How much longer do I have?


Well-Known Member
Yes I know the best way to tell how much longer is to look at the tricombs with a microscope. But the one I had broke and I haven't gotten another one yet. But how long would you say this tangerine dream has left to flower? It has been thru a lot of stress in its ife so I'm not expecting the best from her, but all the hairs have turned red and started receding. But I've read that tangerine dream is supposed to take along time to flower and this girl is only at about 7.5 weeks. Any help is much appreciated. ( Using gh nutes, under 2 cheap 300w Amazon LEDs.)

If I were in your situation, I would do a staggered harvest. I would start taking buds now and work through them getting a few every day. Then you have some uplifting ones, and some with a little couch lock at the end.

But this is just my opinion......
Okay, that's probably what I'll do. But visually would you say they look about ready? Sorry for all the questions, I'm still very new at this, this is my first real plant, other than a bag seed. I've been doing a ton of research, but I'm still learning every day.
What he said and go to the dollar store and get a magnified glass so you know where your trics are when you do your samples especially if your gonna grow that strain again that way you know what your looking for next time around
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