I Have An Innie And An Outie Grow

DAY 18 well for the most part a good chunk of of my innie grow has been slow. Only my Blue Dream, Do-Si-Dos and LSD seem to be doing well. My humidity has been high and low but I finally got my temps at around 79f inside with a 90%+ humidity. That’s been about the average for the past 3-4 days and have finally seen the plants that were lagging behind, starting to play a bit of catchup. Also started to add just the smallest amount of mega crop into my watering, and so that could also be what is helping the ones lagging behind too. Might by the weekend be able to top my Blue Dream and Do-Si-Dos For my Quadline attempt, or mid next week. Anyways her are the latest Innie pictures to share


Day 18 and here we go with the Outie update. . . .and I hate fucking bugs. Well at least the ones that like to eat Durban Poison plants. Some of my leaves look like Swiss cheese now, but new growth is still happening thankfully. Had some big storms come through last night and so I covered them up, but bent a few limbs but should recover in a day or so. I will maybe give them a little amount of mega crop tomorrow or the next day, just want the soil to try up a bit (don’t wanna overwater them) Also I remembered to finally take a pic of my reveg attempts. I will probably plant the 2 plants I had started for my cousin (Rainbow Kush and Black Domina) as I think she won’t be able to get to them anytime soon. So I will probably plant them in some plastic container that are outside and on top of that *stops to take a breath* I have yet another mystery plant that will also be planted. A seed from my Fruity Pebbles outside grow from last year, also decided to grow on its own after sitting outside all winter in the soil. What it was crossed with is unknown (and I have tons of seeds too) and whether or not its going to be a female will be found out by mid August. So with all that said and done, I give you this weeks Outie picture update





(Fruity Pebbles x Unknown)

DAY 35 and I apologize for the lack of an update on the grow. So let’s makes this the innie post and it was a rough 2 weeks. Half my plants just looked sickly and weren’t growing like my Canuk Cookies, Blue Dream and Do-Si-Dos plants, and I think I know why. Looks like I had mites, I said had because I think got to them in time but just dusting the living hell out of plants/tent with Diatomaceous earth . Thankfully after leaving my plants to dry and leaving DE on everything. I think I have either taken care of them or at least a very good portion of them. I just don’t think my Tahoe will ever really recover enough for topping and quadlining. So I’m just going to LST the hell out of her and hope the limbs will start to stretch upwards. Speaking of topping, I finished topping everyone else today. Blue Dream and DSD were done last week and is taking well, but everyone else but the Canuk Cookies look thin and wI’ll need time to recover and hopefully back to normal growing soon. I now tend to think my veg period will be at least 10 weeks and might stretch a little longer if I need too. So the tops are now hopefully in the process of cloning themselves in solo cups and would like to maybe get the LSD outside in a small pot to see what happens. So I present the innie grow pics for today


DAY 35 and we come to the outie portion of my update. My Blueberry and Glookies have sadly been pretty slow in the grow department since the start. Recently we had to get some big limbs taken off our Manitoba Maple tree in our backyard. With that done, it has ushered in a ton more light and the 2 plants are loving the hell out of it. Almost doubled their height since the limbs were removed a week ago. They are also the only gals I haven’t topped in the outie grow, but everyone else has. Took forever for the nodes to even grow on these gals, but agin have taken off this week with the extra sunlight, and will be topped soon. My reveg of my CPK is no more sadly. I had it low enough to the ground that my 8.5 year old dog was able to lift his leg high enough to water/kill the plant itself. Thankfully Glookies was out of the way and is showing some promise. The one side didn’t take at all to reveg and yet the other side did. Also I have planted the gals I started for my cousin in the yard too and are showing nice potential. The Black Domina I sort of burned some leaves on, protecting it from a T-Storm that was coming in. I had recently finished a big slurpee drink and threw my clear cup over top with rain droplets magnifying onto the leaves thanks to my clear container. So it is sort of stunted it’s growth but I think just needs to recover a little bit more. Like I said in the other post. I would love to get my LSD topping to successfully clone itself in the tent sometime this week (fingers crossed) and find a little spot for her outside too see what could happen. Oh, and an electrician will be here on Tuesday to redo our electrical panel (we’re still on fuses and not a breaker system) Which will mean that I will finally, and I mean finally, use my Freeze Dryer for the coming harvest. So at least I have that to look forward too soon, with the way 2020 keeps going. Anyways, here are today’s outie pics



