I Have An Innie And An Outie Grow

Looking good. Any problems with powder mildew or mold inside your tent with it that full?

Out of my 5 tent grows I have done, no I have never had *knocks on wood* a wpm issues with any of them. All my grows have 7 or 8 plants growing at the same time. This is the first time I have had 2 fans going though. Usually my plants are shorter and can get away with the one side fan blowing the tops. With some of the plants being as tall as they are I thought they needed the extra airflow underneath. Cousin had a fan she wasn’t using and so I decided to use it. Probably another good reason why I haven’t seen the issue pop up, although my bug issue can be another story. At least I haven’t seen them little bastards since my last dusting of DE
DAY 117/55 FLOWERING TENT UPDATE PART #1 well 1 down and 7 more to go. Today was the final day for my LSD and I think a few are also ready too. I think Bubba, American Pie and Canuk Cookies might be close too. The great thing though is that I should be able to smoke that LSD tomorrow afternoon, as it went in my freeze dryer around 8 tonight. I’m hoping the default setting of 9hrs freeze, 7hrs (sublimation) drying are correct. Got 420g of mostly solid buds or acorn size that should stay that size when I look tomorrow. Plan is to let them sit in a bag for 2hrs to regain some moisture(seen in videos saying so too) before jarring with a 62% boveda package. So I will post pics over two post to show how things look tonight and I will report back tomorrow with my freeze dry report.

OUTIE UPDATE PART #1 they’re getting fatter by the day, but some issues are showing up. we hit September and dew decided to join, along with foggy mornings and calm winds. So my outdoor nemesis this summer WPM is showing some signs on my Jack Herer and Durban Poison but they are no where near what Rainbow Kush got. At least we got some good sun and a breeze the past 2 days which seems to be keeping it at bay. Although on the same plants I was spotting aphids on the backend of my plant towards the fence. Plucked a few leaves off, looked around and my sidekick DE was brought in as well. So something to keep an eye on as we move closer and closer to harvest. At least Rainbow Kush, as bad as she looks is finally budding for me. What I get from her, I don’t know but grateful for anything it gives me. Again Black Domina just impresses me with her chubby blooming every update I post. Plus my Fruity Pebbles x Unknown is looking amazing, and starting to produce a sweat skunk and fruity smell. Not too strong now, but she is getting there. So let’s update with some pics



my little lsd clone is doing well for a late outdoor try. Almost 3 feet tall
Holy shit is this stuff stinky coming out of the dryer and only got stronger while I had sit in a paper bag to regain some moisture. Took out the load around 12:30 and let them stay in a paper bag to regain some moisture and then jarred. So in the end I got 117g of dried smokeable bud. So it seems that I actually had a better weight loss gain this route as well. You’re suppose to lose, what, close to 75% to almost 80% of your wet weight. Quick calculation this way and I’m only at only 72% weight lose. Which is surprising because they feel like styrofoam and crumble in your hands just as easy. So I tried it via a bong and she burns quick but is a rather smooth hit. In comparison to other strains I’ve grown and paper bag dried before this freeze dry try. Chances are that I will be taking down 1 or 2 more plants tomorrow and doing the same freeze dry as well. So you feel it in the head like a soft scarf wrapping around your head, you are super relaxed but functional but LSD lives up to the name as Blues pop, Green subdued and Red feels intense. High seems to come and go in waves over 2-3 hours, but I didn’t make it too far before setting my bong up for my sister to try. She couldn’t finish everything in the bowl, and don’t like to waste. Can’t wait to throw something brightly coloured, up on my projector. I should hopefully be tripping like crazy. Anyways here are some pics from today

DAY 125/62 FLOWERING INNIE UPDATE PART #1 well 3 down and 5 more to go as of today. Tonight was snippy snippy night for Canuk Cookies (393g) and Bubba Kush (325g) So they were popped into the freeze dryer tonight and will be ready around noon tomorrow. Everyone else is looking close, real close but come next week I should be done the innie portion of the grow. Just wish my Do-Si-Dos didn‘t dry up a few weeks ago and kill what was looking like a beautiful grow. Well anyways here are some pics from today.


