Jack 47 - Super Lemon Haze - Hydro LED Scrog

Re: Jack 47, Super Lemon Haze - Hydro LED Scrog w/ BPN!

Thanks bike im really excited to see these in flower. And this is actually the first time ive ever attempted cloning but ive spent the past few weeks researching it so I could get it right the first time:yahoo:
Re: Jack 47, Super Lemon Haze - Hydro LED Scrog w/ BPN!

Thanks bike im really excited to see these in flower. And this is actually the first time ive ever attempted cloning but ive spent the past few weeks researching it so I could get it right the first time:yahoo:

i assume its an aero cloner bucket. thats what i used when i first cloned, it was a Rubbermaid bucket but same idea. I got roots within 20 days. all strains are different some clone better than others but im hoping for the b est for you !
Re: Jack 47, Super Lemon Haze - Hydro LED Scrog w/ BPN!

What up Azsupratt!
Nice lookin setup, rock on ;) :bravo:

How's it going Juicy! :thanks: bro I really appreciate it. I decided to ditch the SM-90 for some Heisenberg EWC Tea and get some bennies in my rez for all the fun benefits that go withem.
Started my brew tonight with some Botanicare Aquashield, Worm Gold max EWC, Botanicare Strapped Molasses, Botanicare ZHo Root Inocculant. Threw my airstone in with 3 gallons and in 48 hours ill be doing a complete clean of the entire system even replacing the hosing because these babies are going into flower either sunday or tuesday because my screen is getting Full!

I don't want any issues during flower because I wont be able to remove the net so im taking all the precautions and taking advantage of building my root mass a bit more. Took a peak the other day lifted the SLH out and the roots were through the bottom, nice and white about a foot hanging below the 5 gallon buckets, and Im also gonna throw a cup into my aero cloner to get my clones a nice root base also :Namaste:

Re: Jack 47, Super Lemon Haze - Hydro LED Scrog w/ BPN!

Alright guys So I just spent the last 5 hours giving my girls their Easter Present! They are 6 weeks from seed and 28 days in veg today. I had a little issues with some brown sludge in the rez thus the reason for making tea and getting some bennies up in there and since I plan to throw them into flower on tuesday I decided to due an entire system clean.I also picked up another XL Micro-pore air stone for my rez to keep the bennies happy and I have another pump on the way so I can push twice as much air instead of having both on one pump. Lots bubbles =)

I raised the scrog net hanging it above and I took every plant out, cleaned each bucket, I replaced Every single inch of hosing and I bleached the fuck out of everything with some very potent sanitizing wipes that kills basically everything and No you cannot buy these wipes in the store since they basically burn your skin on contact lol.

I had to take a pic of my Beast Jack-47 #1 Root ball at the bottom of the bucket!

Here are the girls lined up in their nice clean buckets.

Here is the tent all cleaned out with the suspended scrog net

Some pics of my first batch of EWC Tea!

And of coarse some pics of the girls free of the scrog for the last time.


and the cage back on!

Waiting one more hour for the rez to finish filling so I can Nute up and toss the bennies in and pass the hell out.
Re: Jack 47, Super Lemon Haze - Hydro LED Scrog w/ BPN!

Man, awesome az...they're about to all push through that Scrog. Nice gardin, happy to watch this one come along.
Re: Jack 47, Super Lemon Haze - Hydro LED Scrog w/ BPN!

Thanks Tx, I decided to throw them into flower this morning instead of Tuesday so now the fun starts.
Re: Jack 47, Super Lemon Haze - Hydro LED Scrog w/ BPN!

Looking Great bro. I'm a little lost on the tea though, You have no problems mixing that in your res? Just because I've seen so many people try to use the general organic or organicare line in hydro and it didn't seem to work to well. They said they went from changing their res every 2-4 weeks to having to do it once a week or it would be sludge. I just thought you couldn't run organics in hydro, have you ever done this before? I'm interested because I'm running organic in my Coco & soil but I've been told by various people that organics isn't a good thing in hydro.
Re: Jack 47, Super Lemon Haze - Hydro LED Scrog w/ BPN!

Hey Stoned, At first I was a little iffy on it because I wasn't quite sure about it as well but after trying sm-90,cleaning every week and the slime still coming back I decided to look further into it. I used the Heisenberg EWC Recipe which is mainly used for DWC hydro to keep the standing water free of sludge and root rot. It doesn't add any nutrients to the mix all it does is keep root rot away while making the nutes more readily available to the plants from what I have read. Mainly for hydro its to prevent any type of fungus,bacteria.

Quoted from Heisenbergs thread.
"By making a microbe tea with a diverse selection of organisms you will have a super tonic for your res that will ward off nasty gunk and build up while at the same time keeping your roots stimulated and growing."