DAY 46 ok another innie update. I’m keeping my eye out for more mite issues but haven’t really noticed anything. . . yet. So I’m keeping my fingers crossed like crazy but will probably do another watering and proceed to sprinkle some DE one more time. Other than that I have pruned up my girls, minus my Tahoe OG that will continue being LST and maybe it with finally start spreading its limbs upwards. So to the ones I did prune up, I also topped the main colas on each limb. hoping that with another 3.5 weeks of vegging, that they will form into tall, strong and fat colas in the end. I will also have my freeze dryer ready to go as well with the electrical work being all done (finally) Plus I think I have a successful working Blue Dream and Canuk Cookies clone, that will be going to friends/family. So with that said, here are today’s pics



DAY 46 and now we come to the outie portion. Let’s just say that I’m going hard on my LST outside and they are responding nicely to it. I got some of that cheap green foamy wire to gently tug down on the limbs or to keep them in place with their spot with their tomato cages (which everyone now has, but my reveg) Borrowed a drill and put an additional 3 holes on each side to help with my training. Should have a ton of great limbs for the. Once flowering begins, but will need to make sure i lollipop them good. Too many smaller buds with my first outdoor attempt last year. My Glookies I was hoping wold bush out with multiple limbs but she just wants to grow upwards and not outwards. So I wondering if I’m working with the more Sativa phenotype here. Hopefully the limbs will stretch faster too and can get some more training in before the switch. hard to believe she was the runt (along with Blueberry) until we removed a bunch of tree limbs, and now she’s the tallest or 2nd tallest of all my outdoor girls. Plus we have just a crap ton of hot, hazy, and humid weather for like the next 10 days. Going to keep an eye out for watering, but they seem to be loving this tropical heat. with that said, I give you today’s pics



Looking good Eh

Is that dill growing in with the Jack Herrer?

yes it is. Grew it last year with my Fruity Pebbles grow because it is considered a good natural deterrent to some bugs. Plus, I really love my dill and homemade pickles:morenutes:
DAY 54 Innie update well my mite issue is not my issues (well maybe, did another dusting 7 days ago, but not seeing their call sign at the moment) I have recently upped my quantum board to 70%ish power shortly after the last update. By doing do So, I have brought out a cal/Mag issue and seeing it on old and newish grow. So starting yesterday I added some green leaf cal+mag pro to my mega crop feed. So hopefully I didn’t wait too long in addressing the problem. A did successfully get 2 Blue Dream clones to root and have one to a neighbour to grow, and will see if I can find a spot outside for the other (but most likely give to another friend/neighbour) My runt Tahoe OG is starting to look a little decent and actually seeing some upward limb growth. Might also help that they are getting watered every other day but will probably make my flowering switch now in 9-10 days time if all continue to grow relatively steady with little to (god willing one day) any other issues. So here are today’s pics




Plus we did our first run on some candy with our medium Harvest Right freeze dryer. We ran a 12hr freeze and 15hr defrost. Didn’t work on our sour patch kids, but worked great on skittles, Werthers soft caramels, peeps and starburst soft chews. The Werthers is a crunchy bite but melts in your mouth like cotton candy, and the skittles taste like a giant nerd candy. I’m not a skittles fan at all, but the freeze dryer makes them pretty damn yum. Can’t wait to try on some finished buds of either harvest

