Hi from somewhere in the US

Ok to b honest i live in a not so friendly state to this wounderfull plant n i have ordered seeds only from nukeheads n the vault works evreytime
Thank you @Jax Rider, @Jack420, and @Mr. Magoo!!
I'm feeling a little less nervous about ordering seeds if no one here has an ugly story of LE showing up to arrest them. Hate to put my husband at risk there but if it's very stealthy, I'm feeling better about it.

And Jax, I love that poodle! :green_heart:Standards are probably my favorite dogs in the world. I first fell in love with the breed in high school when a close friend of mine had one. That dog loved me and I loved her. She'd come snuggle in my bed when I was there for sleepovers. And years and years ago, I worked as a dog groomer, and they were the best. They took forever to finish, but that was part of the fun. Someday I hope to have one.

I've never had a seed order go missing. I've ordered from 4 different seed companies. I'm actually placing a new order from Seedsman today for some high CBD seeds. In MA I know the law isn't much interested in your buying seeds. Worst case usually is if your package is searched in customs, the seeds are removed and you're left with a note advising you that you were doing something naughty...and if you choose an option for stealth...the seed company often will replace your order at no cost. Seedsman does that.

I'm too old at this point to give a rats fart to bicker with the law regarding my seed collection and my 2 plants. I'm not growing to sell it and I have real medical issues that this is proven medicine for, albeit controversial. I will continue to buy my seeds and my doctors will back me up.

Now...If I were to smoke and drive and then kill someone because I was impaired...way different story! My ass should be prosecuted! Just like drinking and driving. You strike me as a responsible adult! ;)

Google your states laws on possession of seeds. You might be surprised at what you find
Google your states laws on possession of seeds. You might be surprised at what you find

Hmmm... according to NORML, my state has no laws about possession of seeds. Johnny Lawman here focuses on cultivation and possession, only.

Well OK then. :cool:
It's still morning here so good morning and good afternoon, evening, night to all of you!

I'm Lady Ashwynn posting from a, shall we say, conservative state in the US. That's the best way to put it. I am 51 years old, about to hit 52 in a little over a month. I have multiple sclerosis (diagnosed in 2010 when I was in my 40's) and issues related to that disorder including tremors, spasticity, and neuropathic pain; and I've had surgeries to fix bulging discs in my shoulder and lower back. I also have arthritis in my hips and hands. And depression, and migraines, and anxiety... I'm a real mess, y'all! The drugs I've been on for years have been making me worse, not better. My husband began noting my cognition and speech starting to decline as early as two years after I was diagnosed, and the neuropsychologist proved with testing that cumulative effect of all the drugs I take is responsible.

I'll stop rambling about my woes and move on to the point. Low-THC (up to 5%) medical cannabis oil has been legal in my state for a few years but I'd been afraid to ask my neurologist to prescribe it, but I finally got my courage up. I felt really stupid when it turned out that not only was he happy to do it, the MS center I go to has a whole program set up. You just have to ask about it. :eek: My pain management doctor was all on board, too, and he wanted to know where the MS center is getting their supply.

Long-term I'm considering growing to supplement the oil depending on how I do, but especially to help my husband, who has Asperger's Syndrome and suffers from crippling anxiety. I did a little bit of personal indoor growing on the extreme cheap back in the 1990's, but I dropped out of the MJ scene after I had my son-- didn't want to jeopardize his future in any way, but he's older now. Been lurking on these forums, in the journals and stuff, looking at ideas. We have the luxury of having two spare rooms to choose from if we do this, and all the time in the world since I'm disabled and can't work.

Oh and I tend to write novels when I post, sorry about that!
Sounds like you may live near me. LoL
I've had quite a bit of experience with MS as my mother has fought it for 30 years. It's not a pleasant life. I hope cannabis has made things better for you. That had never really been on option for my mother.
This community is amazing. I would check out @SweetSue for great info on all things medical. LoL

See ya round...:passitleft:
Thank you @Jax Rider, @Jack420, and @Mr. Magoo!!
I'm feeling a little less nervous about ordering seeds if no one here has an ugly story of LE showing up to arrest them. Hate to put my husband at risk there but if it's very stealthy, I'm feeling better about it.

Hey LadyAshwynn - Thanks for liking my page :)

I have ordered multiple times from Attitude Seeds, good reputation, and they provide a way to "stealth" your package. I am a cautious person, but that part - I am not too worried about. Apparently if customs ever finds something, they just throw it out, and leave a note in your package.

Regarding cost - just start small. Just get your feet wet with a single plant. It is all about choices, and most choices will revolve around yield, stealth, and convenience. I am sure that most of us can advice you where to spend your money best, if you set yourself a budget. Like I said before, you don't have to fill the room during your first grow, just start somewhere. The bigger your grow, the more complex and costly it will get.

I would order 3 seeds, just to make sure that you have an option if your first seed fails to germinate. Then, in my opinion, the best investment is a COB grow light (~$100) from Amazon. But the $18 light in my signature would work as well, just not as fast, and the yield will be lower. A small tent is wonderful for stealth and light schedule, something like 2'x2'x5' (~$35), and will not be wasted in a larger grow either since you can use it for cuttings, or a mother plant on a different light schedule in the same room. Talking about schedule, you will need a simple 24 hour light timer (~$6), little fan (~$10), Osmocote+ (~$7) in a hempy pot and some potting soil (~$3) from Walmart.

I'd say that excluding the seeds - you need about $50 for a very simple startup. Less if you already own some of the stuff. Or around $175, with a simple COB light and small tent.

