GreenThumb J's White Widow Clone Run RTF/DWC

I was actually just talking to the Lady and we already know that an AC is inevitable. this apartment just is too hot, even at night. Problem is we are buying a portable AC that costs $10 more than the water chiller you showed me the link to, before taxes. Its gona be $420 (coincidence?) after taxes.

My issue with a water chiller is, how do i chill my water when the chiller is on the exterior? my cabinet is air tight when the door is closed and any modifications made to the box voids my warranty. Even if, when the door is closed and locked, the water chiller lines aren't crimped and closed off, my box will no longer be air tight and smell proof. Might even cause light leaks from the exterior to inside.

The air tight and smell proof really isn't that much of an issue, because i think the amount of space that the chiller lines create in the door seal, wont be enough to allow air to escape, as long as the main exhaust fan is running, which it always is when the box is plugged in.

My feeling is tho, the water chiller lines would get crimped and be rendered useless by the air tight seal the box.

Do you think that if i kept the room temperature outside the box cold enough, it would be enough to keep the interior at a level that wont stress my plants too much?

Because I'm hoping that the AC we buy placed in the grow rooms, which will hold 2 tents and hopefully the grow box as well, will be enough to keep the temps inside the grow box at an acceptable level.

The chiller wont be needed for the other tents as i am going to have my water reservoirs outside of the tents and i think with the AC running in the rooms that have the tents in them will keep the water temperatures in optimal range.
Here you go John, and everyone else thats been waiting to see this and going.

Its still in the development stage as i configure the fan/filter and how i'm going to raise the LED up and down etc. but heres a few pictures of my progress thus far for the new journal.

First i'm going to start with my hydro store purchases. These purchases, including my Aquashield that i ordered online, round out my nutrient line up for the next 2 grows at least.


And the Rockwool cubes, a 6cu. ft box. Rockwool for everyone!

Now some shots of the construction. Let me add that a monkey with down syndrome could put this tent together:

And there you have it :420:

Have a good nght everyone!
Just something to run up the flagpole and see if anyone salutes it...

Ever heard of a "Peltier" device? Basically, it's a solid-state heat pump. 35mm by 35mm by 1mm thick, with two wires. Power it up with 12 volts, one side gets hot, the other side gets cold. Reverse the polarity of the power, and the direction of the heat reverses. Solder a couple of 'em between a coil of copper tubing and an aluminum heat sink, hook up a small pump, and pump cooled rubbing alcohol thru a coil of copper tubing in your reservoir. Bingo! Cooled nutes. Easy as pie to wire in a thermostat for it.

Many, many moons ago, I built a home made CCD camera for doing astro-photography, and that's how you cool a CCD chip. With a Peltier, a pump, and a res of rubbing alcohol. Cuts down on "thermal noise," a big problem for astro-photographers using CCD cameras. Paid $5 for a Peltier chip at a surplus electronics supplier. When I built mine, I don't think I spent $50 on the whole cooler, including the 12V gel-cell to power it.

Wouldn't be a bit surprised to find out that's what's in that $350 device. Coil of tubing, a couple of Peltier chips, and a power supply. You supply the pump. Wow. Am I ever in the wrong business.

Like I said, just something to run up the flagpole...

After-thought... Make the copper tubing on the Peltier larger, and pump your nutes straight thru it. No alcohol. (My mind was locked on the cooler I built for the CCD cam.)
Thats a pretty awesome idea. if i was more technically inclined, i would say i would get right on that. Looking at pictures of Thermoelectric cooling devices utilizing the Peltier effect, its beyond my skill set, and i will be buying a water chiller if the AC unit we buy does not battle the warm temps in the grow box.

I definitely salute your ingenuity and handyman skills. :bravo:
And thats just what i was wanting to hear John. The tents have large intake vents all around the tent. As long as my exhaust fan is a high enough CFM, then there wont be a problem drawing in cold air to keep the temperature in the tent at optimal levels.

For me my main concern is the grow box. I mean i wont be doing my expensive seeds in there, just clones, but even still those clones can produce a decent harvest for some people who are relying on my grows to be successful. So i want to make sure that ALL my grow spaces are proper temperatures.

Like i said if the AC doesn't work, i'm going to have to invest in a water chiller for sure.. Amazon has a few for under $300, all brand new too. So hopefully i can get by with just the AC, and dont have to buy the $300 water chiller!

Lady GT isn't liking the amount of money we are spending and the lack of money we are seeing from our investment. I'm trying to get her to realise that with patience and practice comes perfection. No way on earth someone just cracks a couple beans and are a master grower overnight. it takes many harvests to get you techniques and routine down pat.

She will calm down once we get the Large widow plant into flower.

Oh... Executive decision made by GreenThumb J....