I have found this info on almost every single marijuana forum and they usually are 70+ pages all with 100% positive results. Normally when I do my rez each week by now I will have a brown tint. I checked this morning and I can see straight to the bottom! I can make like 50-60 gallons for the price of 1 liter of sm-90 and this stuff works way better. One guy even did a microscopic show in 12 hour increments to show how they destroy all the nasty gunk and bad bacteria it was pretty cool to watch.

At first use I threw in 1.5 gallons and now all I do is add 1 cup every 3 days for a week or so then 1 cup for every 10 gallons to keep them thriving and im golden. I've found many many threads showing that once people use this in their hydro they no longer need to worry about rez temps or lights(even though I don't have those issues) and alot of them don't even require rez changes until the final flush.

If you google DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to breed beneficial bacteria its a really good read I would highly recommend it. I would link it up but im not sure what the link rules are on this forum.
Re: Jack 47, Super Lemon Haze - Hydro LED Scrog w/ BPN!

Awesome, thanks for the info. I've heard of people using H202 to prevent batceria,fungus, etc but If I can use my EWC tea then I'm all for it. So about 1/2 cup should be good every week for a 5 gallon DWC?

I need to pick up some water soluble plant success and ancient forest humus. I have worm castings, high brix molasses & seaweed extract but I barely get any foam without the PS granules. Do you use a catalyst?
Re: Jack 47, Super Lemon Haze - Hydro LED Scrog w/ BPN!

For the 2 gallons I made I did:

I used 2 gallons of RO water
2 Hand Scoops of EWC
1 Scoop of ZHO root inoc.(Doesn't matter how much you start with really cause you breed them into the billions)
30 ml of AquaShield

and 1 Tablespoon of Strapped Molasses(I was going to get Brixx too but the shop I went to had a killer deal on Strapped) to feed them and bubbled at room temp for 48 hours. I then got some cheese cloth and put it over my jugs for a filter to filter out any EWC and poured it in. Smells really good I was almost tempted to taste it lol.

For first time use Heisenberg recommends 1 cup per gallon so for you 5 cups just to get anything hiding out and gone.
Then ya just 1/2 cup every 3 days for first week to make sure they didn't miss anything.
For Maint. ya I would continue to only use 1/2 a cup for your setup.

Then store the rest in the fridge to slow down development and make it last longer. From what I've read it can stay good for about 10 days in the fridge but as soon as it has a bad smell toss it and make a new batch. You will be able to tell. Fresh batch has an earthy or good smell. I smelled a bad batch my friend had after 8 days and it smelled like a decaying animal so its easy to tell when its gone bad lol.
Re: Jack 47, Super Lemon Haze - Hydro LED Scrog w/ BPN!

Btw my cloner got the sludge a few days ago and they started to droop and look poorly so I tossed a cup of tea in just to see. I checked this morning they were all up and I see roots emerging from the stems now! Stuff is amazing
Re: Jack 47, Super Lemon Haze - Hydro LED Scrog w/ BPN!

Since girls are now on 12/12 I was wondering what your guys thoughts are on Flowering Flood times. I do 15min feeds and I am currently thinking of doing 3 floods during lights on every 4 hours. I am stuck between that or 4 times every 3 hours. Any input on past exp would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys.
Re: Jack 47, Super Lemon Haze - Hydro LED Scrog w/ BPN!

Success! My first attempt at cloning went amazing. I am still waiting on the LA.Conf. to sprout roots but I see them coming. My others three mothers sprouted yesterday and today they were incredible. Here are some pics before I popped them into their first taste of soil.



Super Lemon Haze

Mammas in their new soil beds.

And of coarse soem pics 4 days into 12/12

They are coming along nicely and the screen is really filling up. I can't believe i have 2.5 weeks left of stretch lol. Lights are working amazing.
Re: Jack 47, Super Lemon Haze - Hydro LED Scrog w/ BPN!

Looks great! Congrats on the cloning success. You have a mighty green thumb I see. :goodjob:

Thanks XL appreciate it. This is by far the funnest and most enojoyable grow I have done. And the fun is just starting.
Re: Jack 47, Super Lemon Haze - Hydro LED Scrog w/ BPN!

Well I got my Mothers under their Jumbo UFO 180w and they are loving it. Placed some DE on top of the soil just in case never know whats in fresh soil. Gottem in Roots organic mixed with perlite.

Jack-47 Mother(My favorite out of my batch and grow, this plant is amazing)

Super Lemon Haze Mother

And now the big girls 8 Days into 12/12


Hybrid(Second Favorite this thing is very vigorous)
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