I'm the pest - Whats my problem?

It really shouldnt be that hard to find. Its at every single big box store, or garden store.

You maybe should try not looking it up by its name but just checking out a bunch of pesticides. Often cocroach and ant killers are made with D.E

Also just a quick amazon or ebay search should get a hit for you for $5 shipping or less. Furthermore try pet stores or animal feed shops. Its used to feed to certain pets as a health care thing. Even health food stores have it.
Yep.. Got me some Tomato dust with 80% DE:) Put this all over the Perlite and surrounding surfaces, this morning, NOTHING MOVING or FLYING:):) I found an adult on a leaf up top of Cindy, went to pick it up with tweezers, and it was dead and crumbled between twwezers!!
AWSUM.. No Funky Gnats as yet:):) Hoping any adults and larvae will be all dead and hatched in the next few days..
Im feeding Cindy through Foliar feeding until theyre gone.. Hoping to eradicate em, as theyre prob eaten half Cindy s roots n nutes!!
Now.. Theyre painfully dying.. MWAHAHAHAHA...
Smokem $ Cindy are stoked..
Hey Smokemup :)

The rust we know is coming from a calcium deficiency due to low PH, Calcium and magnesium begin to get locked out at the same PH, Calcium and Magnesium problems usually come hand in hand so I think that they are both being locked out by the PH being slightly too low.

What is the PH of the water/Feed that you give ? and then what is the resulting PH of the runoff ?

Thanks GreenFingaz:)
Yeah well it maybe the Cal/mag defic, or Boron, not 100% on it yet? But yeah, i can treat her with Cal/mag next feed and the feed i make i will check the PH and then also the Run off s Ph.. What does it mean if the Run off s PH is lower than the solutions PH??
Thanks GreenFingaz:)
Yeah well it maybe the Cal/mag defic, or Boron, not 100% on it yet? But yeah, i can treat her with Cal/mag next feed and the feed i make i will check the PH and then also the Run off s Ph.. What does it mean if the Run off s PH is lower than the solutions PH??
I'm not quite sure on the issue being Boron those results just look like the PH of the rootzone is too low causing a Cal/Mag lockout, I wouldn't go adding Cal/Mag until you are sure that the PH is fully managed as it could just cause you more problems.

How do I describe this ? ha ha Eh, you water your plant with a certain PH, the PH of the runoff will be the halfway point between the Rootzone and the PH that you just watered with. The PH of the runoff is not the PH of the rootzone, I will give you a few examples to try and make myself clear :)

Just say you water with PH 7.0 and the runoff PH is 6.5, ( 6.5 PH is the half way point ) so that would mean that the PH of the rootzone is 6.0

If you water with PH 6.5 and the runoff is 6.0 it means the rootzone is PH 5.5

If you water with PH 6.5 and the runoff is 7.0 it means the rootzone is PH 7.5

if you water with PH 6.5 and the runoff is 6.3 it means the rootzone is PH 6.1

I hope that this makes sense :) the only way I could really explain it clearly is through those examples ha ha

So if we know what PH you are putting in and what PH you are getting out, we can judge with accuracy the PH of your soil.

People think that because soil ''Buffers'' that they do not have to PH the water or feed, but once your plant is far into flower with a fully developed root system the soil looses its ability to buffer the PH so it is then up to us to regulate that soil PH, the rootzone will be much more comfortable at a PH of 6.5 :)

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