DAY 54 Outie update my gawd has it ever been hot up here. Pretty much 100+ past 8 days straight, but have noticed that it has developed some white mold on a few leaves every now and then (rip them right off) I think I’m pretty close to finishing my training on everyone as well, minus a few taller located limbs that need to grow a bit more before I can pull them back. I tend to give everyone dosing of Mega Crop once a week and I think has been working fine so far, but might start doing more once flowering starts. So far I’m loving their progress and especially proud of the way my training has worked out on my Black Domina and Rainbow Kush (The larger pics that I’m posting) So minus that I’m pretty much done for the update. Also did a quick measure of everyone and my smallest is my Durban Poison (I know right) at 22.5” and my tallest being my Fruity Pebbles x Unknown at 46” (looking very Sativa in its grow too me right now. Hope it’s a female) Here’s hoping the T-Storms that might be coming in the coming days are kind to my plants. So here are today’s pics


DAY 61 Innie update and well this is it, the final week of vegging. Since the last update I have added and additional fan that my cousin wasn’t using to add some needed airflow to the bottom of my plants. They seem to have responded nicely with everyone between 15-17” tall now. My Tahoe OG has even come around a bit and has a couple defining structures for some potential good bud development. Still dealing with some health issues with my grow but have seen improvement overall with the additional cal/mag being added and I added some dried bat guano to the mix to get the phosphorus up. Also could be an issue from leaving the DE on my grow to deal with my mite issue (which again seems to be ok at the moment) So as of Sunday, the flowering shall begin and will possibly do another trim before the switch. So here are today’s pic




DAY 61 Outie update and here we are, the outie report and I’ve gone bigger. Yeah a bit late into the outdoor season in S. Ontario but weed is weed. So new to the grow is a clone from my tent grow of Blue Dream, and she’s a freak. . . in a very good way. I don’t know why or how, but she has 3 shoots coming out of each node (wish I could get a nice close up to show) Although she is growing pretty steadily and can still see a nice amount in the end. Also have a Critical Purple Kush clone from my last tent grow that I’m trying to revive and is starting to show life again. I don’t have a picture of her, but try to remember for my next update. Looks like I’m in luck with my unknown cross with my Fruity Pebbles. Just hitting mid July and she is already showing some white pistils and has stretched close to a good foot probably this week too. also did just a bit more training on my Black Domina, and maybe I should of left her the way she was, but new growth isn’t looking too bad at the moment. Everyone else is looking good and healthy, but needed to add some more soil to my Alaskan, Jack, Durban and Blueberry grows, as the roots decided that they wanted to show some legs for everyone above ground. Besides that, I’m happy where I sit and just hope the weather stays favourable. So here are today’s pic



Here’s that missing picture of the CPK clone I’m trying to revive outside. Also decided to spend an hour or so and lollipop my tent girls for the big switchover starting tomorrow night. Plus a bonus tent view from this morning before my trim job


DAY 67/4 FLOWERING well I guess we know this will be part of the Innie update. Yes the time has finally come and now I play the waiting game. Everyone in the tent is roughly the same height now, well, minus Tahoe. So I order to make them all roughly the same height and in order to use my SCROG netting properly. I have taken one of my harvesting buckets, washed it out, flipped her upside down and my Tahoe on top of that. So everyone now sits around 19-21” tall in the tent, with air blowing above and below my girls skirts. Just gave them a watering tonight and wonder what kind of stretch I can expect tomorrow when I take my next peek inside. So I give you today’s pics

DAY 67 Outie Update ok, so that CPK clone I was trying to reveg is still going but I’m losing sunlight and don’t expect much from her. I do have a couple clones in my tent and so I swapped the CPK for my LSD. The CPK has just been moved in with my Glookies that I started from seed, but don’t think much will happen from her. Although I do have hopes for my LSD after seeing what my Blue Dream clone has done in a weeks time. My Unknown Fruity Pebbles cross has really put on the stretch this week (5’ tall now) and I think has somehow already started its flowering cycle. Seeing a fair bit of white pistils with hints of purple in her already. Alaskan Purple has also shown a fair bit of stretching this week in comparison to everyone else, but they ain’t doing too shabby either. So here we are with this weeks pics. Will need 2 posts to get all my pics up (minus the CPK)


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