Kassquatch's First Time Indoor Early Miss Auto On The Cheap!

I've always been told I am good at creating something out of nothing :p

What I built would definitely be more expensive than just buying a grow tent if you had to buy all the materials. But free is affordable!
Day 10: June 18th 2018

  • Morning Report: Again luckily it cooled down over night because today is going to be hotter than the past 2 days. First picture taken at 8:30am
  • Evening Report: It got up to 34°C today outside and the same temp inside the box. Even with the "redneck AC" and throwing ice blocks into it. I even tried attaching a longer hose and taking fresh cold air from a cool room in the house. Still could only get it to 30°C on average. Luckily the heat is over and it is supposed to cool down. Last photo taken at 9:00pm

Todays (Day 10) daily total CFL lights: 18 hours on timer (5am-11pm) with 70w
Todays (Day 10) Average temp in box: 30°C
Todays (Day 10) Average relative humidity: ~38%

Day 11: June 19th 2018

  • Morning Report: Not much happened overnight other than it finally cooling down. No major growth on Lily. First picture taken at 9:40am
  • Evening Report: It was hot again today. Luckily my "redneck AC" worked really well today as I went and got a block (not cubes) of ice and sat it on top of the metal tube in the bucket. Kept it 30°C and under. All the ice that I have been switching out is also keeping humidity about 5% higher. She does look like she did some growing today though so that is good! Last photo taken at 8:10pm

Todays (Day 11) daily total CFL lights: 18 hours on timer (5am-11pm) with 70w
Todays (Day 11) Average temp in box: 28.5°C
Todays (Day 11) Average relative humidity: ~45%

Day 12: June 20th 2018

  • Morning Report: A little taller it looks. Other than that, not much. First picture taken at 9:40am
  • Evening Report: Wasn't quite as hot today but it still was hot enough that it made the box average in the high 20's. Added my 28w LED light that I got finally. It's not directed at the plant really but I will keep an eye out to make sure its not to low and burning it. Last 2 photos taken at 8:10pm

Todays (Day 12) daily total CFL lights: 18 hours on timer (5am-11pm) with 70w and about 5 hours with 28w also.
Todays (Day 12) Average temp in box: 29°C
Todays (Day 12) Average relative humidity: ~45%

Evenin! ya the metal tube through a bucket of water actually works quite well. Then again, thats what liquid cooling is based off of :p
Day 13: June 21st 2018

  • Morning Report: Finally the nights are cooling down again with lets the garage cool down a bit. First picture taken at 9:55am
  • Evening Report: Annnnnd it got hot again and even with the doors and windows open it couldnt keep the box from the high 20's even with the redneck AC. I removed the LED light since I am going away from a couple days and I dont want to burn it since I don't know its optimal height yet. She definitely grew today though. Last 2 photos taken at 9:30pm

Todays (Day 13) daily total CFL lights: 18 hours on timer (5am-11pm) with 70w and about 15 hours with 28w also.
Todays (Day 13) Average temp in box: 28°C
Todays (Day 13) Average relative humidity: ~48%

Day 14-16: June 22nd - June 24th 2018

Was camping for 2 days. She grew a bunch while I was gone. first 2 pictures taken friday morning at 10:00am. Last picture taken at 9:00pm Sunday.

Todays (Day 13) daily total CFL lights: 18 hours on timer (5am-11pm) with 70w
Todays (Day 13) Average temp in box: 26°C
Todays (Day 13) Average relative humidity: ~50%

She sure does! It's nice to not have to deal with problems (knocks on wood)

Also I noticed that I have conflicting days on my timelapse videos compared to here. I did days from sprouting on videos and days from glass of water here. I know most people don't care or even notice, but it bothers me :p and hate that I cant edit my posts :(
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