DAY 125 OUTIE UPDATE PART #1 well like last update my outdoor nemesis was intruding on both Jack and Durban. So I applied the apple cider vinegar and water application and seems to of helped greatly. Will be hitting them up again tomorrow as we are set to have a pretty cool day and dew will for sure form. They are also the ones kinda lagging in bud growth development compare to everyone else , ok and maybe my Glookies and Rainbow Kush too. Alaskan Purple is coming along nicely and the cooler nights have brought out her purple colouring. Not much yet but it’s going to get pretty. Black Domina and FPX are still some standouts in just beautiful budding and stacking evenly. The Blue Dream clone is also looking great in this department too. Going to be looking at a mid to late October harvest I think for a good chunk of them. God I am not looking forward to trimming that, and will try to have a neighbourhood trim with my fellow growers if they aren’t busy themselves. Anyways here are some pics


really really nice plants,, gotta look deeper,,

DAY 137/74 INNIE UPDATE PART #1 ok so a few plants have come down. Canuk Cookies, Bubba Kush and American Pie were chopped since my last update. The first 2 were given a good bud wash because of my earlier mite issue, and were freeze dried. Sadly I didn’t take in effect of them being wet when using my dryer. I removed when a good chunk were done but the bigger buds were still frozen a bit on the inside and my assistant had turned off the freeze dryer and couldn’t easily throw back in to finish. Tried to dry the rest in a paper bag but sadly lost some to rot because of them being frozen and not simply wet. Canuk which weighed heavier before the dry weighed less then Bubba. American Pie worked out wonderfully and she is a wonderful smoke. The other 2 are good but missing the strength of a big hit that I'm getting with AP. I still have a few that will be coming down tomorrow and will hopefully have some good stuff to smoke. Haven’t taken pics of the tent in a bit so I shall post harvested pics


DAY 137 OUTIE UPDATE PART #1 we are getting close on a couple of the outdoor girls, to getting the chop. I’m hoping by next week I might be able to give Black Domina, Fruity Pebbles x Unknown and maybe my beautiful looking Alaskan Purple the chop. So with knowledge that the chop was coming soon and memories/hunting nightmares of last years 10 hours family bud trimming session of my Fruity Pebbles. (I have 7 of them to worry about this year) So I dug into my wallet and bought myself a TrimPro Rotor and Workstation. Says it can trim 3-4lbs in an hours time and that was music to my ears. Plus a few neighbours might be borrowing and paying me for part of the trimmer itself. Sadly we have also had some rain today and a few days ago which forced me to add some supporting bamboo stakes to prop up some of my limbs tonight. I can only freeze dry so much in such amount of time. So I’m considering trimming and pre-freezing them in my freezer, and keep them there until I have room to have them freeze dried. So here are part #1 of today’s latest pics


DAY 147 OUTIE UPDATE PART #1 well the harvesting officially started today, as Alaskan Purple got the chop. She was very frosty looking and the buds were just getting some purpling going too. Plus this gave me a chance to give my TrimPro Motor a real test as the tent harvest was a little drier then this, and it didn’t disappoint. Last year I was 10+hr trimming with 2 family members on 1130g of Fruity Pebbles, and this only took me by myself with the machine 1.5hrs for 904g of bed. They went into the freeze dryer tonight and by 1pm I should be done. Hoping to get Black Domina and my Fruity Pebbles x Unknown on Saturday or Sunday. Probably need to do 2 separate loads to freeze dry all my Black Domina. Might notice in my other update post that my girls are tilting a bit and that is due to some wicked winds that actually blew Durban Poison, Jack Herer and Black Domina over, and my Glookies had to braced big time as well. So part 1 will be today’s harvest and part 2 for the others.

DAY 149 ok another 2 post update. So first update on Alaskan Purple, she all dry now and came to a final dry weight of 232g. So today it was Black Domina’s and Fruity Pebbles x Unknowns turn for the chop. So on BD I found and lost 3-4 fat nuggs to rot but thankfully, I guess, it just started to appear because it never infected the buds nearby. So I lost a few grams to that but I still harvested 1766g in the end. Took roughly 3.5hrs with my trimmer to do everything but it‘s done. Half will be freeze dried tomorrow and the other half I placed in a paper bag and threw into my freezer to get ready for drying afterwards. This post will be Black Domina pics From today

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