The sativa is done. I cant look at it anymore. Its height is too unmanageable. its flowering time is just ridiculous! I am going to chop chop today and give the widow some room in there before she goes into her new home once i get my inline fans and carbon filters!!

RIP Malawi Gold. One day i will have the time and patience.. and SPACE! to grow you like you deserve!
"I filled up the hydro tub earlier this afternoon, replaced the 12" airstones with brand new ones and hit the air pump rocker switch to "ON".

I then went to work for 9 hours.

I just got home like 40 mins ago and I just checked my Marina brand water thermometer that i have velcro'd to the inside of the grow box with the probe right at the middle of the res, and the water temp reads almost 26 or 78 degrees, depending which side of the border or which side of the ocean you are on!! Now if you ask me, thats waaaay too warm! however, when i put my hand in to feel the water temp, its pretty damn cold. Could be that my body temperature is so much higher that the water seems much colder than it actually is.

The real kick to the balls........ Only the CFL is on in the box. it doesn't emit much heat i dont think, but with the MH running, it gets much hotter inside that box. And then when i switch out the MH for HPS during flower? Holy shit thats gona cook my ladies!!

An AC unit is an immediate requirement!! at least i figure if i can keep the ambient air temp around 18-20 degrees, the cold air drawn in will be cool enough to moderate the temperature inside the grow box and the tents. Except the LED tent.. Thats going to be much cooler in there i figure!"

The difference in your body temp compared to the res water is what is making it feel cool. I do think that your a/c will make a difference, but I have a feeling it will me minimal keeping the res temp down. I hope not, so lets keep our fingers crossed for you GT.

I keep my chiller outside my tent. If you want to use it in your grow box, just drill a few holes for the in/out lines. If your exhaust fan is moving enough CFM, you wont have any problems with the smells escaping. And if you drill your holes the right size, there shouldn't be any light leaks either. If you needed, you can seal around the lines with Ducting seal. (Grey tacky stuff)

You have to figure that you have used the grow box already. So do you really think you will have a problem and need to return it?
With the smell of the Weed, that would be hard to do. Any problems you find or run into with the Box, just grab your tool box and fix it!!

Warranties are good, but most problems we can fix ourselves. If I were you, I would modify the box brother.

Be patient Lady GT!! The funds will be rolling in soon. Takes time to perfect your methods!!!

Poor Malawi Gold....She is in a better place now, among other abused, neglected and malnourished siblings...
And that new set up is killer!!! Cant wait to see it full!!
I just saw the pics you uploaded. Are you throwing all your cannabis trash down the trash chute?? AHHHH.....Burn that shit!! No evidence left...

And I see your beans came in!!! Now its hammer time!!!
Its not as easy to replace something in this box as you may think. the air pumps and all that shit were custom made or custom ordered for the grow box. The warranty is basically to cover the costs of their over priced shit if any of it malfunctions within the warranty period.

However C1, if the AC unit isn't enough for the grow box water temps to stay down, then i will have to drill into the box for chiller lines.

My tool box! ha funny. i own no tools. I have had no need for tools. i dont own a home. i live in an apartment.

Ok i lie.. i do have a tool box. Its full of random shit that serves no real purpose. Couple phillips, a slotted and some random alan keys and a hammer or two haha.

Trust me, when Lady Gt and i finally move to a house, i plan to have a shop where i am going to build things! Like a deck and a gazebo over top of a hot tub. Ahhh life plans!!!!

Just finished chopping the Malawi gold.. fuck its hot in this damn apartment.. also gave the Widow a res change with a healthy dose of Cal/mag. opened up the emerg blanket cover on the widow and put an additional fan blowing into the bathtub area to get some cooler air in there.

I think i am not waiting until payday, tapping into some debt-paying money and getting that damn AC! It may only be 28 degrees here, but what most people dont know who dont live on the west cost of North America is, the heat here is humid!!

When i was in Vegas at the end of June, i was laughing at the heat there, it was like, 40 degrees (sorry i'm a canadian!) but it was dry and airy. whereas its humid and heavy here. Point of this, i'm getting that AC with the dehumidifier in it!

Thats all for now everyone!

PS... My SEEDs arrived today.. 1 week from purchase they are here!!! That is some impressive delivery service. They showed up in this super slim package all foam padded and shit. each containing a piece of the original packaging. I think its like the serial number or product number from the breeders so you can legit call them up and verify you got what you paid for. I'm stoked!!

I'll leave you with some funeral pics


I left her with some Popcorn shrimp in case she got hungry



I left her with some roaches to get high with in the afterlife!

and heres the beans!!

Peace out everyone!!
Mr. Carpenter!! Your right, if you have no need for the tools, then why have them?

I didn't realize that the box had custom pieces and parts. There are a bunch of websites that sell replacement parts if needed....

Go get that A/C. I think you need to have all your gadgets in the appartment, and running to see exactly where your temps and humidity in the air and res will be.

