Heavens Shores - Bill's 2022 Grow: Come Meet Howie! Show Us Your Grow Too - Bring A Pic

Previous watering day 5/21
Getting a nice drink today 5/27


Stay safe :cool:

Newest Babies need some support


D.I.Y. fix
Actually plant ties
now baby guards


Lack of light
has caused stretching


Should be fine until up-potting

Stay safe :cool:
Well I missed what I was hoping for the most, and that was you getting your grow on Bill! Only by a month, not bad for me :laughtwo: .
I'm so happy for you!
I'm also happy to see how your mind flows freely with solutions to issues! You're an outside the boxer friend!
Thanks for all this!
Hey Stone :ciao: good morning.
So nice of you to drop by.
Thank you for the kind words sir.
We had a rough week and haven't finished the greenhouse yet.
On top of that I lost my bet with Stacey about the black flies.Fek!! Fek!!
I didn't think they would be bad here this year.
Omg it's like an episode of the birds. " Alfred Hitchcock " for younger readers, hehe.
So that's not helpful. :rofl:
Howie is a big help though and we will get it done soon.
Hope all your gardens are wonderful my friend. ;)

Stay safe :cool:
I hate trying to work outside while being mobbed by bugs. Hope you have something good to keep them off you. Lookin forward to seeing those girls in the greenhouse. Have a great weekend Bill.
I hate trying to work outside while being mobbed by bugs. Hope you have something good to keep them off you. Lookin forward to seeing those girls in the greenhouse. Have a great weekend Bill.
Thank you my friend, you also.
Its a long week-end down there isn't it?
Ours was last weekend, it rained.:rolleyes:
I don't mind them as much outside.
It's opening and closing the door they sneak in, putting it mildly. :rofl:
I'll get it worked, no worries. :thumb:
Take care.

Stay safe:cool:
Hey Stone :ciao: good morning.
So nice of you to drop by.
Thank you for the kind words sir.
We had a rough week and haven't finished the greenhouse yet.
On top of that I lost my bet with Stacey about the black flies.Fek!! Fek!!
I didn't think they would be bad here this year.
Omg it's like an episode of the birds. " Alfred Hitchcock " for younger readers, hehe.
So that's not helpful. :rofl:
Howie is a big help though and we will get it done soon.
Hope all your gardens are wonderful my friend. ;)

Stay safe :cool:
We know black flies well too. Thankfully they're done marauding us now. Onward and upward!
We know black flies well too. Thankfully they're done marauding us now. Onward and upward!
The gentleman who built our chalet was from Finland.
Great place 11" thick walls, but I don't know if you noticed European people have their doors open out.
So no matter what every time you open the door it's a Hitchcock remake. :rofl:
I'm not complaining it's pretty funny sometimes.
Hope your enjoying a weekend with your family. :love:

Stay safe :cool:
The gentleman who built our chalet was from Finland.
Great place 11" thick walls, but I don't know if you noticed European people have their doors open out.
So no matter what every time you open the door it's a Hitchcock remake. :rofl:
I'm not complaining it's pretty funny sometimes.
Hope your enjoying a weekend with your family. :love:

Stay safe :cool:
Wow you can heat the place with a candle! 11 inches DANG! It's a quiet one here. We'll burn some meat on the grill, made some slaw. Oh yeah!
Hi @Bill284. I see now, I jumped the gun, the Dollar Store did indeed cover you. Nice legs on those girls...... I remember the first time I tried to grow a seedling.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Sorry, I couldn't resist, it was just sitting there! Lol. They'll be fine. I kind of like a little stretch and bury them to the depth you want at uppotting. It becomes kind of like a couple inches of free stem growth once you bury them halfway or whatever. Nice answer on the wicket looking thingies. I have croquet ones, but they'd be too big. LOL!!!
All caught up @Bill284 ! Lovely looking babies. Working on that bit myself at the moment. Stoked for your greenhouse build! Take your time and just do it right. It will be an amazing space for them AND for you. A well deserved retreat space. Something to consider for future improvements is a cover to be able to do light deprivation. A lot of growers start earlier in the season and get multiple harvests outdoors in a season. Seems like your setup would be a good candidate for a light dep cover. Overstock or recylced vinyl from billboard banners are an inexpensive way to get a heavy duty cover.

Howie is living the dream! :circle-of-love:
That’s a good idea for the plant guards Bill do they just prevent it from stretching higher then the bar? Howie is awesome haha Dante would love to play with him
He is an absolute joy.
So sweet and gentle.
But full of fun.
Those plant guards are just a support.
They are too tall, my fault.
So I improvised ;)
I dropped the Girl Scout Cookies today. :oops:
The whole thing dumped out.
Hope she is OK.

Stay safe :cool:
I have alot of cedars so I will plant a few "citronellas" around my outside girls. Mosquitoes hate them.
I wonder if black flies would also hate them?
I got eaten alive tonight.
Worked outside a few hours.
I'm not cut out for this anymore :rofl:
Hope you are well my friend.

Stay safe :cool:
He is an absolute joy.
So sweet and gentle.
But full of fun.
Those plant guards are just a support.
They are too tall, my fault.
So I improvised ;)
I dropped the Girl Scout Cookies today. :oops:
The whole thing dumped out.
Hope she is OK.

Stay safe :cool:
Nuuu not the Girl Scouts it’s all good thought Boy Scouts was where it is at! Ah ok I was lucky with Stretch was able to bury her mostly
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