Gph45 I'm new at indoor growing

Hi and welcome.

How new are you? You have equipment yet? Seeds? Have you done some reading? Which way you going to try living soil, soil less, hydro, DWC?
:welcome: to the community!

Sorry for all the questions, but we just love to welcome folks, and jump right into what they got goin on. I'm also interested to know answers to the questions @GHempster asked. Great place to start!
Welcome to 420 Gph45 :welcome:
We were all new to growing at one time, so you've come to the right place to learn how
to do it the right way!
Here's some links to help you navigate the forum:

And here's an excellent link from @GHempster 's signature,in case you missed it: (Thanks,GH!)
Where ever you are at in your grow or setup. A journal would be great to get going. You will meet some great people and get some helpful suggestions from experienced and new growers. I am more of a new grower but I do like to follow along.
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