Thats a monster stem on Maui!

Here on the east coast, we get very hot and humid days also. Just another reason to get that A/C. Indoor growing is our answer to wet, rainy and cold NE Winters......
Were gona go get the AC as soon as we have the extra cash.. I need $420 for the AC unit. I also need the fan and shit which I haven't seen come into stock. I might get the fans off Amazon cause I can find 6" inline fans for less than $80 and shipped here in 2 days.

Just gotta pay bill and shit this weekend and then see if I can afford it!
The chop pictures look good.

Looks like the wifey's Amsterdam seed company.
No frills packaging.
No instructions.
Arrived 7 days after order.
Did you get 20 free seeds?

No Rado I didn't unfortunately. This company is based in the UK, and I'm not sure they do freebies, unless it's a larger order or you have promo code or something. Regardless, they showed up intact and in less than 7 days from when I made the order.. Technically it was Saturday when the transaction happened.

And C1 mentioned something about the garbage chute and I should burn my evidence.. That's actually a garbage compactor, which is being emptied tomorrow by the garbage company. Sorry buddy! The only part of the plant I burn is the buds!!!

Out of the kindness of my heart an care I put into her, I left her with some popcorn shrimp To eat and a handful of roaches to smoke in the after life.

Now I'm about to leave work soon and go set up the big tent.
Just something to run up the flagpole and see if anyone salutes it...

Ever heard of a "Peltier" device? Basically, it's a solid-state heat pump. 35mm by 35mm by 1mm thick, with two wires. Power it up with 12 volts, one side gets hot, the other side gets cold. Reverse the polarity of the power, and the direction of the heat reverses. Solder a couple of 'em between a coil of copper tubing and an aluminum heat sink, hook up a small pump, and pump cooled rubbing alcohol thru a coil of copper tubing in your reservoir. Bingo! Cooled nutes. Easy as pie to wire in a thermostat for it.

Many, many moons ago, I built a home made CCD camera for doing astro-photography, and that's how you cool a CCD chip. With a Peltier, a pump, and a res of rubbing alcohol. Cuts down on "thermal noise," a big problem for astro-photographers using CCD cameras. Paid $5 for a Peltier chip at a surplus electronics supplier. When I built mine, I don't think I spent $50 on the whole cooler, including the 12V gel-cell to power it.

Wouldn't be a bit surprised to find out that's what's in that $350 device. Coil of tubing, a couple of Peltier chips, and a power supply. You supply the pump. Wow. Am I ever in the wrong business.

Like I said, just something to run up the flagpole...

After-thought... Make the copper tubing on the Peltier larger, and pump your nutes straight thru it. No alcohol. (My mind was locked on the cooler I built for the CCD cam.)

A large enough Peltier device could work. The tubing would have to be made out of either a plant safe plastic or stainless tubing, copper tubing will contaminate and ruin the nutrient solution.
Yea i agree John, plus, copper is expensive as hell right now up here.. People are robbing construction sites and all sorts of things up here that have large amounts of copper cause you can get a pretty penny for returned copper.

Anyways. I think i'm buying the AC on sunday because its just too hot to be comfortable in my own apartment. These high rise buildings in the village here are only like 2.5 years old and theres no central AC in the suites. its kinda ridiculous i think with how hot the south and west facing apartments get. I face south, so i get sun most of the day, its nice to look at coming through the window, but it sure gets uncomfortable real quickly

Also Lady GT and me have agreed upon the water chiller when we get paid next in 2 weeks. I figure, we get the AC first and run it for about 2 weeks before we get paid again, and assess the temperature situation. I think i'll need the chiller anyways when i go into flower with the grow box cause damn those HPS sure get warm in there!

Also, i am having troubles deciding which strain i would like to grow in the new tent under the LED.. i had an idea originally, but that fell through when the seeds arrived and i realized that i have 4 new strains to choose from as well as a Widow plant i could take more clones from AS WELL i still have 9 feminized Great White Shark seeds from my first seed purchase back in March.

Executive decision made. I will grow the 4x BC SweetTooth under the Twilight 165w Classic LED. Reason being? Flowering time is 45-55 days which makes this a real quick plant that produces some killer looking buds and some tasty smoke. Also it frees up the LED to go into an area like the bathroom that could use some heat issue solutions!!
OK, copper won't work. But you won't want to try to braze stainless to a Peltier. You'll cook it. But clamped to a flattened area on a stainless tube, with a thin layer of silicone grease, will work. (Transfers heat readily.)

But GT already said he's not handy with tools. That's kool. Different skill sets for different folks.

I'm starting to see that GT has a skill set that I like. And he chose his user-name from it. 8^)

I'd like to take a little vacation to visit our good neighbors to the north. Maybe pay him a visit, and :passitleft: with the gentleman. :thumb:
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