Kassquatch's First Time Indoor Early Miss Auto On The Cheap!

I just realized not only did I repeat the intro on week 2 timelapse, I used day 15 video on day 16. DOH. Proper day 16 coming soon.
Day 23: July 1st 2018

  • Morning Report: Happy Canada Day! She grew about 1/4" in height overnight. I like having my measure stick again! First 2 pictures taken at 10:45am
  • Evening Report: Grew almost a full 1" today. Leaves are over the 5" mark. Other than that not much to report! Things are looking good. Other than I think one of my fans is dying. It revs up, then slows down, about every 10 seconds. It is almost 10 years old and has sailed half way around the world so I will give it that! Last 2 pictures taken at 9:10pm

Todays (Day 23) daily total CFL lights: 18 hours on timer (5am-11pm) with 110w total
Todays (Day 23) Average temp in box: 29°C
Todays (Day 23) Average relative humidity: ~36%

Day 24: July 2nd 2018

  • Morning Report: My intake fan died overnight finally. Will be testing to see if just an exhaust fan is sufficient. Watered this morning. First 2 pictures taken at 10:30am
  • Evening Report: Well, even though it was warming out today, only having the exhaust fan actually kept the box cooler than compared to outside on other days. But with that, the humidity was higher. I took apart the broken fan and tinkered with it and fixed it. I am leaving it off for now to test to see. Other than that, everything is going great. Last 2 pictures taken at 8:40pm

Todays (Day 24) daily total CFL lights: 18 hours on timer (5am-11pm) with 110w total
Todays (Day 24) Average temp in box: 29°C
Todays (Day 24) Average relative humidity: ~50%

I have not! I shall look into that. Thanks!

I was a little worried because this one is growing so much better and taller than my other one, that I may have the lights too high and that she might be stretching. But she looks 'thick' and not thin so I think I am ok.
Day 18 (Day 24 from start) timelapse! The camera actually starting falling very very slowly throughout the day but it made for a great pan-effect :p (ok after watching it, you can't barely notice it except right at the start. I watched it in like 100000x speed and it looked neat. lol) Put it on 2x on youtube settings and you can see!

Hold your hand under the light and check where it's comfortable on the back of your hand and elevate her if you can.

I tried that, but I can hold the back of my hand to up to touching the most powerful bulb. Touching is the only way I feel it being hot. I've even held it there for like 2 mins waiting for it to get warm. Maybe im dead inside (was my wife right all along?!?!?!?!) lol

I think right now it is like 2 or 3 inches above the tallest point on the plant.
I don't really think so in this box. Its getting kinda small already. Too the point I don't know how I am going to record my timelapses soon because its already becoming the full screen size. Which is another reason I was thinking of moving her outside. I didn't really think the size through. I just went off of a the pre-built grow tent size and thought it would be good enough.
Thats interesting! thanks for sharing that! Though they seem to do a lot more to their plant that I am capable of (topping/defoil/etc) but thats also not an auto where mine is and I don't think you are supposed to do that to autos? I dunno. But then again, if a regular plant can fit, an auto definitely should.

Mine is 2.5 ft3, usable space is only about 2 ft3.
well, with the update that happened to the 420forums yesterday, I cant just upload my pictures anymore and have to individually edit each picture and resize them before uploading. I am not doing that. I am already doing more than I planned to start. And Since you cant link to external sites as per rules, I don't know if I will continue posting updates because of it. I may still do the time lapse, I don't know.
Well as said in my other thread, they must of fixed it or something. Because I don't get the back end errors like before. So I shall continue.
Day 25: July 3rd 2018

  • Morning Report: Not much to report. First 2 pictures taken at 9:30am
  • Evening Report: Grew a ton. Timelapse was a bit screwed up in the camera work as a light fell and the camera moved. But ya. Last 2 pictures taken at 9:15pm

Todays (Day 25) daily total CFL lights: 18 hours on timer (5am-11pm) with 110w total
Todays (Day 25) Average temp in box: 29°C
Todays (Day 25) Average relative humidity: ~48%


Day 26: July 4th 2018

  • Morning Report: Big change today. I decided to move her outside. With the fan breaking, and the dust from my garage becoming a pain, and the smell becoming enough that my wife doesn't like it and not wanting to buy a carbon filter, I moved her outside. I kept her under the trees we have for the morning so she got a mix of sun and shade. Sorry for those following for an entire indoor grow on the cheap! Forgot to take pictures.
  • Evening Report: It was a warm one today which is good since the box was usually in the high 20's so it wasn't as much of a shock. All day she was in a mix of sun and shade to help the transition. Overnight will be the real test. It started raining at 8:00pm so I covered her up under the plastic like the last grow and also enclosed her in it to keep some warm in. Last 3 pictures taken at 8:15pm

Todays daily total sunlight: ~15 hours
Todays Average daytime(9am-9pm) temp: 26°C
Previous Nighttime Average temp: N/A°C
Todays Average daytime(9am-9pm) relative humidity: ~51%
Previous Nighttime Average relative humidity: N/A%

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