Icemud's Grow 4.0 - High Brix Focus with Gas Lamp Routine - V-Scrog

Re: Icemud's Grow 4.0..High Brix focus with Gas Lamp Routine..V-Scrog

like I said,you get what you pay for.

What brand did you pay for that you are so pleased with?
Re: Icemud's Grow 4.0..High Brix focus with Gas Lamp Routine..V-Scrog

Hey everyone!!! I thank everyone for their input on the lighting and I finally have come to a decision. I decided to get another 400w HPS ballast (magnetic) and run a 400w Ceramic Metal Halide for veg. I have researched this over and over again and for the money spent up front as well as savings over the longevity of the product, as well as the quality of the results that it produces, I couldn't see another option. The CMH in my opinion has one of the best spectrums for plant lighting with the exception to a very similar product the hortilux blue MH and not only closely resembles natural sunlight, it also does have peaks in areas that would deem it very close the the PAR curve. These bulbs burn pretty cool and through off a good amount of light. So I made my decision and finalized my veg tent today.

I ended up getting a new carbon scrubber for this tent, and got a fan and hood 2nd hand for a very good deal. The ballast I also purchased at a discounted rate and had to pick up all the little hardware essentials including digital timer, digital thermometer/hygrometer, ducting, yo yo/straps, and a heavy duty power strip with longer cord and 15amp surge protector.

The total for all of this was just shy of 600$ including the tent which for a very nice sized veg tent with good equipment, it was a steal. This also will allow me to harvest either a full scrog every 3 months doubling my amount of harvests per year, or I could do 1 plant every month and harvest 3-4 or more oz every month. Still haven't figured if I will somehow use the V-scrog anymore after this last flowering but may incorporate some type of scrog screen that is removable to create more tops but can be removed when put into flower tent.

So here she is in all her glory. Right now I am running my 400w Ushio MH conversion but will exchange it out for a CMH when the order arrives in a few days.
I will most likely be running the gas lamp routine for the veg tent to save on electricity.


And here is my Flowering Tent.
Re: Icemud's Grow 4.0..High Brix focus with Gas Lamp Routine..V-Scrog

Right on ICE!
Loving the new set-up.
ever thought of using porta scrogs?
Re: Icemud's Grow 4.0..High Brix focus with Gas Lamp Routine..V-Scrog

I have a friend who does a perpetual and uses a screen in veg and then just stakes in flower. It works very well for him better then individual scrog screens did in flower. I also run a perpetual and just supercrop in veg and have pretty uniform plants. I think you will prefer going perpetual, I believe you actually get more yield because the smaller plants take less space so the bigger ones can spread out more. Also it is a lot less work at one time and keeps you from slacking in between grows.
Re: Icemud's Grow 4.0..High Brix focus with Gas Lamp Routine..V-Scrog

I have a friend who does a perpetual and uses a screen in veg and then just stakes in flower. It works very well for him better then individual scrog screens did in flower. I also run a perpetual and just supercrop in veg and have pretty uniform plants. I think you will prefer going perpetual, I believe you actually get more yield because the smaller plants take less space so the bigger ones can spread out more. Also it is a lot less work at one time and keeps you from slacking in between grows.

Thats kind of what I was thinking of doing, lots of LST in Veg, possibly a small portable scrog screen that can be removed when they go to flowering, and then can be staked :) larger more branchier plants but fewer should produce some pretty good yields. :)
Re: Icemud's Grow 4.0..High Brix focus with Gas Lamp Routine..V-Scrog

loving that v-scrog Ice looks awesome in there man +reps. its a great way to scrog multipal strains, im running pk and hgk in a flat 6x12 screen and ive had to supercrop the shit out of the hgk to keep the canopy even but so far so good:)

Thanks Jon for the compliments!! I found that OG's and sativa heavy strains do well on the sides of my tent being that they are of the stretchier strains and the bubbas and shorter bushy plants love the middle area because they seem to want to just fill out and keep sprawling sideways but not much vertical growth :) I love scrogging, makes for great yields in small areas :)
Re: Icemud's Grow 4.0..High Brix focus with Gas Lamp Routine..V-Scrog

Thanks Jon for the compliments!! I found that OG's and sativa heavy strains do well on the sides of my tent being that they are of the stretchier strains and the bubbas and shorter bushy plants love the middle area because they seem to want to just fill out and keep sprawling sideways but not much vertical growth :) I love scrogging, makes for great yields in small areas :)

I needed to read this info as I have some different types of Kush beans coming. What about violator kush?
Re: Icemud's Grow 4.0..High Brix focus with Gas Lamp Routine..V-Scrog

Well I just got done checking out the Inda-gro par 420 light at the local hydro store and I have to say, I am not as impressed as I set my expectations for this light. The light does run cool and is bright, but not much brighter than a 400w CMH bulb would be. Its hard for me to render the cost of buying one of these for 800$ to do just the same as a 400w CMH and using the same wattage in turn. The only advantage I see from this light would be that they last a long time and buying bulbs wouldn't be needed like a HID run. Well unless inda-gro contacts me back and wants to work a deal I think I am going to explore Advanced LED some more as well as possibly staying with CMH 400w since the spectrum is right, and the results are proven through my past grows. I just don't see how this induction technology is any better than the current HID technology other than less heat and longer life.

Hey icemud, I'm runnin that indagro if you wanna take a look.
Re: Icemud's Grow 4.0..High Brix focus with Gas Lamp Routine..V-Scrog

Hey icemud, I'm runnin that indagro if you wanna take a look.

sure, wheres your journal link?
Re: Icemud's Grow 4.0..High Brix focus with Gas Lamp Routine..V-Scrog

I needed to read this info as I have some different types of Kush beans coming. What about violator kush?

Ive never run Violator kush before but usually when I am unsure about a strain and its growing characteristics I will google the strain name and search though the images. I look for others who have grown the strain before and most times it leads me to photo's showing whether its a bushy plant or a stretchy one.
Re: Icemud's Grow 4.0..High Brix focus with Gas Lamp Routine..V-Scrog

thanks for checking out my vid Ice,glad you like it bro.I was on the fence about led's forever! it was the 90 day moneyback guarantee and the lifetime warranty that sold me in the can do a full grow with these lights and return them if your not far as I know fero is the only company that does that.
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