I just can't get enough: Hierba goes outdoors



4x Sativa clones
4x haze clones
1x blueberry from seed
1x WW from seed
1x haze from seed
1x sativa from seed
10x WW clones
Well,its spring now.Perfect time for seeds and the clones will probably flower(I still have to decide if i let em re-veg).My house is full of cactus the tourist come every summer to my house to get the yummy fruits.Ive seen people getting the fruit with the hand,oh man that hurts.I wanted to plant em in the ground but thats impossible, i live in a forest and the trees suck everything.
They wont need mother earth though,100L pots are enough to get a big strong plant.

Ps. Im still doing the other journal,haze and sativa will be harvested soon and there are 3 WW clones in flower(day 21).
gotta keep an eye on this grow, should be good, cant wait to see final products and yield.
i cant really stick plants of any decent size outside here, all the decent hiding places are either too shaded or the ground is covered in bugs

oh well im sure you will have some better luck

UPDATE...UPDATE...UPDATE...Finally!!So this is my garden:




Plants still in veg(JULY).Tallest one is 1,75 meters.
Strain list:

7x Haze
5x Santa sativa
6x white widow
1x blueberry
1x Somango x critical 47
2x american(unkown strain),a friend gave me these seeds,he says they come from the strongest weed he ever smoked,so lets see if its that strong when they finish.

And some flowering Nyc diesel:

those plants are gorgeous I hope mine get close to that height for flowering
very nice NYD there i'm myself growing 1 diselryder wich is a cross of nyd and lowryder 2#, outdoor now 102 days its just started the flowering a few days ago and it will take a few weeks to finish, i love the nyd genetic qualitys it dont get mold at all and it has long brench's so every brench is getting the sun and its main cola is just super impressive, massive and dens, probbly one of my favorite plants out there, good luck harvesting and enjoy it!
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