Good luck - and just do it. It is fairly simple, and a lot of fun!
Hey LadyAshwynn - Thanks for liking my page :)

Hey DutchDude! And I’ll thank you too @LadyAshwynn for liking Dutch’s page, because now I get to reap the benefits of that signature too!! Nice DIY stuff DD :thumb: I’m going to have a go at that light (for future early veg) and that filter. So many of the great things I’ve found on this forum have been throigh these kind of chance happenings! :)

Heya Lady Ashwyn :ciao: I hope you’re finding your way around ok and getting all the help you need. Any queries , don’t hesitate to holler :)

Hey DutchDude! And I’ll thank you too @LadyAshwynn for liking Dutch’s page, because now I get to reap the benefits of that signature too!! Nice DIY stuff DD :thumb: I’m going to have a go at that light (for future early veg) and that filter. So many of the great things I’ve found on this forum have been throigh these kind of chance happenings! :)

Heya Lady Ashwyn :ciao: I hope you’re finding your way around ok and getting all the help you need. Any queries , don’t hesitate to holler :)

Just strolling through hope all is well with you Lady A.
I'm a little late to the party but welcome to 420. I'm a newbie indoor grower and the folks here have been helping me along too.
Enjoy yourself here and welcome again.

It's still morning here so good morning and good afternoon, evening, night to all of you!

I'm Lady Ashwynn posting from a, shall we say, conservative state in the US. That's the best way to put it. I am 51 years old, about to hit 52 in a little over a month. I have multiple sclerosis (diagnosed in 2010 when I was in my 40's) and issues related to that disorder including tremors, spasticity, and neuropathic pain; and I've had surgeries to fix bulging discs in my shoulder and lower back. I also have arthritis in my hips and hands. And depression, and migraines, and anxiety... I'm a real mess, y'all! The drugs I've been on for years have been making me worse, not better. My husband began noting my cognition and speech starting to decline as early as two years after I was diagnosed, and the neuropsychologist proved with testing that cumulative effect of all the drugs I take is responsible.

I'll stop rambling about my woes and move on to the point. Low-THC (up to 5%) medical cannabis oil has been legal in my state for a few years but I'd been afraid to ask my neurologist to prescribe it, but I finally got my courage up. I felt really stupid when it turned out that not only was he happy to do it, the MS center I go to has a whole program set up. You just have to ask about it. :eek: My pain management doctor was all on board, too, and he wanted to know where the MS center is getting their supply.

Long-term I'm considering growing to supplement the oil depending on how I do, but especially to help my husband, who has Asperger's Syndrome and suffers from crippling anxiety. I did a little bit of personal indoor growing on the extreme cheap back in the 1990's, but I dropped out of the MJ scene after I had my son-- didn't want to jeopardize his future in any way, but he's older now. Been lurking on these forums, in the journals and stuff, looking at ideas. We have the luxury of having two spare rooms to choose from if we do this, and all the time in the world since I'm disabled and can't work.

Oh and I tend to write novels when I post, sorry about that!
Lady Ashwynn,
First I'd like to say that I'm sorry to hear about you, and your husband's, medical issues. As far as growing, on the cheap, I'm fully on board with you. I have a small grow that I am doing on the cheap as well. Currently, I have a 4x4x7 grow tent set up in my garage. The only grow equipment, that I have in the tent, is 2 150w HPS grow lights, which cover 2x2 feet each. I also have a fan and a small 350w space heater for temperature control. In all, my start-up costs were less than $300 dollars. I'm growing in dirt, so my growing cost is less than 400 watts per hour. The odor is controlled very well by the zippered closures on the tent.
I'm on my second grow. I have two super silver haze plants and one gorilla glue, that I grew from seeds. I don't recommend the silver haze, because the plants are REALLY small. The gorilla glue was from a seed that I got from a clone that went into self preservation mode, and is sort of a volunteer, of sorts. However, she appears to be on schedule. She has started her third week, in the flowering stage, and her bud development is comparable to the pictures I've seen online.
I hope that this helps you to make your decision about whether or not to grow your own.
It's still morning here so good morning and good afternoon, evening, night to all of you!

I'm Lady Ashwynn posting from a, shall we say, conservative state in the US. That's the best way to put it. I am 51 years old, about to hit 52 in a little over a month. I have multiple sclerosis (diagnosed in 2010 when I was in my 40's) and issues related to that disorder including tremors, spasticity, and neuropathic pain; and I've had surgeries to fix bulging discs in my shoulder and lower back. I also have arthritis in my hips and hands. And depression, and migraines, and anxiety... I'm a real mess, y'all! The drugs I've been on for years have been making me worse, not better. My husband began noting my cognition and speech starting to decline as early as two years after I was diagnosed, and the neuropsychologist proved with testing that cumulative effect of all the drugs I take is responsible.

I'll stop rambling about my woes and move on to the point. Low-THC (up to 5%) medical cannabis oil has been legal in my state for a few years but I'd been afraid to ask my neurologist to prescribe it, but I finally got my courage up. I felt really stupid when it turned out that not only was he happy to do it, the MS center I go to has a whole program set up. You just have to ask about it. :eek: My pain management doctor was all on board, too, and he wanted to know where the MS center is getting their supply.

Long-term I'm considering growing to supplement the oil depending on how I do, but especially to help my husband, who has Asperger's Syndrome and suffers from crippling anxiety. I did a little bit of personal indoor growing on the extreme cheap back in the 1990's, but I dropped out of the MJ scene after I had my son-- didn't want to jeopardize his future in any way, but he's older now. Been lurking on these forums, in the journals and stuff, looking at ideas. We have the luxury of having two spare rooms to choose from if we do this, and all the time in the world since I'm disabled and can't work.

Oh and I tend to write novels when I post, sorry about that!
I like :cheer: your novels!
Grow some girl, God will make a way.

Wick. :welldone:
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