will get the nutes ASAP and some more light and new soil (damn i got alot to buy).

Another thing i wanted to ask, i dont have any filter in my growing area, how but will be the smell of the plant when it matures more?
probably pretty strong I would geuss. Isaw on here where someone took a bucket and put actavated carbon in it thentook a fan bloing down it the bucket to filter the smell. seemed like a good trick
I guess that guy was some kind of McGiver or something :)

Im sure i over analyze things but i want my babies to grow faster, someone flick the time machine switch on i need to see them growing to relax a bit :D

I hope you guys are doing better then i am cause if i cant grow these babies i dont know where i will find seeds again...
I guess that guy was some kind of McGiver or something :)

Im sure i over analyze things but i want my babies to grow faster, someone flick the time machine switch on i need to see them growing to relax a bit :D

I hope you guys are doing better then i am cause if i cant grow these babies i dont know where i will find seeds again...

dont panic just get the stuff you need and you will be ok. since it looks like a sativa strain its gonna be a long road to hoe, the plants Im growing now are that an I started them in january started flower in the second week of march figure I wont harvest till the middle of may. then there is the drying and cureing. just the way it is. the only faster way is goin hydro or giving up yeild imo.:peace:
Yup, I agree with everyone so far. Get them transplanted into a good soil, hopefully not miracle grow and add perlite to this mix like 2:1 ratio soil/perlite.

It would be in your best interest to get them under like 6-8 6500k 26 watt CFL's. 8-10 hours of light is even to little of light to flower, which the standard is 12 hours of light 12 hours of dark. Another part of having them just sitting in your window is turning on lights in that room while they're supposed to be in complete darkness can really mess stuff up. When you get lights, you'll want to have them on 18 hours minimum and up to 24 hours. It will be up to you which one, you'll need a timer so it switches off on time every day. Unless you leave it 24/7 until your ready to flower.

You have to be somewhat careful for nutrients to, there isn't any gardening stores? Also I wouldn't really give them any nutrients until they're looking real good and the transplants over. And yep I also agree with above, no hurrying the plants growing lol. Hydro will shave off a week or two but still that's just a week or two. Sit back and relax and your first grow will be finished before you know it. Good luck :)
what Tesemp said! I like to make my own mix of 3parts soil 2parts perlite 1 part each of worm castings and peat moss. but thats me:)
Hi guys,

Im going tomorrow to buy soil and some other stuff for my ladies and wanted to consult with you.

For nutrients all i can get is this Flora series GHE. or BioGrow and BioBloom

About soil, what is better for me to purchase? Coco-Perlite that consists of 50% perlite and 50% coco, or soil that has vermiculite and perlite mixed in with homos worms. both costs the same.

about pots for my ladies, is 6.5 liter pots will do for all stages or should i aim higher though i doubt i currently have the room for it.

Anything else i might forget and need to buy.

Ohhh for lighting I bought a few LED lights 6500k for veg and few 2700k for flower when time comes.

Thanks in advance for any help.
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