Is this wind stress?


420 Member
I’m using a 50 watt oscillating fan, in a confined room i improvised.
Please advice
240 true watt led
Strain: unknown lebanese
Room : 2.5x2.5 ft
Day 20 flowering.
Should i defoliate? Some bud sites are too close to each other.


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I fed her once a 20-20-20 feeding. A month ago.
The humidity is roughly 60% temperature 25-28.
Growing medium peat moss ph 6.5
Never fed her again.
The fan is hitting the wall but the leaves are shaking( at the least speed).
You suggest not removing 2-3 small bud sites to increase light penetration.
This is my first grow
And had to rush flowering because i need to relocate to another continent
As long as the fan isn't pointing directly at her you should be good. I'm pretty sure she's just underfed.
The rest of the conditions there look good. The humidity could be a bit lower since you're in flower, but the air flow is moving the leaves, so that's good.
If you can get some tomato ferts, or something with lower nitrogen and higher phosphorous and potassium, that would be good. I used to use a 3-6-12 for bloom. Now I use Mega Crop, much easier to use the same nutrients through your grow.
Defoliation can wait. I never did defoliate when I grew indoors, I bent the petiole (leaf stem) and tucked it out of the way.
My vote is windburn. You want just enough of a gentle breeze to make the leaves move ever so slightly. They are curling in like that in an effort to protect themselves.
I second CanadianJim. Do not defoliate, and do not remove anymore bud sites as they appear.
The training should be accomplished in veg. Once in flower, let them do their thing. You can gently set aside a branch or three to allow more light, but stressing during flower is risky business.
I fed her once a 20-20-20 feeding. A month ago.
The humidity is roughly 60% temperature 25-28.
Growing medium peat moss ph 6.5
Never fed her again.
The fan is hitting the wall but the leaves are shaking( at the least speed).
You suggest not removing 2-3 small bud sites to increase light penetration.
This is my first grow
And had to rush flowering because i need to relocate to another continent
Your PH is off...yellow witch gnarled's not getting any food :thedoubletake::thedoubletake:

If you're growing in nothing but peat moss it may be that it's lowering the PH too much...peat moss is for lowering PH in otherwise acidic soils, and is recommended as an amendment "only" for soils or other grow mediums :goodluck:
The only time I had a plant look anything like that she was underfed. I thought it was wind burn/heat stress too, until a more experienced grower set me right. A plant that large that has only been fed once? Unless you up-potted her a couple several times she's running low on nutes.

edit: a more experienced grower like Mocha, lol. He'll set you right.
@HeySam You can tell the difference between Nitrogen toxicity and wind burn by the clawing on the leaves.

If the damage is worse towards the fan side, you probably have a wind issue. If it general overall, Nitrogen may be a player.
Nitrogen toxicity is your issue back off the nitrogen during flower.
After a closer inspection :hmmmm: you may be correct :high-five: bad lighting till I blew it up, it is kinda green looking...and he's got spider mites :thedoubletake:
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