Hi! I'm interested in cloning

Welcome go 420magazine.com

Cloning? Pretty easy - here’s my tried and tested method.

#1 Take existing plant, remove a branch with an oblique cut with a sharp clean blade
#2 Dip in Cloning Gel - there are lots out there, we use some Thai white labelled stuff
#3 Place in potting soil moistened with the same Veg nutrients you were using on the mother, deep enough it can support its own weight
#4 Wait a week, keep the potting soil lightly moist. make sure it has warmth (25c+) and humidity (70%+)

That will do it 9/10 times

Remember - if you clone an Auto it has the same number of days on the clock as when you cut it - so don’t bother.

There’s loads more to the site though!

You growing now? New to it or all old hat? Indoor/Outdoor? Where in the world (roughly) are you?

Loads of stuff to learn beyond just cloning!

Welcome to 420mag :welcome: Interested in what strain your cloning? And do you grow in soil, Coco or hydro?

I made my own simple cloner but I did have some spare parts to build it so you will probably get cheaper options.
I use a storage box, net pots, air pump & root riot plugs. I can just take clones and dump them in and forget them.. 10 days usually but 100% success so far.


Those clones rooted in 10 days and took pics at 14 days.

I fill my containers with water and a light bloom nutrient up to the net pot and place a air stone under each net pot.

Choose a branch with 3 to 4 nodes on it and cut it off.
With a sharp clean blade cut all the lower side branches off leaving the top two.
With a sharp blade cut the stem under the third or fourth node at a angle.
Dip into cloning get them push into root riot plug.
Cut remaining leaves in half then drop into cloner basket.
Once all clones are taken spray the leaves and lid with water then walk away.

Welcome go 420magazine.com

Cloning? Pretty easy - here’s my tried and tested method.

#1 Take existing plant, remove a branch with an oblique cut with a sharp clean blade
#2 Dip in Cloning Gel - there are lots out there, we use some Thai white labelled stuff
#3 Place in potting soil moistened with the same Veg nutrients you were using on the mother, deep enough it can support its own weight
#4 Wait a week, keep the potting soil lightly moist. make sure it has warmth (25c+) and humidity (70%+)

That will do it 9/10 times

Remember - if you clone an Auto it has the same number of days on the clock as when you cut it - so don’t bother.

There’s loads more to the site though!

You growing now? New to it or all old hat? Indoor/Outdoor? Where in the world (roughly) are you?

Loads of stuff to learn beyond just cloning!

You do this in Coco?
No way bro! I said - potting soil. They all do a week or so in it at some point. From paper towel they go in little potting soil cubes for a week, after that they go in coco, soil gives them a nute kick that obvs coco doesn’t.
Cheers only asked as I see how you grow. I need to take clones of my cheddar so I'm going to try your way for the thrill 😂😁
I found cloning quite frustrating and difficult until I found something that clicked for me. I suspect that's because of my environment. I tried everything you could imagine from soil to coco, bubble cloners, dwc, glasses of water, you name it. I finally had success with a very simple approach noted below, so you may have to try a few things to find your jam. Good luck!

That was a lot of words to describe a process that is simply:

1. Take 4-5"/10-12cm long cuttings from your plant
2. Trim off all side branches, leaving just the top cluster of leaves
3. Stick them in a coarse medium like perlite or builder's sand
4. Mist the leaves twice a day, 12 hours apart (ish)

* The more detailed version can be found in the quoted post from the prior page. :cool:

The more detailed version can be found by clicking the arrow next to my name in the gray box above.
Welcome to 420 Magazine @Bluntito Roleiro

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hi everyone! im new here and im thrilled to learn cloning right
Welcome to the group.

Taking cuttings and getting them to root is a way to get even more out of the growing opportunities.

Be ready to try several different ways of doing it. Do not give up if the first time or two does not work.

Read up on the different methods because what works from one grower might not work for you.

There is another sub forum here on the message board which has a fair number of threads about methods for getting cuttings to root and then getting the clones to grow in the preferred medium. Here it is....


There should be plenty there to read up on.
Hey Nick! 👋 Solid cloning tips! I'm still learning the ropes. Indoors, trying to perfect my little green kingdom. Based somewhere with a cozy 25°C+ vibe. Any ninja-level advice for a budding grower?
Welcome go 420magazine.com

Cloning? Pretty easy - here’s my tried and tested method.

#1 Take existing plant, remove a branch with an oblique cut with a sharp clean blade
#2 Dip in Cloning Gel - there are lots out there, we use some Thai white labelled stuff
#3 Place in potting soil moistened with the same Veg nutrients you were using on the mother, deep enough it can support its own weight
#4 Wait a week, keep the potting soil lightly moist. make sure it has warmth (25c+) and humidity (70%+)

That will do it 9/10 times

Remember - if you clone an Auto it has the same number of days on the clock as when you cut it - so don’t bother.

There’s loads more to the site though!

You growing now? New to it or all old hat? Indoor/Outdoor? Where in the world (roughly) are you?

Loads of stuff to learn beyond just cloning!

Growing in soil for that natural touch. Your DIY cloner sounds genius! Simple and effective, just what a grower needs
Welcome to 420mag :welcome: Interested in what strain your cloning? And do you grow in soil, Coco or hydro?

I made my own simple cloner but I did have some spare parts to build it so you will probably get cheaper options.
I use a storage box, net pots, air pump & root riot plugs. I can just take clones and dump them in and forget them.. 10 days usually but 100% success so far.


Those clones rooted in 10 days and took pics at 14 days.

I fill my containers with water and a light bloom nutrient up to the net pot and place a air stone under each net pot.

Choose a branch with 3 to 4 nodes on it and cut it off.
With a sharp clean blade cut all the lower side branches off leaving the top two.
With a sharp blade cut the stem under the third or fourth node at a angle.
Dip into cloning get them push into root riot plug.
Cut remaining leaves in half then drop into cloner basket.
Once all clones are taken spray the leaves and lid with water then walk away.

I’m a really bad ninja. I smash my shin on the edge of my bed most nights waking up my wife as I swear blue murder 😅

I dunno man - I’m not really a soil guy. I’m in Thailand so 25c is really cold and our humidity is like 80% minimum every day - I’m quite good at sorting that environmentals. Getting your tent/room to have perfect temp and Rh 24/7/365, do that and the plants will grow themselves.

Irrigation systems, and if it doesn’t have blue lights it doesn’t count 🤣

I’m doing a couple of grows at the moment (#3 & #4) with smaller pot sizes and pretty basic 12 step plan seed to consumption. I’ve only been growing a bit over a year, there are loads wiser than me, have a browse through some journals and start your own!
Growing in soil for that natural touch. Your DIY cloner sounds genius! Simple and effective, just what a grower needs
Cheers bud I was shown this way by another grower on here that hasn't been around for a while. He had deeper baskets then mine so his clones basically sat above water but under the lid and had perfect humidity so he didn't have to bother them until ready 👍
Also I like a little DIY project as much as growing 😂
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